
  • Hi Everyone
    I am 59 and live in Tasmania, Australia. Would love to join your group to learn and share my experiences. I have been on MFP website for 2 months and have lost 24 lbs using the site along with my FitBit One doing 10,000 steps per day. I have a long way to go and need to loose the around the same again to be where I should be.
    I think reaching the big 60 in 9 months made me realise I really need to do something about myself so here I am :smile:
    Looking forward to participating.
    Cheers from Tasmania
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I made some poor choices tonight and didn’t exercise. Just feeling depressed and let the old bad habits get the best of me again. I wish that this “lifestyle change” stuff would kick in sometime and become automatic! I hate that I revert to old habits when things go wrong. Over by 700 for the day. So I came here to read a few posts and stop myself in my tracks!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Viv - I never exercise on an empty stomach. Even if all I have is a piece of fruit, I have something in my stomach. My feeling is if I wouldn't run a car on empty, why would I run my body that way? A lot of things I've read says that if you exercise on an empty stomach, you burn muscle because the body needs fuel. I usually awake around 6, get dressed (or sometimes even just partly). While I'm getting dressed/putting on a bit of makeup, that's when I usually have some fruit or something along with 24oz of water. Then I exercise, if I'm exercising at home I usually do it then then have a good breakfast. If I'm going to the Y, I usually have breakfast before I go (well, that sort of depends). But I ALWAYS have at least something in my stomach before I start any kind of exercise.

    fitz - did you have a mint skinny cow yesterday in honor of St. Patty's Day?????

    LuAnn - that's great that you portioned out your food. What foods will you be taking with you? If your daughter thinks it costs too much to eat healthy, ask her how much it costs to be sick (doctor visits, tests, miss time from work, maybe hospitalization). Eating healthy actually comes out cheaper in the long run. Actually, I find that healthy eating is CHEAPER, I tend to want smaller portions when I go out to eat or bring things home,

    Jackie - glad you had such a good time. In case anyone is wondering, my asking Jackie what she was doing on this thread was my way of complimenting her.

    Cheryl - so happy for the little bit of sunshine with BIL's nephew, but will continue praying. This must be just awful on his parents.

    Kathy - feel better fast. Even if you are taking two steps forward and three back, at least you aren't taking just 3 back. If you were to have the cortisone shot, don't you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can have the knee replacement?

    jolene - congrats on being on the ladder for a minute. That's great. BTW - what exactly is a Jacob's ladder? A 51 year old chick can do a whoe whole lot, kids don't realize it. I was taking a strength training class a while ago, and I couldn't believe it -- here I was twice the age of most of the people in the class, lifting heavier weights than most of them! That was a real boost to my ego.

    jodois - it was rainy and cold today. I do think mother nature did forget that spring is near. We had to go up to VA to pick up Jessica's cats and we stopped at a rest area to go to the bathroom, and it was SNOWING. Admitted, it didn't stick. But it was so depressing to see that stuff falling from the sky. I do remember a yoga teacher telling us that you really don't want a full stomach, that's why before exercising I might have just a piece of fruit but then have my full breakfast after I exercise.

    Jane in CO - glad those pounds went away! Let's hope they stay far far away. The game with sticks, I think you might be thinking of lacrosse

    ohiomom - that's wonderful that you only gained less than half a pound. Looks like your healthy choices paid off.

    barbie - tell me about how you have to fight weight gain once you get to maintenance. It's really harder than losing the weight.

    Glenda - that was so wonderful of you to get that birthday bundle. I never thought of something like that, pretty cool I must say

    Meg - how wonderful that your student was in class!

