I need support and I am afraid, really, really scared.....



  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Blood pressure is NO JOKE! See the doctor!

    But to start, just start with 10 min at a time. Just walking. If you don't want to go outside, walk in place while watching TV. If you think 10 min is too much, start with walking during the commercials during a program that you like to watch.

    And remember...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I agree with starting small...that's what I did. First I wanted to get under 200. Then I wanted to get to where I was before the year before...did that. Then I wanted to get to my half way point...did that. Then down to my lowest before I got real heavy and I did that. Each increment was 10-15 pounds. My next goal is my last....12 more pounds. DONT BE AFRAID of losing....be afraid of NOT losing. Your kids need a healthy mom. And DO talk to your doctor....you wont be the first, or the last person he/she will see who needs to lose a lot of weight. And remember....there are people here that have had to lose even more than you. :)
  • jimbridgman
    You can do this. I started out with over 100 pound to lose. I am down about 70 pounds now, and still going.

    I had high blood pressure, I have had type 1 diabetes since I was 1.5 years old, and in the last 12 years had stopped eating right and felt crappy just like you I was afraid to see a doctor as well.

    I found a great doctor, who encouraged me to just start slowly, by taking a walk around my block in the evening and to move more like fidgit when I am sitting at my desk. He also said to make small changes at a time, like eat less carbs, not stop eating them, just eat less of them, and more fiber and veggies too. Then after a few months of that I lost 15 pounds and he suggested I find a good exercise program that I like and do that. I picked P90X (was probably a bad idea, but I did it anyway and it was very hard, but I LOVED it), then I started Insanity and more P90X and I can not get enough exercise now. I walk at night and still do my other programs. I eat more food now that I have in 20 years, and it is healthy, and I feel great.

    Again start with small changes, everyone needs to take things as they can and do what they can, and it will fall into place, if you keep at it, no matter how hard it may seem. Baby steps is the best way to think about it. You doctor is the only one who can really give you a go ahead, to do any exercise, or how to make healthful changes, if you are feeling like this. Please seek your doctor's help ASAP, it is not scary, I promise.
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    PLEASE take the first step and see a doctor! One small step at a time will soon turn into small accomplishments and it will make you realize how strong you really are. Fatigue can be related to depression or a mirage of other things. Some blood work and a general physical can be the starting point. Call and make an appointment TOMORROW! You can do it!!! Add me as a friend if you wish and I will support you all the way.
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Yep, it *is*scary, but it's even scarier *not* to do something about it. Please take the first step and see a doctor. It's amazing how the first move breaks the cycle and how everything starts to fall into place once you know exactly what you're dealing with and how to get there! Courage! :-)
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    FIrst thing tomorrow morning, call your doctor or make an appointment with a therapist, please!

    You said you had something occur that has been hard for you to move past-and I think it would be best to talk to somebody about how it has been effecting you. Staying at home, having no energy, gaining weight can all be symptoms of depression. You deserve a more fulfilling life! Your kids need you-all of you! It is a hard first step, but please take it!
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. Then, first thing tomorrow morning, call a doctor and make an appointment to get yourself checked out. Face that fear first of all. The rest is just a whole series of small steps. You can do this! I believe in you! :bigsmile:
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I don't usually respond to posts like this but please see your doctor, get your health checked and if needed, get some meds to stabiize your moods. You have children so this resounded with me - you need to be healthy and happy for them - please seek help. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • CatMcCheesey
    Are you going to see a doctor? Are you able to?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I know you said you didn't want to, but it would be a really good idea for you to see a doctor. Elevated blood pressure is very dangerous and should not be taken lightly. Before making any dramatic changes to diet or exercise, it is always best to consult a doctor.

    On the plus side, just posting here is a step in the right direction. Even if you don't know where to start, being able to admit that you want to change is the first step and can sometimes be the hardest.
  • m5parr
    m5parr Posts: 21
    Depression could be contributing to your struggle... That could be part of why you are so tired, not the other way around. I'm not a doctor, but I know that I've been through something similar and getting in to talk to someone really helped :) feel free to add me, I started on here 2 months ago and am seeing positive changes in my body and my mood already!!! You can do this!
  • mbrummer
    mbrummer Posts: 24
    Seems like there is part of you that is ready to change. Now get the other part of you kicked into gear. GO SEE THE DOCTOR!!!! IT will be embarassing, yes, but it will be so informative and you will probably leave out of there ready to do something about your health.
    High blood pressure is no joke, also SLEEP APNEA is no joke and if you are morbidly obese, you have a high chance of having this issue. You will change your life with a sleep study and a cpap. My husband was 440lbs, and since the cpap he has dropped to 360 in just a few months. He's probably had sleep apnea for years and never knew it.

    High blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes, all medical conditions that can be reveresed by diet and exercise. When I say diet I don't mean starving yourself. I mean a real change in your life that is sustainable. I started out 345 and I am down to 297. Still have over 100lbs to lose. Still see that number and get angry that I let myself get that big. But it all started with a visit to the doctor and for him to tell me to do something about this now, before I end up in a box.

    I have a step daughter who lives with us that i have to be a role model for. I do not want her hating herself when she gets older, and I do not want her to have our lifestyle when she gets older. She will never say her being overweight was our fault. I will not let that happen. I was pregnant and lost the baby,, probably because I am so overweight. That in itself is something I will never let happen to me again.

    Find your motivation, it isn't always those shining faces infront of you. All to many times I have heard, "You think my kids would be motivation enough for me". They probably are but you need a kick in the *kitten*, and the fear put in you first :). Add me I am honest, i log everyday and you will see I mess up from day to day. But I am clinging to this change I see in myself. YOu can do it, You will do it, and you will look back on this and think how silly it was to be afraid of going to the doctor.
  • lizabeth148
    If you did it before you can do it again, I too have lost it and gained it back and am back at it again. There are certain keys to follow which I'm sure you know if you have done it. We all need support and this is a great outlet for that support. I have not really utilized it to its full potential before but I am this time, got to make a change. I'll help support you and motivate you. Don't be scared to go out and have fun, if people are your real friends they will not judge you for the change in you..but let them see the changes you are making!! you can do it!!
  • bncontrol
    bncontrol Posts: 2 Member
    When I read this I thought it was something I would have wrote. It sounds just like the way things have gone for me over the past few years. I need to drop about 110 lbs. and I just started today. Everything you said is almost identical to my story, but what i encourage you to do is go to the doctor, even though it is scary and you are afraid of what they are going to tell you, you still need to do it. I felt the same way, but I went recently and my blood pressure is very high and I was so tired of being tired, I did not know what to do. So the outcome was not only did I have high blood pressure, I found out there is medical reasons behind the way I have gained wt. and the way I have felt over the last few years. The good thing is the doctor can help me with these issues and get me back on track. You don't have to feel this way. The doctor actually gave me this website and we are going to use it as part of my treatment. We can do this together. I would like to add you guys as a friend, because you all are so helpful. This is the first time I have been to the site, but I already feel like the support is here.

    Have a good night!!
  • liliawodna
    liliawodna Posts: 31 Member
    Hey there! I agree with the above posters about going to the doctor before embarking on anything too drastic Just make sure you pace yourself once you get the go ahead. It might also be helpful to look into a therapist or counselor! I lost a lot of weight years ago and while I know I was healthier, I also needed help building my self esteem back up and help with my depression that caused the weight loss. Simple walks around the block and what my fiance likes to call "small step starts" will not only help your health but they will also help your emotional health as well. Please don't ignore depression or any emotional trauma because they can greatly affect your physical health. You can message me or add me as a friend for support! We are all here for you in your journey and never be afraid to talk to people on here. They are a great source of support! xhugsx
  • Barbarella44
    Barbarella44 Posts: 15 Member
    Don't worry! I am sure the damage is irreversible. Before you start working out again, you should pop in to your Family Doctors to get a physical. If your worried about what they may say, remember they are there to help. Look at the bright side, your Dr. will probably be happy you have decided to take control of your problem (If any). As soon as you start getting back into positive habits, you will have way more energy and determination to continue with your lifestyle change. :flowerforyou: I honestly dislike my annual physical as well, but I just see it as what areas I need to improve on to stay healthy. So don't be scared, start one day at a time.
  • RMNPHike
    RMNPHike Posts: 89 Member
    If you are really scared, maybe it will be easier to visit a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist, so that you don't have to worry about someone who has a vested interest in drugs or surgery (because it is covered by insurance). I have an excellent naturopath who works with an MD and collaborates with other medical specialists. My husband and I needed to lower cholesterol and had a few other issues, and he was able to help us without meds, but because it is all medically supervised, it was very safe. What was so nice was that we went from being really scared and thinking my husband was facing surgery and life-long meds to finding out we could do it all with supplements, nutrition and exercise. It was such good news! I don't know if this is possible for you, but it would be totally worth it to find out.

