March Cycling Challenge



  • katozdad
    katozdad Posts: 298 Member
    Mileage so far is:

    01/03/2013 - 31.4 miles - 2 commutes
    02/03/2013 - 12.5 miles - for pleasure
    04/03/2013 - 21.0 miles - 2 commutes
    05/03/2013 - 31.5 miles - 2 commutes
    06/03/2013 - 21.0 miles - 2 commutes
    07/03/2013 - 9.0 miles - 2 commutes
    08/03/2013 - 20.8 miles - 2 commutes
    14/03/2013 - 20.9 miles - 2 commutes
    17/03/2013 - 54.1 miles - for pleasure
    18/03/2013 - 20.8 miles - 2 commutes

    Total so far 243 miles. YTD total is 847 miles.
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Back in. My only goal this month is to beat last month's total, which shouldn't be too hard, theoretically. Trying to up the mileage though to be competitive in theBigYin's classic challenges and not finish DFL (I guess that's better than DNF though :wink: )

    Mar 1: 10.7
    Mar 2: 25.2
    Mar 4: 0.9 (flat tire on way out the door :angry:)

    3/5: 14.2
    3/6: 14.1
    3/7: 19.5
    3/8: 11.5
    3/11: 13.1
    3/12: 15.2
    3/13: 13.9
    3/14: 10.5
    3/15: 18.1

    Total for month: 167
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member

    March 1: 14 miles
    March 2: 6 miles (with my wife awwwww)
    March 3: 13 miles
    March 4: 14 miles
    March 5: 15 miles
    March 6: 0 miles (ridiculous wind)
    March 7: 0 miles (snow)
    March 8: 0 miles (snow)
    March 9: 13 miles
    March 10: 13 miles
    March 11: 14 miles
    March 12: 0 miles (ran)
    March 13: 0 miles (ran)
    March 14: 14 miles
    March 15: 14 miles
    March 16: 0 miles (rain)
    March 17: 19 miles
    March 18: 0 miles (rain)
    March to date: 149 miles
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in 5.2 miles in today. I am going to try to increase by at least a mile per week.
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Goal 13 miles a day average (403 total) (off road)

    Totals so far..
    March 2nd 21.5 miles
    March 3rd 13.8 miles
    March 4th 13 miles
    March 5th 23 miles
    March 6th 8.5 miles
    March 7th 6 miles
    march 8th 8 miles
    march 9th 22 miles
    march 10th 17 miles
    march 11th 8 miles
    march 12th 8 miles
    march 13th 9.6 miles
    march 14th 10.7 miles
    march 15th 6 miles
    march 17th 21 miles
    march 18th 8 miles

    TOTALS 204.1 50.6% -29.9 miles

    198.9 to go

    Half way there. Everywhere is flooded at the moment. Im prob not going to make my goal off road. Might add a few sneaky commutes in.
  • emcm99
    emcm99 Posts: 3
    I'm in. Pick up my new Tricross today. Now if it will stop snowing, sun come out and at least get into the 40's I can try it out.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I got in 5.2 miles in today. I am going to try to increase by at least a mile per week.

    So happy for you! I'm sure you are loving the ability to get out there and put the miles in!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Pulled out a big ride this morning! =)

    March/April Goal: 150 miles (before my due date in early May)
    Goal Completed: 66 miles (44%)

    March 19---16 miles (new max miles! 78 min mixed stationary)
    March 17---7.5 miles (35 min upright stationary)
    March 14---6.5 miles (30 min recumbent stationary)
    March 12---14 miles (70 min mixed stationary)
    March 10---6 miles (30 min stationary)
    March 7---6 miles (30 min stationary)
    March 5---10miles (50min stationary)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I'm in for 805km for march (per my training diary)

    1/3/2013 - 42.96km - - IF 0.661 (easy day)
    2/3/2013 - 104.06km - - IF 0.892 (less easy :laugh:)
    3/3/2013 - rest day
    4/3/2013 - 49.30km - - IF 0.707 (moderate)
    5/3/2013 - 32.89km - - IF 0.703 (moderate)
    6/3/2013 - rest day
    7/3/2013 - 42.90km - - IF 0.775
    8/3/2013 - 14.64km - - IF 0.808 (indoor trainer)
    8/3/2013 - 7.95km - - IF 0.916 (indoor trainer)
    8/3/2013 - 24.51km - - IF 0.653 (indoor trainer)
    9/3/2013 - 43.03km - - IF 0.831 (large portion of rules #5 and #9 required)
    10/3/2013 - rest day
    11/3/2013 - 23.94km - - IF 0.698 (MTB in baltic conditions!)
    12/3/2013 - 42.98km - - IF 0.771
    13/3/2013 - rest day
    14/3/2013 - 49.29km - - IF 0.873
    15/3/2013 - rest day
    16/3/2013 - rest day (fettling bike ready for Classics Challenge)
    17/3/2013 - 110.37km - - IF 0.934 (OUCH!!) (Milan-Sanremo Challenge)
    18/3/2013 - rest day (snowed off!)
    19/3/2013 - 49.31km - - IF 0.856

    Running Total - 638.13km (79% of target)
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Mar 19: 1.1 miles walked; 10.1 miles bikes
    Mar Total: 183.4 miles
    Mar Goal: 250
    % of Total: 73.4%

    Beautiful Phx day, sunny and 78F
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    march 2
    >43.37 miles
    march 3
    >34.36 miles
    march 17 ---->15 miles

  • pep0973
    pep0973 Posts: 7 Member
    Mar 17 - 11.92 Miles.