    I took food with me while we went up to VA, but we stopped at this place, Country Kitchen, and I had a grilled chicken breast, sweet potato (I don't know why they asked me if I wanted sugar on it, it was so veary sweet), water to drink, and then for the "buffet bar" I got cottage cheese, a bit of lettuce (it was on the bitter side), a few tomatoes, peas, kidney beans (I'd never seen them on a buffet before, nice addition), mushrooms, a little fruit, carrot shavings. In all, I thought I made the best choices possible. I felt it would be too embarrassing to bring in my own food, so I left it in the car. I don't mind bringing my own food into a fast food place, but this was more of a restaurant.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Happy Monday, it is almost Spring!
    MaryC, SE WI
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member

    The Colorado Contingent: Rori, Laura, Brooke and Jane!
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome newbies:happy: :happy:
    Checking-in - having trouble exercising even after I moved the treadmill from the office to the bedroom. Intent was first thing in the A.M. to get onto it. Schedules changed here and now hubby sleeps in during the work week. Oh well. Guess I need to reconfigure to treadmilling in the P.M. Have a great week all MFP ladies and drink the water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Really enjoy my day off today it was a beautiful day outside sunny a little chilly but still love being outside. Took Bella for a long walk by Lake Lowell. Was able to go to the Y with my DH and really enjoy the water today. It was fun spending time with my DH at the Y it was a nice experience.

    As I have been on this journey my approach with food has been portion control it has been working slowly. But I have been looking at various other approaches i have a friend who.has Been having success with the paleo diet? I am a
    Intrigue I always allow carbs potatoes etc just measure but its hard I don't have extra but I really wan@t it. I try to only make enough f
    Enough for that meal so no leftovers on stuff like that. I know during summer when I was losing quicker I would eat meat salads fruits, but I did have some carbs but brown rice sweet potatoes whole wheat bread. As I am study it out thinking of giving this a try. But with all of this has any of you try this? What has your experience been? I am not asking for medical advice just really curious.

    @Glenda I hope you are feeling better.
    @Meg its really cool that your student was back in class.
    @Lila congrats on your weight loss
    @Carole great picture
    @Kathy hope your knee feels better soon.
    @Dee hope your computer problems ago away soon.
    @Linda Clarke welcome
    @Jane hey glad you stop and came for a dose of vitamin F. Those old tapes are the hardest to get rid of aren't they?

    Well better get going a few more things to finish before bed. As I am doing this watching the Biggest Loser too so encouraging.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Liz from Idaho
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Nice pic Jane,thanks for posting.
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    love to read about all of the activities! Need the motivation this week to search for exercises for the big bouncy balls, and need to check out yoga and pilates as today I was told that hip pain is arthritis and at some point in life I will need a hip replacement. that made me feel sick to my stomach. I know that my commitment to better/best life can only help.

    wesseg - so sorry to hear about your BIL nephew. Will be praying for you all tonight.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :angry: What do you do with someone you've caught in a lie? ...this is just so hard. I have been encouraging, mentoring, supporting for the last 1.5 years, yet nothing helps. What will be the button to push to propel the person onto the right path? Man, I'm soooo annoyed, soooo disappointed and all that stuff. I really do not want to go the path of discipline, really really not. I want to find that button!!! :grumble:

    Never mind...I'm going to bed and sleep on it. Thanks for letting me explode. I don't have to deal with it until Friday.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC (where the sun was shining today)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: You are so right to say that weight loss is not a destination and that once you get there you can relax.:noway: “Back when” I lost a lot of weight and over time it all came back with “friends.” :grumble: I expect to be here for a long time. Of course, I am no where near maintenance yet.:ohwell:

    Glenda: Coordination is in short supply here, too. :laugh: I love that you and the kids took food to the food bank as an activity. Good for you, good for the kids, and good for the hungry people who need help.:flowerforyou:

    Robin, PNW: Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Cooky: I’m thinking that all the trappings of celebrity may have gone to Puxatawny Phil’s little head.:wink:

    Meg: Good for you getting 7 points in your fitness competition today. I like the spiritual activity and volunteering aspect very much. It is great to hear that your student was able to be back already.:flowerforyou:

    Linda from Tasmania: Welcome. You’ve already joined just by posting.:flowerforyou:

    janehadji: Reverting to bad habits when things go wrong is something we share. :frown: I have my doubts the new habits will really become automatic, so working on it will need to be the order of the day for me for a LONG time.:ohwell:
    Thanks so much for posting a picture of the Colorado Contingent. Your smiling faces make me happy.:bigsmile:

    DeterminedinA: Enjoy your evening treadmilling. I wonder what you can do to kick start the mornings. You'll figure it out.:wink:

    Liz: We’ve been using paleo diet principles for a long time and are probably safe in calling ourselves semi-paleo. (We aren’t purists.) We are also focused on portion control. Eating this way gives me high protein, high fat, and low carbs. I feel good and have lots of energy. I also have very good blood pressure readings. Last week I had 36/55 percent carbs, 34/30 percent fat, and 30/15 percent protein as weekly averages. Today I have a really high fat count but it isn’t that extreme on average. DH also prefers eating this way. It seems to stabilize his diabetes. He has blood pressure issues and has to be very careful with salt intake. As for weight loss, it is all about calories in and calories out. I’m losing steadily, but not fast.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: It feels so horrible to catch someone in a lie and wonder how many lies you didn’t catch. :cry: I’ve never been able to propel anyone in “the right direction.” They have to want to go the right direction, themselves. My kids went through spells of it growing up, but natural consequences eventually brought them around. I’m proud of the adults they’ve become. :bigsmile: You have my heartfelt sympathy.:heart:

    I had a good walk in the sunshine with the dog today, and got rained on a bit along the way. I’m so glad I have the opportunity to stop in here and participate in this wonderful group.:flowerforyou: Have a good evening, everyone. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well our life took a tumble tonight. My husband was in the family room playing Wii and came in and sat down here with me and said 'Joyce I think I'm having a heart attack'. He was right. They have put 2 stents in and may have to do more in a couple of weeks. I was a cardiac RN before MS made me quit work. I have no experience at all on the wife side of the business. My Dad was in and out many times with angina and open heart surgery but I was the supportive daughter then. This will be a big change for my husband who lives on salty greasy foods and then just walks 2 miles a day 'to remove the calories'. So he will have to change a lot.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    wow ,that must have been totally scary`so I am guessing he is in the hospital and resting comfortably.. my prayers are with him and you and your family... sometimes it takes something like that to scare you straight so to speak:wink:
    Love the picture of the Colorado Contingent,wonderful to put a face to the name..
    We got some snow, ice ,freezing rain, and rain..hopefully this is it.:angry:
    My heel was really hurting last night ,so I am going to try and do a bit of exercise here today, I have resistance bands,yoga mat,and will work on my core..
    I checked out the weighted hula hoops on amazon,I thought about it ,and while it might be good for some, I dont think it would work for me. With my Poly-Cystic Kidney disease my kidneys are enlarged with cysts so I dont want to damage them anymore with a hula hoop.
    I did get a nice 8 hrs sleep so feeling good .
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for Tuesday, March 19
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    LuAnn:smile: Hope you have a wonderful time with your DD, DSIL & DGS!!! Enjoy your time off!

    Jackie :smile: You look fabulous in that sparkly dress, and those shoes:love: …Love them!!!

    Kathy:smile: Car repair surprises are not good:noway: , I`m glad her car is in good working order now! Hope your knee feels better soon! My brother just had a cortisone shot yesterday for his knee, he had surgery on it last year but it didn`t do much at helping.

    Jolene :smile: Jacob`s ladder looks wicked:devil: ! I`ll be cheering you on to build up your time!!!

    Jodios :smile: I know you`ve enjoyed having your kids home, it is nice when you can get back to your own routine though.

    Phyllis :smile: I would love the recipe for curry carrot cauliflower soup, it sounds delish! I don`t think any of us like the mammograms….but they are necessary, I have an appt. coming up soon too.

    JaneH :smile: My FitBit counts marching steps too, didn`t know that until you said you did it, I tried it and it works! Thanks for sharing the pic of you beautiful Co. ladies!!!

    Katla :smile: Hope DH is feeling better today! I would not want a raccoon under my house either! Hope your neighbor is not back to her old tricks!

    Ohiomom :smile: Congrats on being so good on your vacation!

