

  • Nelliebird1430
    I watch the scale too much also. I will be doing great.. feel like I dropped 5lbs...step on the scale..and gained 1lb. Then my motivation is gone again. This time I weighed myself and will TRY not to weigh again until my Body Revolution time is over. Hopefully that will keep my motivation on track.

    ME!!!! Exactly what they said!! I had the hubbs hide it from me because the fluctuations were really throwing me for a loop and making me think all my hard work was for nothing and making me feel horrible when I think I'm doing good... It just throws me off track! Plus measurements are the way to go!! :tongue:
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    DO IT!!!

    since i started my journey at the beginning of 2012, i've only stepped on the scale twice. the scale is inaccurate to begin with - anything can throw off the number: where you are in your cycle, what you ate that day, if you're bloated, if you're on your period etc etc... why even bother with a number that is inaccurate?!

    go by inches lost - is the best way to measure progress (also how your clothes fit). the last time i checked, i only lost about 15lbs but i went from a size 8/10 pants to a 2. that was back in november 2012 but i'm leaner now with more muscle so i probably gained weight but i don't care because the fat is falling off.
  • melt2svelte
    Do it!

    I don't even own a scale, and have weighed myself once since starting using MFP when I had access to one.

    I rely more on measurements, anyways.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    My scale is the DEVIL!! :laugh: My hubby wants to throw it out the window and so do I most days!!! ACCCCCCCCCCK!!! :sad: I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the POS!!!

    I think this is a GREAT idea and have thought about doing it myself, but haven't had the GUTS to do it... I HATE to admit this, but I am also scale obsessed while I'm trying to lose weight!! :grumble: With that said, I do NOT think I could go a whole MONTH without weighing, but I am going to REALLY try to only do it once a week since I'm new to this (only starting week #5). But, I plan to take your WONDERFUL advice soon... :wink:

    GL everyone!!! Like Vanellope on "Wreck It Ralph" says, "Move Your Molasses!!" :heart: that quote... And, Nike too, "JUST DO IT!!!"

    Anyone who qoutes Wreck it Ralp it ok by me!

    My new favorite movie
  • BMB705
    BMB705 Posts: 7 Member
    This is exactly what I just did. I am a scale addict. When I decided it was time to get serious this time, I asked my husband to hide the.scale, and only let me use it once a week. That worked fine the first week, when I dropped 8lbs of water weight. The last 2 weeks its stayed the same, which was so discouraging. And then I reminded myself that the goal isn't to lose weight fast. Its to develop a healthy lifestyle. Weight loss is just a nice bonus. So my scale is gone, and won't be back until mid April. Maybe even longer. I'm going to focus on feeling, and not allowing a number to change that.
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I've just decided to start following the Road Map and want to let my body adjust so I'm hiding the scale for a few months. I will still measure, since the goal is to lose fat, not necessarily weight, and see what happens. I'm really hoping good things come with this because I've been stuck at 130 (+/-3) for over a year now.
  • daydream_believer
    i have been doing that for the past couple of weeks and would love to keep going! im in :D
  • ladyj_sa
    ladyj_sa Posts: 28
    I'm not sure I could do it all together.... but this morning I decided I need to go to scale rehab. I'll cut down from once a day to once a week and see how it goes ;)
  • Kathleenkirkendoll
    Kathleenkirkendoll Posts: 20 Member
    Like all the others who have responded I have the same problem as well - to repeat what the others have said it is so discouraging not to see the scale change or even go up when you feel you are doing everything 99% correct towards achieving your weight goal
    (exercising and eating properly). I am hiding my scale as well - weigh-ins will be once a week and that is all.
  • slimloloslim
    slimloloslim Posts: 5 Member
    phew! i thought i was alone, i have to stop the obssession
  • mikki1987
    mikki1987 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in. Not weighing myself til the end of this cycle of 30ds :) I go with how I feel, and I feel amazing!!
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    Since regaining 30+lbs of the 120 I lost over 10 years ago, I made a deal with myself:) I don't have to get on the scale as long as I'm actively doing something about the regain. I seriously do not want to know the number. I just don't. So, I am going on how my clothing fits. I do plan on weighing myself once I'm down a few pants sizes though. I have lost a pants size since starting in January.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I did this almost two weeks ago. Well, I didn't hide it, it broke, and I swore I wasn't buying another until at least the first of April. I don't think I can do it. I'm obsessed and weighed every single day. I have been fluctuating between 140.2 and 143 since January! Up a pound, down a pound - was driving me crazy. My "goal" is 135, so hitting 139.ANYTHING is a big deal for me, I just can't seem to get there! I think I'm going to break down and buy one this weekend. I just figure if I couldn't hit below 140 in 2.5 months, what makes me think I can do it in two weeks??? I think it will be a relief to see I am at least not gaining! Who knows..... Good luck to all of you that are putting those scales away! I wish I had the strength to keep doing it, but I don't! :cry:
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I put mine up a couple of weeks ago. The damn thing was driving me nuts, and so I've decided for now, I'm just not going to look. I'm a smart woman and know that if I eat in a deficit and workout things will happen.

    My only concern right now is that I just ordered a Bodymedia and I think I will have to input my weight into the software when I set it up, so I may weigh myself for that purpose. I figure that thing can help me figure out my REAL TDEE better than a calculator can, and I can use it to make sure I'm eating the right amount.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    OKAY...so before I had my husband hide the scale I instinctively jumped on it this morning and found that after doing everything right for weeks have gained 2 more pounds!!!...So off to work my husband went with the scale in his hands LOL...
    This is why I cant have the scale around...It is soooooo discouraging to see the number when you are working so hard...It really makes me want to give up!!!
  • ljmiller11
    ljmiller11 Posts: 67 Member
    I hid the scale on the 28th of February and so far, I have not weighed in. Yay me :blushing: I was weighing once a week and getting fed up with seeing things like 0.2lbs lost.

    It has NOT been easy and some days, I have wanted to weigh in so bad. Instead I have taken my measurements at the midway point (was down 2.5 inches :happy: ) and so something is obviously working. I am crossing everything to see a few pounds loss on the 31st of March but even if I don't, I know I have tried my hardest this month (except last night - dreaded family meal at the chinese restaurant!) and so I'll just keep going until I get to my goal.

    Hide that scale, it'll be the best thing you ever did! x
  • stonetodrop
    stonetodrop Posts: 12 Member
    Good idea. I'm in too. Time to measure and go by how I'm looking/feeling rather than a number.
  • tigermom12
    Jumping up and down and screaming....ME, ME! I technically didn't hide mine. LOL! We are in temporary housing right now and my scale is packed up in storage so I have been unable to weigh myself. I go see my nutritionist today to weigh in for the first time in 2 weeks.

    I actually think I will keep the scale packed away because I was one of those who would totally let the scale dictate my mood. I just know now that I am feeling so good. I don't feel as bloated, I have lots of energy and I am sleeping much better.
  • trouble007
    trouble007 Posts: 18 Member
    This is my second round on MFP. The first time I lost a total of about 50 lbs and I was glued to the scale. I ran, lifted weights, biked, and did all the right stuff, but I developed a really unhealthy relationship with the numbers assigned to me. The other biggee was how many days in a row I logged in. I found out I had thyroid cancer while I was busy kicking butt and taking names and I even logged in from the hospital room during recovery. Then one day I missed... and my triple digit continuity went out the window. And I couldn't weigh myself. Or check the nutritional content of my hospital food. How dumb was that? I had cancer and I was stressing over the calorie content of the food that was meant to help me heal. I gained most my weight back and decided to start again without the scale and without the urge to do anything unhealthy to keep my numbers "appropriate". I started refusing to let docs tell me how much I weighed shortly after I admitted I had a real problem. As a result it's been *easier* this time to appreciate the body I've been given despite the setback.

    So, here's to a shinier round two!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    I'm in!! I will hide it today when I get home from work. I need to detach myself from my scale - it's an unhealthy relationship!