    On the exercise part, all we did was walk every day for 2 months. You just start with a few minutes, preferably outside, maybe with your kids walking or bike riding along with you. Let us know how it goes. We are with you.

    Exercise is also such a mood-booster!
  • mowree
    mowree Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like you're rallying a great group of ladies for support on here. That should definitely help. I don't have alot of success with weight loss. So you may not view my opinion as credible as some others. However, your statement, "through a very bad emotional trauma" is what caught my attention more than anything. I just want to say to you....be kind to yourself. Emotional trauma is horrible. It scars just as much as physical trauma. Treat yourself well.
  • FifiLaPhue
    FifiLaPhue Posts: 20 Member
    I think I know how you feel, a bit...sometimes I get scared too, scared that this fat will NEVER go away...I feel trapped in gobs of fat.

    I have a congenital heart problem, and that added to the panicky feeling. What if my heart gives out? Well, I pulled my thoughts together, and went to see the doctor...turns out, I was NOT as bad as I thought I was. However, the scary feeling prompted me to start some moderate exercise, and each day it got better. With my doctors guidance, I am losing weight slowly ...

    Do it in baby steps. BABY steps. Cut out one starch at One meal and substitute a green leafy salad ..lots! Then walk around your house 10 times, slowly or as fast as you can. Keep this up for a week. Next week, cut something from another meal as well. Eat more vegs!

    Spend some time meditating. and getting in touch with your spiritual side..cutting off the scary thoughts and thinking good things..and thanking Life for what you have...your children, your home, your pet...whatever you have that is positive. Are your eyes pretty? Focus on that. Today I got my toes painted pink! They look great, and now I look down, NOT at my protruding stomach, but at my pretty pink toes...I bought a pair of sandals to showcase them!.

    Focus on the good things, so your mind will rest and eventually, you will find yourself feeling better. Finally, remember that we sometimes allow OTHER people's opinion of us to define us. Be yourself, be kind to the fat girl and encourage the skinny girl inside to come out into the light.

    I believe we are hiding our real selves behind our fat! Find out who you are hiding, it will be easier to face that person and decide, together, to reveal your real self to the world. Are you afraid of being too fabulous if you got slimmer?
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    Hi there! First of all be proud of yourself that you took the first step to losing weight...which is coming on here. Second of all, stop being afraid. Fear will do nothing for you. All it does is hold you back from the things you dream about or want. Third, go to the doctor. It doesn't matter if you are scared of what he will tell you. He will give you a physical and blood test and let you know where you stand health wise. Then you can set out a battle plan to fight any issues you may have. Losing weight will probably take care over 90% of the issues you have described in your post.

    It will not be an easy road. All of us fight hard when it comes to losing weight, gaining weight, staying fit or gaining muscle. But you can do it. Deep down you are strong and you have to dig deep and grab hold of that strength and hit it hard. You can do this! And don't forget you have children. Not only are you doing this for yourself, but also for them. They need their mother to be strong and healthy.

    Please add me on your list. I would love to help you on this journey. I only started in January and MFP has been such a great help. There are a lot of wonderful people here. Good luck, and stay strong!