Food Police-Boldest Thing Said To You????



  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    The only food police I encounter are here on the forums.

    Apparently, I'm gonna die no matter what I eat or avoid, so I ignore them.
  • minionofevil
    minionofevil Posts: 79 Member
    I was out to eat, I ordered a salad, french fries, and veggie burger (am a vegetarian). Waiter comes with my food, I eat most of it then order a 2person dessert, and he goes "Wow, haven't you had enough?"

    There went his tip.

    Right? Not only did we not tip..We complained to the management, and they gave us a $20 gift card and an apology.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I was feling al ittle grumpy last night and may have food policed my daughter.

    She was trying to stall bedtime, and wanted a little "treat" for being patient at her brother's gymnastics. I offered her a yogurt tube, she declined, saying she was hoping for a chocolate chip cookie, or a piece of her unfinished kit-kat bar. I looked her square on and asked her "How about an apple." She shook her head no. My reply (thanks MFP!) "If you aren't hungry for an apple then you probably aren't hungry at all."

    She had NO idea what I was talking about. Then her and her brother split the apple and were off to bed.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    One time a waitress tried to leave after I only put in my first entree :(
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    One time a waitress tried to leave after I only put in my first entree :(

    One time? :huh:
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I was out to eat, I ordered a salad, french fries, and veggie burger (am a vegetarian). Waiter comes with my food, I eat most of it then order a 2person dessert, and he goes "Wow, haven't you had enough?"

    I proceeded to point to my 8mo pregnant belly and say "the dinner was for me, the dessert is for him".
    I was insatiable from 6mo-8 1/2 (when i had him) and even after, breastfeeding makes me SO hungry.

    Wow I would have complained to the manager about him I'm not even joking, its not his buisness plus why would he even condemn someone buying more food from the restaurant he works at? Firstly rude, secondly nonsensical and lastly creating a bad rep for said place. D:
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I had somebody on here shame me for "all the mcdonalds" I ate.

    She didn't even bother to see that all I got was plain chicken breasts patties when I'd gone.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    The worst thing someone said to me was at Wal-Mart a few years ago. I was walking down one of the aisles toward one of the main aisles and I paused to see if someone was coming before pulling out into the aisle- and you know how sometimes you inadvertently make eye contact with someone in passing? Well I caught this teenage girl's eye (who was being pushed in a cart by who I assume is her boyfriend and another girl is walking with them) and I guess that was just too damn daring of me and not my place to assume the privilege of making eye contact with her and she says "it's called face soap you fat f**k and there's diet pills in the pharmacy too." (This was either right before or just after I had started taking accutane.) I was just shocked- I can't imagine a situation where I'd ever say something like that to someone even in a fight- let alone unprovoked!

    I shouldn't have let it bug me but I cried the whole way back from the store. She's the one who should have been crying and felt ashamed. I had a whole bunch of good responses later- but at the time I was so shocked I couldn't react. And we all know that pulling a George Costanza "jerk store called and they're running out of you" isn't really an effective comeback lol.

    :noway: ((hugs))

    I dunno about the jerk store comment. I use it all the time.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I don't remember getting comments while losing weight, but now that I'm maintaining, I've had co-workers (in good humor) pick on me when I have a treat. I just smile and remind them that I've lost over 100 pounds, I'm well aware of how many calories are in the cake (cookie, chips, etc) that I'm eating. :tongue:
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I try to save about 20% of my calories for indulgences and I was making my Saturday pancakes when my sister stopped by to borrow something a few weeks ago. She came in the kitchen to have a cup of coffee and saw what I was doing.

    Her: "Why are you making pancakes, aren't those bad for you? I thought you were on a diet?"

    Me: "I am. I've lost almost 20 lbs and I haven't given up pancakes or gelato or wine. I'm pretty happy with it."

    She didn't know what to say to that. :laugh:
  • hieunoob
    hieunoob Posts: 2
    I'm on a keto diet, and my girlfriend always chimes in about the amount of bacon and fat I'm consuming, and that I ought to get more veggies. Welllllll, since I've started the diet, I've eaten more veggies this past week than I've gotten probably in the past two months [and probably more than she gets in a month]. Shush, darling, the 5lb I've dropped already can't hear you.
  • minionofevil
    minionofevil Posts: 79 Member
    oh, i had a friend who gave me **** about what I ate. "Well, you know, you eat chips a few times a week and a soda every day!" and I am like "yes, i am not on a super-strict diet. I eat what I want, in moderation. I always stay under calories, so what if I want a soda with lunch or some smartfood for snack?"
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    My spouse...and it was the ONLY time he EVER made a comment like this...

