This is why I weigh every day....

sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
My weight is 172lbs as recorded on MFP.
I weigh myself first thing in the morning, every morning.

Last Tuesday I was 170lbs, one day last week I gained 5lbs of weight in 24 hours (weight not fat remember). After a couple of very enjoyable evenings out my maximum for the week was 178lbs - an 8lb difference in high and low for the week.

This morning I'm back to 170lbs.
This is why I weigh every day - so I can understand my daily fluctuations. I know that salty foods, alcohol and even a heavy training day will cause an apparent short-term gain - no drama or hysterical reactions required. It's why I get a little frustrated when I see all these posts "I haven't lost anything this week" or "my weight has gone up by 0.2lbs". That's how your body works, track it over time and be patient.


  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Agree I have also noticed that my weight will change from day to day....I do not stress over it either.
  • bobbyunangst
    I agree. I am new to MFP and I kept reading "don't weigh in often", but I do weigh in about every other day or so. Last week I gained 4 lbs. I got upset because I have been trying so hard. I went to work and told one of the girls there that knows I am on this new path and she said it was most likely water weight from my monthly.

    Now that, that has passed on when I weighed in again the scales show that I have lost my 1st 10 lbs.
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    Agree I have also noticed that my weight will change from day to day....I do not stress over it either.

    Same here!!
  • vlnalto
    vlnalto Posts: 64 Member
    Exactly - learning these variations is helpful for me, along with training myself not to freak out. :)
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I weigh every day too - but I only record on Saturdays.
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    I do the same thing. I will only record on Fridays though... It's nice to see that even my evening weight is lower than what it was when I started!!! I noticed this week (since starting the 30 day shred), that my weight has gone up 1-2lbs. I'm waiting for the day it drops... I'm 2lbs from my first goal!!! I'm getting anxious to hit it this week :smile:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Weighing to understand your body fluctuations is fine. But you only need to do that once or twice and never again. Once you know, that's it. You know.

    Weighing every day whilst trying to lose fat can be very demotivational when people don't fully understand how the body works, therefore I'd advise against a scale all together.

    The number really doesn't matter.

    The number on the scale isn't imprinted on your forehead and nobody asks you every single day "Hey, what do you weigh?" or "Awww, man! I'd Love to weigh that amount"

    More often they'll think "I'd love to look how he/she does"

    People see you, not your number.
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    Yes I weigh everyday it helps me stay on track and i only record once a week.
  • Bolluxed
    Bolluxed Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh everyday and only record the lowest weight of the week on Fridays. If I've been working really hard and eating well but not seeing the weight loss I was hoping for, I just adjust the little black knob on the front of my scale and step back on it. Problem solved :D
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Yes, either weigh yourself often, so you understand, or weigh yourself never, so you don't freak out.
  • wowsrz
    wowsrz Posts: 50 Member
    I weigh myself daily for the same reason. I like to track and see the way different things affect me.
  • Murnique
    Murnique Posts: 9
    I find weighing myself daily helps me maintain my weight since mine tends to go up and down like a yo-yo
  • muffle1969
    muffle1969 Posts: 96 Member
    This morning showed a weight loss of 2 lbs since the day before yesterday. Would be nice if that were accurate, but I'm going to see if it stays around the same for the next couple of days. It is discouraging with all the up and down, but I'm not going to let it completely derail me. :) Thank you for posting...helps with additional perspective.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I found it very helpful to start weighing daily as I'm less freaked about the changes I see.
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    I'm a daily weigher. I use the Libra app on my phone so it creates a graph and I can see a downward trend, even with daily fluctuations.

    When I used to weigh weekly, I got SOOO discouraged after a week of working out and healthy eating, only to get on the scale and see nothing or a gain.

    The weekly build-up/let-down was too detrimental, but somehow the daily fluctuations are easier on my psyche. I only record here when I drop below my last recorded weight.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am the exact same way! It's very interesting!
  • xocrystalox99
    I agree! I see what my weight is on the scale, and I try and look back at the choices of food,excersize I made the day before and see how it affects my weight.. (be it water weight, etc.)
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Weighing everyday in the begining is all fine and good because you generally lose weight very steadily, but once you get into going weeks and sometimes even months without losing an ounce, you will understand :happy:
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I am surprised with how this thread turned out. You sir did good!

    Its odd because I DO NOT weigh myself every day for that same reason. I just go by how my body feel with the workouts and how my clothes fit. I weigh myself after months now (last time was 6 months ago) and I'm much happy. The only reason I even weigh myself anymore is to calculate how much TDEE would be for me