

  • natrob01
    natrob01 Posts: 3 Member
    Please, if you don't mind sharing...how are you doing now?
  • kmjones96
    kmjones96 Posts: 11 Member
    That seems so difficult! I've been obsessed with the scale for years....
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    I weigh in every 2 months. It's definitely the way to go guys!
  • jcperkns
    jcperkns Posts: 109
    When I first started MFP last April, I would weigh myself 2-3 a day. I was obsessed with it! Now that I am close to my goal, I only weigh once a month. As long as my clothes aren't getting tighter, I could care less what the number on the scale is anymore.
  • erinm2629
    erinm2629 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in!! I have been losing the same freakin 3 lbs for a while now. I am only a few pounds from my goal but cannot get to it. I will have my hubby hide mine tonight and will not weigh until mid April or maybe May 1 depending on how i feel about it. I am a daily weigher but have been doing more weight at the gym causing the fluctuations (maybe the fact that i have been a little lax in my eating too). It will be very liberating to be free from the number but i am terrified at the same time!
  • matthewnelson1235
    This might help. THE SCALE IS A TOOL.

    Once you get a grip on that your good to go. Anyone can look in the mirror and say "yep I am fat" checked that box. The scale does not tell all. A body can loose fat, gain muscle and weigh more than when it started, but the dress or pant size goes down. What the scale does is give a data point when combined with measurements to tell if what your doing with caloric intake and excercise is working. The scale tells a part about how your body is changing. To me I would hate to check my weight monthly to find out my diet didnt change anything and I just wasted a month. How depressing would that be.

    Remember its a tool to measure lack of progress that intiates change in your food and excercise habits.
  • kmjones96
    kmjones96 Posts: 11 Member
  • Oakley82
    Oakley82 Posts: 53
    I haven't been on a scale in well over a month. I feel so much better! It used to take me DAYS to get over the horrible feelings of discouragement when I didn't lose a lot. I will weigh again eventually, but not for at least another couple of months. You can do it guys and gals!
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    Like the op, the scale influenced my moods to the point where I was discouraged and not as likely to stick with my plan. For the last two months I have only been weighing myself every 2-4 weeks and it is working out out much better for me. My scale is still in the bathroom for my husband to use but I refuse to step on it until I notice I am losing inches, then I record my lower weight.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I just put mine up really high and out of sight in my closet yesterday, I was going to take the batteries out, but it's some weird watch battery, I figured I'd break it if I screwed around with it. I didn't weigh today for the first time since starting MFP, 235 days today lol, and it feels great! I'm so sick of it dictating my mood also. I'm pretty much at goal, just lifting for body recomp and a bit of HIIT to hopefully lose the baby tummy, so the scale for measuring my progress is really dumb, logically I know this, but doesn't stop me from weighing, and then being pissed, daily. I hope to go for a Thursday weekly weigh in. I really felt good today not weighing and not caring!
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Everyone is doing awesome...I am not getting on the scale until April 23rd!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I decided to wait a month before I weigh in.. let's see how long this lasts!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I have a 10k on April 14th.. I hope not to weigh in until April 12th...
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    Yup! I hid my scale 2 weeks ago and I'm not getting back on it for 2 more weeks!
  • slimgurl13
  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    Away, thnxs....:wink: "Wreck It Ralph" is awesome... I remember playing the game like it was yesterday, one of my favorites...
    Ya can't tell I have kids or that I'm a BIG kid at heart, can ya!!! :laugh:
  • trouble007
    trouble007 Posts: 18 Member
    natrob1---not sure if that was for me, but if it was, I'm peachy. and fluffy. :O)
  • pegasus925
    pegasus925 Posts: 42 Member
    Not me!!!! I have to get on the scale every day to see how I progress. Someone talked me into putting my scale away. I did for like 9 months and I gained weight. Biggest diet mistake I ever made. UG. There is nothng wrong with keeping onself in check. I don't let the scale or anything ele control my mood. Life is too short to be moody.