I need support and I am afraid, really, really scared.....



  • arica310
    arica310 Posts: 1
    I too had a horrible 2 years including severe trauma. I literally had to force myself to get up. I was able to take a leave of absence from work and also did that and never returned. It was that bad. I reached my highest weight and my blood pressure was thru the roof. I attempted to join medical weightloss, but for me it was just to drastic and not realistic. So I found this a few months ago and it was slow going at first but I could still eat the things that I was binging on. Just had a little less until I was able to start changing them to better choices. Also I started doing walk away the pounds which is low impact and you can do it in the privacy of ur own home. And yes I have well over 100lbs to go but I make small goals and am over the moon when I at least reach that. Its a tough road to get started on but if u can just make a small 5lb goal a reality, I promise it gets easier and easier! And if you fall off no biggie just get right back on. I have fallen off a few times. But for the first time ever I got right back on an am still reaching those goals. I know its hard to get up and get the ball moving. But U CAN do it!!! Best of luck. U and ur children deserve a happy u!
  • You can do this and there are so many on here that will help and support you, MFP is really helping me stay focused. I have over 100lbs to lose too and started in January - the way I am looking at it is that I can spend one year slowly getting myself back to being healthy and fit and enjoy the years ahead or I can stay as I am and feel like I am living half a life. Face each day as it comes - don't let one day put you off the next, it's only a day after all and before you know it the days will become a week, then a month and soon enough a year will pass and you'll be so glad you started now. Let 2013 be your year to look after you. The success stories on here are so inspirational. Best of luck.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    You can do this! And you have children, so you HAVE to do this. They need you. Please get the help you need for them as well as yourself. You have made a great first step posting this. You know what you need to do, now do it! YOU CAN DO THIS! If you would like to send me a friend request, I will be glad to support you! Don't look at the larger number - make mini goals - my first mini goal was 10% - 23 lbs seems so much more doable that 75 pounds! WE are here for you!
  • Soly33
    Soly33 Posts: 2
    You can do all things with positive people around you. I know its not easy but its not impossible. Do not give up on yourself!
    You are a strong woman, you just dont know it yet. I went to a very similar situation, and now look back and say :wao, was that me making my own life miserable, over people that dont deserve it". Do it a day at a time, slow and then you will change little by little.
    Best luck to you and God bless you! :)
  • pegasus925
    pegasus925 Posts: 42 Member
    You have to be really sick of being fat and out of shape. Can't rely on others to help you, motivate you or deter you. I know after losing close to 100 lbs that losing weight is a slefilsh act. YOU MUST BE SELFISH. Think about yourself and what you really want. It's your body, your life and if YOU want it bad enough you can do it.

    Of course I'm temped and people say to be constantly to go out and drink or have a burger or diet this way or exercise that way? Are they living in your body? no
    If you want it, really want it, you can do it.

    Remember its' 80% diet, 20% exercise
  • ireland5
    ireland5 Posts: 8 Member
    I have not posted for quite some time, but I did take advice from the board and found a doctor. He was great, and did some blood work which I hated, but knew it was the only thing to do. He ran tests on everything he could knowing that taking blood was traumatic for me. Long story short, no diabetes, which was shocking, no elevated cholesterol. Turns out my thyroid is completely burned out, gone, so no metabolism. That is the source of no energy and fatigue. I am now on medication for that, probably forever. Also on the meds for HBP. My energy now is somewhat better. I still have not been able to get a grip on food or exercise, due to depression like a vicious circle. Any advice on how to get started. I am probably around 300 pounds at this point. Thanks all....
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    We are most afraid of things we no nothing about. Go to the doctor!!! Find your starting place. Then one day at a time force yourself to work out for 20 min. You will start to feel better and have more energy ( in as little as a week). As long as you stick with it the rest will follow. You will see results and push yourself harder. I know it is easier said than done but you are worth the effort and so are your kids!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I have not posted for quite some time, but I did take advice from the board and found a doctor. He was great, and did some blood work which I hated, but knew it was the only thing to do. He ran tests on everything he could knowing that taking blood was traumatic for me. Long story short, no diabetes, which was shocking, no elevated cholesterol. Turns out my thyroid is completely burned out, gone, so no metabolism. That is the source of no energy and fatigue. I am now on medication for that, probably forever. Also on the meds for HBP. My energy now is somewhat better. I still have not been able to get a grip on food or exercise, due to depression like a vicious circle. Any advice on how to get started. I am probably around 300 pounds at this point. Thanks all....
    Hi, again. Great to hear that your blood sugar and cholesterol are ok. Let's keep them that way. :smile:
    Glad you found a sympathetic doctor.
    For your next step, I recomment accurate logging of everything you eat. (I gave some other starting ideas on the second page of this thread.) Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    You know what's wrong. Doing nothing about it won't change it. If any of your children were in the same position, would you hesitate to address the issue?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • I could stand to lose 100 pounds, but I'm making my goals much smaller so I don't overwhelm myself in the process of getting healthy. Start small. Say you wanna lose 10 lbs, it'll be a quick victory and you'll have an NSV to share with everyone, then up it to 25lbs, etc. etc. etc. You can do it! Baby steps. If you want a friend who'll give you a supportive motivational kick in the butt, then add me, I'm your girl. But fair warning, I'm honest, I don't sugar coat anything and I call it like I see it. I'll be your biggest cheerleader. Hope we become friends!


    Befriend this lady. Kind, empathetic, motivating, understanding and knowledgeable. Befriend as many of these people as you can find. They will be a massive support to you. And good luck. Very honest post. I really hope you do well and get the results you need.