If you use MIO in you water it doesn't count?



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Um, what exactly does caffeine have to do with sugar? My coffee has 100 mg of caffeine, and no sugar in it. Are you sure you've thought this through?:huh: Coffee doesn't have any sodium in it, either, other than what's naturally occurring in the water you brew it with.

    Also, 30mg of sodium is not "loaded." Your body wouldn't even notice an extra 30mg. It's insignificant on its own.

    Also, sodium does not equal salt, just like hydrogen does not equal water. There are hundreds of salts that contain no sodium at all.

    I think this is the problem with these kinds of threads, people don't understand basic chemistry.

    Nail on head.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    If it isn't water then what is it when you add the mio? Mine seems to still be water and I count it. As far as the toxins in Mio if I spent an hour on the internet I can find something about every single item I consume and how it will kill me - so give me my MIo! Ohhhh but currently I'm using Dasani Drops - Pineapple Coconut flavor and they're super YUMMERS!

    I had to stop on the way in to work just to pick up some of this because is sounded so good! it is yummers, lol.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Here's one way to look at it.... if you drank the glass of water and then squirted the Mio into your mouth a few moments later, wouldn't you count the glass of water? Of course you would. Same goes for coffee because people certainly can, and do, eat coffee beans.

    Humans need about 64 ounces of water each day but a lot of that water comes in our food and every beverage has some amount of water in it. You don't really need to drink 64 ounces of pure water every day for healthy body function.

    That said, most of us can really do with drinking more water each day and if what helps you is to add a little Mio to it, then go for it. Don't let the "you can only drink plain water for it to count" nazis deter you.

    I pick this one!! lol I'm trying to drink one plain water to my two flavored water.......but it's tough!
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I personally do not like to drink just plain water. I also use MIO and some others (also love the Pineapple Coconut Dasani Drops) or I would be getting no extra water intake;)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    When I cut for comp's I'll drink a few litres of water a day, same of sugar free pop. Needless to say I died and am I writing this from beyond the grave.

    Not enough water and with sweeteners... terrible mix.

    Oooooorrrr, water is water, no matter what it is in. Heck even the sirloin steak I had just had water in, since its 70% water. Think logically people, whatever it is in it, water is water.

    You're body will see it as just that. Water.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Just an FYI on MIO. It give many people KILLER migraines. I have no problem with artificial sweetners. I drink a diet coke a day and use Sweet N Low in my coffee and tea....but MIo made me sick as a dog with just a couple drops in a single water.

    I love my plain water. I crave it constantly.
  • The_Angry_Fish_Guy
    Mio doesnt have caffine. So everyone saying it doesnt count, IMHO are wrong. Its just flava. Damn Hippy's.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I look at it this way: when you have renal disease and are on dialysis, they count the water in everything--even soups and lettuce. Me, my nutritionist says Crystal Light and Mio are just fine added to water, and ALL liquds count, because it is all broken down anyway. If you can tolerate artificial sweeteners and like those added flavors, go for it. Hasn't hurt me, and as a type I diabetic, I enjoy my sweetness from those little bottles and/or packets.....
  • robinmpryor
    robinmpryor Posts: 1 Member
    I am in a weight management progam at the Hernreid Medical Weight Loss Center. I aksed my doctor there, just yesterday, if putting MIO or Crystal Light in my water still counts for my daily intake of water. She told me that it does. She went on to say that anything that doesn't contain caffeine or carbonation counts as water intake, so decaffeinated tea or coffe does count but regular coffee or tea does not. She also said I could even put bullion in water, to help me feel satisfied, and that would even count. So to answer your question, MIO in your water does count as water intake.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    well that makes total sense. chicken broth = water. tea, though, is no bueno.

  • dvin211
    dvin211 Posts: 1
    I just started using the Black cherry Mio for a replacement for all the Mountain Dew I was drinking. At my job they offer free bottled water. .
    I've heard so many negative things about diet soda I figured I would give Mio a try. I guess a better question to ask is Mio better then diet soda?
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I love MIO in the springtime.
    I love MIO in the fall.
    I love MIO in the winter when it drizzles
    I love MIO in the summer when it sizzles.
    I love MIO every moment.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I am in a weight management progam at the Hernreid Medical Weight Loss Center. I aksed my doctor there, just yesterday, if putting MIO or Crystal Light in my water still counts for my daily intake of water. She told me that it does. She went on to say that anything that doesn't contain caffeine or carbonation counts as water intake, so decaffeinated tea or coffe does count but regular coffee or tea does not. She also said I could even put bullion in water, to help me feel satisfied, and that would even count. So to answer your question, MIO in your water does count as water intake.
    Once again.... if you drank a glass of water and ate a handful of coffee beans (they are edible, yanno) wouldn't you count the water?
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    If a glass of water with a slice of lemon for flavour is still considered water, why would water with a squirt of MIO be any different?
  • mom9198
    mom9198 Posts: 83 Member
    Here's one way to look at it.... if you drank the glass of water and then squirted the Mio into your mouth a few moments later, wouldn't you count the glass of water? Of course you would. Same goes for coffee because people certainly can, and do, eat coffee beans.

    Humans need about 64 ounces of water each day but a lot of that water comes in our food and every beverage has some amount of water in it. You don't really need to drink 64 ounces of pure water every day for healthy body function.

    That said, most of us can really do with drinking more water each day and if what helps you is to add a little Mio to it, then go for it. Don't let the "you can only drink plain water for it to count" nazis deter you.
    ^ This^ I couldn't agree more. As a nurse, when I calculated a patient's I & O (ins and outs) we counted all liquid except coffee and cola. If the flavoring keeps you drinking and hydrated, go for it!
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    OK, I don't buy it, but my sister in law says if you put MIO drops in your water you can't count the water as water anymore. I disagree....

    Which way do you fall on this?

    What does your SIL think it is after you put MIO in it, if it's not water?