    Barbie:smile: Noel comes up and gazes at me with her beautiful brown eyes and waggy butt and I know that means “lets go for a walk”. I have to say I usually enjoy it as much as she does!

    Glenda :smile: What a wonderful activity for you and your grandchildren! I`m going to check with our food bank and see if they accept birthday items…what a wonderful idea!

    Robin :smile: Hope DH is feeling better today! Yay for not gaining!!!!

    Carol :smile: It is very hard to keep up with all the ladies here, we are just a very chatty bunch!!! I don`t get to respond the way I used to, there never seems to be enough time in the day anymore:ohwell: .

    Gail:smile: The weather is so odd isn`t it? It was 79 degrees on Saturday and just beautiful and Sunday and Monday it was rainy, windy and cold…..tomorrow is the first day of spring:bigsmile: , it doesn`t feel like it though:sad: !

    It`s after7am already and I need to get this day started! Sorry for all those I missed! I`ve read all the posts and I`m thinking about you all!!!

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Phyllis in Cairo “Just made an awesome Curry Carrot Cauliflower soup for dinner. If any one wants the recipe let me know!” Yummmm, yes please on the recipe :flowerforyou:

    Jane in CO – Yay for the 4 lbs. gone!!!!!!! Also, I believe you’re envisioning lacrosse not rugby

    Ohiomomof2 – Wow, that’s impressive that you could indulge in Texas’ finest and only gain ½ lb. You deserve to pat yourself on the back :drinker:

    Barbie – good for you for getting back to your weight training! I’m sure the dogs get plenty of “mom time” too

    Glenda – I agree with you about the Jacob’s Ladder contraption I'm not nearly coordinated enough :blushing:

    Robin – glad you’ve gotten the complaint filed, hope something positive comes from it, hope you and DH feel 100% real soon

    Meg – the fitness competition sounds terrific, a great way to stay focused on the healthy options (and a prize to boot!)

    Linda from Tasmania – Welcome and congratulations on your loss so far, you are on the right track. You’ll this group of women to be witty, wise and supportive

    Jane – Do NOT beat yourself up. We’re all human, it’s just important that you recognize the pattern (and you do) and don’t allow one day to become one week, etc. You’ve got this girl!

    Renny – sorry to hear you’re dealing with those frustrations, hope your sleeping on it helps to guide you

    Joyce – OMG so sorry to hear about your husband’s heart attack, how frightening that must have been for you both. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery


    Brooke from Colorado
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump before work! :smile:
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Jane in Colorado, We all have those days every once in a while. Holding virtual hands and keeping you in the game !:flowerforyou:
    Love the picture!
    Renny, sending you peace and faith that you will find that button:flowerforyou:
    Joyce, Many prayers to you and your Hubby:flowerforyou:
    Linda in Australia, Welcome to the group! You will love it !:smile:
    Katla, I think you are right about Puxatawny Phil:laugh:

    Carol in Western NY
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    The Colorado Contingent is GORGEOUS! If anyone's in the Philly area, I'm up for a "contigent," lol.

    Exermom: I knew you were complimenting me, I just wanted to put it out there that I am a master of disguise, lol.

    Jane: One day of "alternative" food choices doesn't wreck a body or your health or fitness level. Hopefully, neither does three days or my ship is sunk. Never beat yourself up over anything. We need to be our biggest fans.

    Baseball season is getting ready to launch! Tomorrow night, my teenager and I have a 4-6 social at the Diamond Club for appetizers and cocktails, and a tour of Citizens Bank Park, as well as photo ops. Every year they pick (lottery I'm sure) from season ticket/partial season ticket holders a few people to attend. Thank goodness my daughter will be there because I'll skip the cocktails for sure (not the case last Saturday night).

    Everyone enjoy this day. Spring is tomorrow. Someone needs to tell the weather.

  • Meg
    I go to Tops and we are always looking for some new kind of competition. I loved what you and co workers are doing with points for various things. I'm taking the idea to our next meeting. thank you for sharing. :flowerforyou: Sharon