    He knew I had been counting calories, and didn't discourage/encourage...didn't really care which was no biggie.

    I went for ice cream one night and he said..."Do you have enough calories for it?"

  • JessicaJVRadcliffe
    JessicaJVRadcliffe Posts: 201 Member
    I haven't gotten personally food policed much, but my cousin has an annoying habit of food policing how my children eat. My first son's (age 3) diet consists of monstly plain chicken (usually rotisserie with no skin), chicken nuggets (from home), bananas, apples, grapes, carrots, cheerios, granola bars, and Pediasure. She constantly gets on him for not eating enough when we are together, and insists her son (age 4) eats so much more when he really does not. Then, she suggests my 2 y/o daughter eats too much because she has more of an appetite and will eat almost anything. She says things like, "Are you going to let her eat the icing with that birthday cake?" Annoying.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I don't actually think there's anything anyone can say about my food intake that I won't find a little annoying on one level or another.
    In particular, my wife will say something about my eating pork or bacon or something like that when I know it fits my numbers.
  • 4everchanged101
    4everchanged101 Posts: 50 Member
    I have a family member who can't seem to keep their mouth closed esp. on holidays.
  • MbiggsHFD319
    MbiggsHFD319 Posts: 427 Member
    The worst I think I have gotten was a few months ago I stopped at the local confidence store that also has a small restaurant inside, I walked up to the counter and ordered an order of spicy chicken bites, they are my favorite and you only get about 6 little pieces and the lady behind the counter looked at me and said, " you know these are fattening, don't you?" I was not exactly sure what her comment meant or why she said it so I looked her in the eye and said, " I don't think I need to worry about it I have already ran over 6 miles today, so I think it will be okay, what about you?." Left her pretty much speechless and her jaw almost on the floor.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Don't eat so much chocolate.

  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    Hmm...well I've had a couple lol. But, I don't think either were necessarily supposed to "insult" me exactly, just people not thinking before they spoke. Anyways, when I was a freshman in HS (I believe) I was sitting in Algebra class and this boy in my class I was talking to (I don't even remember what I was talking about with him!) just out of the blue told me I had "fat thighs" At this point, I was a sprinter in track, and pretty damn good at it!! He caught me so off guard that I didn't even know what to say. I told my friends about it and I was so embarrassed because I have ALWAYS hated my thighs. They are so big and muscular that I will never have the "feminine" lean legs that every girl wants. Well, one of my girlfriends spoke up and said "those are muscles! At least you have them!" Kinda made me feel better but a freshmen girl, you hate to hear that. My second encounter that I remember was from my future mother-in-law. She was staying at me and my fiance's house and said she liked my sweatpants and had asked me where I got them. I told her and she then asked me what size, I said "they're a large." She then proceeded to say "oh, honey, I'd swim in a large." I could've hit her, I swear. This was JUST before I decided to start losing weight. I told my fiance later that day what his mom had told me, of course I was crying, he said "my mom can be such a *****, I'm sorry." It made me feel good that he was on my side. Now, whenever she sees me, she's always telling me how great I look now and how much weight I've lost. It's nice to hear and I've never told her how much she offended me that day.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When I was 8 months pregnant we were driving thru GA on vacation. We stopped at a little mom and pop BBQ. I ordered a sweet tea, because I always look forward to the deep south and southern tea. The grandma type waitress (now picture pin curled gray hair, apron, round face and body, huge smile, glasses) brings me a huge glass of milk.

    I said thank you, but I ordered sweet tea. She said "Honey, y'all shouldn't be drinking that with child. Now you go on ahead and drink up your milk like a good girl!"

    The funniest thing about it was she had NO problem serving me a PLATTER of BBQ babyback ribs, pound of mac and cheese that had to have a stick of butter in it, the best collard greens I have ever eaten, but had to have a full ham hock, french fries, hush puppies and corn bread.

    THEN she brought us dessert!!

    I think of that woman every time I drink a glass of milk:laugh: