Gluten Free Lifestyle!

Hi there, my husband and I decided that we are going to try and live a Gluten free lifestyle for a while and see if it helps us live a healthier life and lose some weight! I have a family member who has been doing this just for a change and has lost a ton of weight! Yesterday was our first day and it actually went really good! I am amazed at how many foods are out there that are actually Gluten free! The stores also carry some gluten free items for example salad dressings and even snack foods! I think it will be good for us to stay away from flour and junk processed foods! So I guess I was just looking to find others that are on a Gluten free diet or have been before and if anyone had any good recipes or positive suggestions on being Gluten Free! Thanks


  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    I am gluten free (most of the time), I feel much better. I have autoimmune disease that is why I went that way. As far as gluten free snack foods, they can be junk just like regular junk food. You are better off staying away from all processed food and going for free range chicken eggs, grass fed beef, lean turkey and lamb, organic veggies and fruits, quinoa, oats that have not been processed with wheat (organic oats are the best). Good luck! :smile:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm not knocking it, but have you guys stuck with a proper calorie deficit for a while to see if that works? Unless you have a specific need to avoid gluten, it won't make a difference unless you're at a deficit anyway.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I'm trying! I've found there are lots of gluten free groups on Twitter. My local grocery store has a GF newsletter that they send around to tell you what is GF and on sale that week. Here's their recipe collection...

    My boyfriend swears it is all tasteless...yet, he never seems to complain when I make a beef roast.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Do not go gluten free for weight loss. If you have Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance, fine, but otherwise it is just a waste of money. All those gluten free foods are still processed and not any healthier. In fact, if you don't have Celiac, they will most likely do you even more harm. Don't be surprised if you gain weight.

    How about just not eating processed foods and counting calories? Skip the fad diets and save the gluten free food for people who end up in the hospital if they eat regular food.
  • Ade2013
    Ade2013 Posts: 28
    I am coeliac, its great that you are trying to cut out gluten ( its totally unnecessary in many foods/drinks its used in )
    I however wish i could still eat many foods with gluten in lol ( mainly as a treat now and then ) sweets are very limited for coeliacs as are many tinned goods .

    remember many foods still dont say "gluten free" and we have to stand in the supermarket scouring labels just in case ( as they may have some dervative of wheat etc). its pretty much a nightmare for true coeliacs , hence the fact i have gone mainly to natural foods , fish , rice , vegetables. Tescos do a mean gluten free chocolate cake though , and then there are the daim and toblerone cakes that are gluten free - oops guess i shouldnt really be talking about those things on here , i may get lynched lol.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I have noticed that a lot of foods labeled "gluten free" are foods that never had it in the first place... I think it's really funny. Next thing I'm going to see water bottles labeled gluten free.
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    If you stick to unprocessed foods anyway, you basically gluten free or very low on gluten. Remember Bread and Pasta are not whole foods and they are processed even though they are made to be healthy when they are whole wheat form. They still have to be processed to get that way. But it is true for weight loss the deficit is more important, but I want to be healthy and skinnier, not just skinnier.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,226 Member
    I have no choice and I would rather that I did. Skipping breads and pastas does cut down on the calories. I do eat healthy now, lots of fruit, veg and healthy meats. Gluten free foods are more expensive and the junk food is still junk, lots of sugar and fat. Most gf breads I found to be nasty and not worth the calories. I do miss a good piece of french bread, no matter how nutritionally deficient it is. Good luck on your healthy trek.
  • Ade2013
    Ade2013 Posts: 28
    its true much gluten free product is a rip off, i know at one or two local supermarkets - the gluten free version is over double the price of the regular version - check the label and guess what - ingredients are exactly the same !. and the price of a gluten free loaf - dont even start me lol
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    So what's wrong with gluten if you're not intolerant?
  • Ade2013
    Ade2013 Posts: 28
    nothing really wrong with gluten as such - its a cheap way of bulking foods etc, many believe its the amount of gluten in everything we buy that is causing the problem in so many people though - not sure about it myself - just know being a coeliac isnt very nice if i accidentally eat some gluten
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    I also have a gluten free lifestyle (well about 95% of the time). I enjoy it. I find myself just eating more wholesome foods in general, so it was pretty easy to make the switch.

