Please help! Perfect hardboiled eggs??



  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Put your eggs in a pot of water. Bring it to a boil. Let boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn the burner off. Let the eggs sit in the hot water for 10 minutes.

    That's how I do mine, and they turn out great every time.

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I just tried this new way to hard boil eggs in the oven. Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees. Put eggs in a 12 count muffin tin, stick in the oven and let them cook for 30 minutes. With tongs or slotted spoon trnasfer the eggs to a bowl of cold water and let sit for 10 min. Not only does it cook the eggs, but there is no issue peelig the shell.

    I will have to try that. Thanks.
  • DoneBroughtSexyBack
    as most of the other 100 posts have said...

    bring the pot to a boil
    put in the eggs and make sure they are fully submerged
    pour in baking soda or salt to offset the ph balance to allow easier peeling
    turn down heat to low and let sit for approximately 12-15 minutes
    pour eggs into bowl and rinse with cold water
    crack the bottom of the egg and the top of the egg. Blow through the hole in the top of the egg and it will shoot out of the bottom hole in the shell, ready to eat!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Here is what I do to cook the yolk but not have that black ring around it:

    Only use enough water to cover the eggs, use cold water.
    Put pot on high heat, put eggs in, wait for hard (very bubbly) boil to start.
    Turn heat down to med-high or medium to maintain boil, time for 9 minutes.
    If you don't put the eggs in until the hard boil then I'd set the time to 11-12 minutes.

    Remove eggs when time is up and put in ice bath.

    I personally don't suggest putting the eggs in AFTER the boil starts b/c they might crack
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member

    Perfect eggs, EVERY time. It even buzzes when it's done, so you can't forget about them.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Put your eggs in a pot of water. Bring it to a boil. Let boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn the burner off. Let the eggs sit in the hot water for 10 minutes.

    That's how I do mine, and they turn out great every time.


    Best one.
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    Start eggs off in cold water and a teaspoon of salt on the stove. Bring to a full boil and shut the heat off but leave the pot on the hot burner. If the eggs are room temp leave for 10 minutes if they are straight from the refridge leave them for 13 minutes. After the time is up plop them into ice water until completely cooled.

    This is what I do to and they turn out great every time!
  • htiafyenaffit
    htiafyenaffit Posts: 64 Member
    someone may have said this already but this is instructions on how to bake them and it is seriously perfect makes them so easy to peel too!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I like a well-done but not dry egg. I put them in cold water, let the water boil and boil for 15 minutes. For me, they're perfection.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Fill pot with COLD water, bring to a boil for 1-2 minutes. Shut off the burner and let the eggs sit in the water for an hour or until the water has cooled completely.

    Works every time and no timing required!
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    I have failed at hard boiled eggs every dang time until just this weekend when I tried mixing together a few of the "tips" I'd gathered to make this recipe:

    1.) Put eggs in a single layer on the bottom of a pan.
    2.) Cover eggs in enough cold water to submerge them entirely.
    3.) Add a few tablespoons vinegar and a good dash of salt.
    4.) Bring to a rolling boil.
    5.) Cover and turn off heat.
    6.) Let sit until water is cool enough to put your hand in without hurting (a minimum of half an hour).
    7.) Rinse and peel in cool, running water.

    For the first time EVER, I got perfectly peeled eggs with no green yolk. No matter what method you use, I wish you luck in your battle against the eggs!!

    This ^^ I find that if I let it go after it's to a rolling boil, they get rubbery. But you have to let them stay in the water until they cool enough to handle or you stop the cooking process.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I have one of these, and it works great:


    Just throw it in with your eggs, and it will darken from the outside in .. pull the eggs when the dark ring is where you want it.
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    We make large quanities to keep in the fridge for snacks. Put one whole (in shell) egg in each cup of a cupcake pan. Place in preheated to 350 oven for 30 minutes. Remove from oven, immediately submerging into a bowl of ice water. Let sit in ice water for a few minutes until able to handle. Will cook perfect AND peels perfectly EVERYTIME.


    Place eggs in pot of cold water. Bring to boil. Once water is boiling, turn down to simmer for 10 minutes. Eggs will cook perfectly everytime also.

    I will have to try this oven method next time! Thanks
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Add cold eggs to cold water, enough water so the eggs are completely emmersed. Bring to rolling boil. Remove from heat and cover with lid. Let sit for 10 minutes. Drain and add ice cold water to eggs - they will peel very easily!
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    i boil mine for 7 minutes and let them cool. Perfectly yellow, no green/gray!
  • slobkitten
    So weird seeing some of the suggestions here

    Boil water in a pan, bring to boil, add eggs for 3-4 mins

    It's that simple. Some of you are craaaaazy.
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    Medium boil, drop in hot water, drop of vinegar in the water, wait till they float, blanch in ice cold water, peel and enjoy :D
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I have one of these, and it works great:


    Just throw it in with your eggs, and it will darken from the outside in .. pull the eggs when the dark ring is where you want it.

    I also have this. Perfect eggs everytime. I wait until completely cool before I peel and the peeling comes off easily.
  • shellplen
    shellplen Posts: 31
    put in pan of cold water, bring to boil then 6 minutes. not to hard just right. then if its for a salad straight into cold water to stop it cooking any further.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    Someone told me a while a go, the older the egg the better it will peel. So I always have a carton of eggs kept a week or longer to boil and sure enough they peel perfect every time. I just boil till I remember to take them off the water. I am horrible at timing eggs cooking.