    Goal 50 Miles in March.

    I used to ride alot. I want to get back into it and ride more.
  • Persephone7676
    Persephone7676 Posts: 91 Member
    163 of my 400 hmmmmmmm.... if this weather will work with me this COULD be done, LOL!
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Goal 13 miles a day average (403 total) (off road)

    Totals so far..
    March 2nd 21.5 miles
    March 3rd 13.8 miles
    March 4th 13 miles
    March 5th 23 miles
    March 6th 8.5 miles
    March 7th 6 miles
    march 8th 8 miles
    march 9th 22 miles
    march 10th 17 miles
    march 11th 8 miles
    march 12th 8 miles
    march 13th 9.6 miles
    march 14th 10.7 miles
    march 15th 6 miles
    march 17th 21 miles
    march 18th 8 miles
    march 18th 9 miles

    TOTALS 213.1 52.8% -33.9 miles

    189.9 to go

    More cyclepaths and bridle ways flooded. Went into town to dodge some buses. Great fun, But not the miles I want.
    This winte/spring is starting to get depressing. The clocks change soon to British Summer Time... What summer? What spring
  • katozdad
    katozdad Posts: 298 Member
    Mileage so far is:

    01/03/2013 - 31.4 miles - 2 commutes
    02/03/2013 - 12.5 miles - for pleasure
    04/03/2013 - 21.0 miles - 2 commutes
    05/03/2013 - 31.5 miles - 2 commutes
    06/03/2013 - 21.0 miles - 2 commutes
    07/03/2013 - 9.0 miles - 2 commutes
    08/03/2013 - 20.8 miles - 2 commutes
    14/03/2013 - 20.9 miles - 2 commutes
    17/03/2013 - 54.1 miles - for pleasure
    18/03/2013 - 20.8 miles - 2 commutes
    20/03/2013 - 18.8 miles - 2 commutes - well work related, but not the usual ride.

    Total so far 262 miles. YTD total is 865 miles.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Mar 20: 14.1 bike miles
    Mar Total: 197.5 miles
    Mar Goal: 250
    % of Total: 79%

    Happy Vernal Equinox everyone!
    Picture of our community rose garden in Mesa, AZ on this beautiful first day of spring xxxx
  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    March Goal - 80 miles
    Feb Mileage - 75.60 miles
    (all indoors, too much snow here!)

    Mileage so far...

    And I need to find a trail-a-bike for my youngest so we can hit the state park trails once the weather warms up (it doesn't warm up here for another month or so and her training wheels make it TOUGH on dirt/rock trails)

    Mileage as of 3/20 - 45.60

    We still have snow on the ground and today was a high of 21 degrees. Come on Spring!!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Mar 20: 14.1 bike miles
    Mar Total: 197.5 miles
    Mar Goal: 250
    % of Total: 79%

    Happy Vernal Equinox everyone!
    Picture of our community rose garden in Mesa, AZ on this beautiful first day of spring xxxx

    Beautiful! What great scenery to motivate a person to ride!
  • Scott15Fit
    Goal was 400km mainly riding to work

    As of 21st March:
    2nd March - 30.95km
    5th March - 32.69km
    6th March - 33.08km
    8th March - 32.72km
    11th March - 17.46km
    13th March - 32.79km
    15th March - 32.69km
    19th March - 32.4km
    20th March - 32.4km
    Out of action atm - knee is sore and a bit inflamed from the cycling. Have switched to swimming for a while.

    Current Total 277.8km (69%)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I'm in for 805km for march (per my training diary)

    1/3/2013 - 42.96km - - IF 0.661 (easy day)
    2/3/2013 - 104.06km - - IF 0.892 (less easy :laugh:)
    3/3/2013 - rest day
    4/3/2013 - 49.30km - - IF 0.707 (moderate)
    5/3/2013 - 32.89km - - IF 0.703 (moderate)
    6/3/2013 - rest day
    7/3/2013 - 42.90km - - IF 0.775
    8/3/2013 - 14.64km - - IF 0.808 (indoor trainer)
    8/3/2013 - 7.95km - - IF 0.916 (indoor trainer)
    8/3/2013 - 24.51km - - IF 0.653 (indoor trainer)
    9/3/2013 - 43.03km - - IF 0.831 (large portion of rules #5 and #9 required)
    10/3/2013 - rest day
    11/3/2013 - 23.94km - - IF 0.698 (MTB in baltic conditions!)
    12/3/2013 - 42.98km - - IF 0.771
    13/3/2013 - rest day
    14/3/2013 - 49.29km - - IF 0.873
    15/3/2013 - rest day
    16/3/2013 - rest day (fettling bike ready for Classics Challenge)
    17/3/2013 - 110.37km - - IF 0.934 (OUCH!!) (Milan-Sanremo Challenge)
    18/3/2013 - rest day (snowed off!)
    19/3/2013 - 49.31km - - IF 0.856
    20/3/2013 - unable to ride
    21/3/2013 - 49.34km - - IF 0.813

    Running Total - 687.47km (85% of target)