Help ! very small weight loss since November



  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    It sounds like you're doing the right thing. Confirm the amount of calories you should be eating here:

    Choose the 15% calorie deficit to start.

    If you are doing strength training, it is super unlikely that you will see a change on the scale. I have been doing primarily strength training for maybe... 5 or 6 months now:

    I got my body fat percentage measured by a professional in November, and then again, (by the same person) in March, and over that period of time, I had gained 7.5 lbs in Lean Body Mass (organ tissue, muscle, and skeletal tissue) and I had lost 2 lbs of Fat Mass. This calculated to a loss of 2.5% Body Fat Percentage. It also meant that the scale increased by 5.5 lbs.

    SO. Don't worry about that scale if you're doing strength training. Give it time and eventually it will move, when things even out. If you want to know more about this, feel free to friend me, message me, whatever, and I'll try my best to fill you in on what I've learned over the past year.

    ETA: Agree with what people said about increased protein. Moar protein is SUPER important for gaining muscle mass and healing, which THEN helps you to burn fat. :)
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks - I recalculated my calories and Django's calculation was correct. So 1800 kcals / day and I am set at 1740 kcals
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    ARe you measuring your food and everything? I think some people underestimate their calories consumed and over estimate their calories burned.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi there, Im a little older than you and about 1/2 inch taller. Our metabolism isnt going to be exact, but, we are in the right age bracket. I just looked at your calorie intake and exercise and compared to what Im doing now. Im averaging 1 lb per week weight loss. My average calorie intake is about 1600 cals per day. Since I started MFP, I have not exceeded 1800 cals. I exercise for, at least, 30 mins per day, on an eliptical , bike or gardening. I do not eat back all my exercise calories. Usually, I eat back about 1/2 of them. I tried MFP , last year, I lost, very little. I was eating back my exercise calories. For me, eating back all of my calories, did not work. It does for some, it didnt for me. For me, its been try one thing for a while and then try again. Good will happen.
  • sfagans
    sfagans Posts: 13 Member
    I'm no expert, and I understand the low to no weight loss. I restarted I. December and my calorie intake was/is at 1800. I was not loosing any weight but lost inches and I was discouraged, however I continued on the plan and solo. dropped 9lbs in February. I'm back to no weight loss for March, but still loosing inches. I'm 5'7 and starting weight was 250 and 43. Don't give up keep at it. Things will change. I still get discouraged but I keep moving because I know I will reach my goal of 200 lbs. Keep up the good work. You and anyone can add me as friend. We need to motivate each other. P&B. Stephanie
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    To lose weight lower your calories. Log every single day and include every drink and every last bit of food if you want an accurate idea of your calorie intake. If you have not lost weight in the last several months then you have been eating at maintainence and need to cut down on your calories. Keep up the good work with the exercise!
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks for all your support - it's greatly appreciated. I will adjust and hope to see some results by July.