    BTW are you from MT?? I lived there 13 years and will finally be movinig back this fall! I am so excited! It is such a beautiful state!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Hi there, my husband and I decided that we are going to try and live a Gluten free lifestyle for a while and see if it helps us live a healthier life and lose some weight! I have a family member who has been doing this just for a change and has lost a ton of weight! Yesterday was our first day and it actually went really good! I am amazed at how many foods are out there that are actually Gluten free! The stores also carry some gluten free items for example salad dressings and even snack foods! I think it will be good for us to stay away from flour and junk processed foods! So I guess I was just looking to find others that are on a Gluten free diet or have been before and if anyone had any good recipes or positive suggestions on being Gluten Free! Thanks

    I am gluten free and have been for several years!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Hi there, my husband and I decided that we are going to try and live a Gluten free lifestyle for a while and see if it helps us live a healthier life and lose some weight! I have a family member who has been doing this just for a change and has lost a ton of weight! Yesterday was our first day and it actually went really good! I am amazed at how many foods are out there that are actually Gluten free! The stores also carry some gluten free items for example salad dressings and even snack foods! I think it will be good for us to stay away from flour and junk processed foods! So I guess I was just looking to find others that are on a Gluten free diet or have been before and if anyone had any good recipes or positive suggestions on being Gluten Free! Thanks

    I am gluten free and have been for several years!

    And by "gluten free", I mean I eat only veggies/fruit, meat/fish and nuts haha. No processed foods.
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    So what's wrong with gluten if you're not intolerant?

    I know that for many its a fad diet. But there are more and more studies that upwards of 20-40% (cannot remember exactly) of population may be intolerant to gluten. I need to find some of the studies and I post them. They could be the cause of many automimmune diseases. If people are looking for a quick fix for dieting than that is another story. I personally think processed pasta and bread are horrible choices in food no matter what. That is not how we were meant to eat. Don't get me wrong I still have them ever once awhile but I try to stay away from them.
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    So what's wrong with gluten if you're not intolerant?

    Gluten is a biproduct of wheat processing. It is used to bulk up foods and give them more elasticity. Technically it is not a natural substance found in nature, so that is why a lot of people choose to take it out of their diet.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Hi there, my husband and I decided that we are going to try and live a Gluten free lifestyle for a while and see if it helps us live a healthier life and lose some weight! I have a family member who has been doing this just for a change and has lost a ton of weight! Yesterday was our first day and it actually went really good! I am amazed at how many foods are out there that are actually Gluten free! The stores also carry some gluten free items for example salad dressings and even snack foods! I think it will be good for us to stay away from flour and junk processed foods! So I guess I was just looking to find others that are on a Gluten free diet or have been before and if anyone had any good recipes or positive suggestions on being Gluten Free! Thanks
    I am gluten free and have been for several years!
    And by "gluten free", I mean I eat only veggies/fruit, meat/fish and nuts haha. No processed foods.
    This sounds more like a "paleo diet" than gluten-free. While your diet is largely gluten-free, avoiding gluten isn't the main purpose for eating the way you do.
  • mtbke5
    mtbke5 Posts: 96 Member
    I am gluten free also. You can find many gluten free foods in the regular section of the store and not just in the Gluten free part.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have noticed that a lot of foods labeled "gluten free" are foods that never had it in the first place... I think it's really funny. Next thing I'm going to see water bottles labeled gluten free.

    There are paper plates at the grocery we shop that advertise as gluten free and they charge an arm and a leg. I don't care of there's gluten in my paper plate personally. I don't know if it would actually affect someone with a gluten intolerance or not.

    Personally, I find the gluten free thing to be a bit of a craze. I know there are people who have honest to goodness issues, but most people I know that are "gluten free" are just doing it because it's the in thing to do right now. I have a few friends doing it and overall I make far better nutritional choices overall than they can be gluten free and still eat like ****.
  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93
    I am gluten free but not by choice. I have celiac. I have lost a lot of weight though although I don't know why you would want to be gluten free by choice.