Looking for friends with 50+ pounds to lose :)

Hey everyone! My name's Amanda, I'm from California, and I'm 18 years old. I'm looking for some friends on here to keep me motivated. I'm currently about 218 pounds, down from 230, since I started weighing myself February or so. I try to go to the gym 5 times a week, and I LOVE Zumba! I can only go twice per week though :p

I'd love some friends who have a lot to lose so we can motivate each other :) I'm trying to get to around 130, but I'll see when I get there. I've never been healthy, really, and my lowest weight was probably in the 170 range. I love to talk and I'd love to motivate you! Send me a friend request and let's kick each other's butts until they're looking good ;)


  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    I have waayyy more then 50lbs to lose, :laugh: but I'm always up for adding new friends to inspire and to get me in check too, and to motivate one another!
    Anyone and everyone feel free to add/friend me! :flowerforyou:
    Good luck to everyone! :drinker:
  • addysan2013
    addysan2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Brittany. I'm 27 mommy of a beautiful 3 year old. Like you i cant remember being below 170... I'm wanting to hit 130-140 I'm at 183 down from 188. :)
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    request on the way. I have about that to lose

    I began at 250 pounds

    and am currently 180 pounds

    my goal is to be about 130-135 pounds
  • Noenvynofear
    Noenvynofear Posts: 137 Member
    looking to lose at most 40 but could definitely do with the motivation of the group if thats ok!
    CW: 142 lbs
    GW: 110-125 :s
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    Jessica- Me too! I'm looking at around 100 pounds to lose. But hey, if I've already lost 12 pounds, I must be doing something right :)

    Brittany- We can definitely do it together :) Your dress is so pretty in your picture!
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    Sweet_gurl- omg, you've already lost 70 pounds.. wow! How long have you been going at it? I'm really hoping to have to body and confidence to wear a swimsuit in public by summer of 2014 :)

    Noenvy- Definitely! Looking foward to motivating each other hehe :)
  • 4mburton
    4mburton Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 47, mother of 5. Oldest 24, youngest are twins age 14. Got sick back in August had surgery in December and gained a lot of weight. Need to lose 65-85 pounds. Because of my surgery the only exercise I'm allowed to do is walking. I'm currently 12 pounds down. Need some motivation.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    4m- You can do it! I'm sorry about your surgery, I hope you're okay now! Amazing job on the 12 pounds lost! You can do it!
  • sent you a request. i have about 100 pounds to lose, anyone else can feel free to add me! :)
  • chalyng
    chalyng Posts: 10
    I just joined today too. I'm 26 year old female looking to lose 90 pounds (I've already lost 12). Good luck on your journey!
  • kosman8807
    kosman8807 Posts: 29 Member
    I will send you a request. I currently have more the 50 to lose, but motivation is a great thing.

    CW: 213
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I'm surprised, I didn't think there would be so many people who were similar to me and wanted to lose weight together. You guys are awesome :)
  • Foxxy18
    Foxxy18 Posts: 119 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 18 as well, looking to lose about 80 pounds(:
  • Sewinator
    Sewinator Posts: 10 Member
    I have lost 11 and have 60 to go. My trainer today said that new studies show exercise is only 10% of the contribution to weight loss. She said that eating healthy is the other 90%. However, she said that exercising will increase your stamina, strenghten your muscles, and make you an overall healthy person. So, no excuses for not exercising! (Darn, I used to be able to exercise and not change my diet). As I get older (53 now) it really is more about eating right AND exercising!
  • heathermarnold
    heathermarnold Posts: 14 Member
    I am 29 with 59 lbs lost! I still have about 80-90 lbs to go. I have not set a definite end goal as of right now.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    You guys are so inspirational :) I'm so proud of the fact you guys have even lost one pound! It's so much harder than people think, you know?
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Amanda!

    It is amazing the support you can get on this site. I am in about the same boat weight wise as you are. I started at 232 in mid December 2012. I took the 2 weeks around the holidays off (& gained 7lbs), but got really serious the first of the year. As of last Monday I had lost 33lbs, since on MFP. I actually had lost some before I joined so total is about 36lb to date.

    I am 5'6", and would like to get down to around 150lbs. I haven't seen 130lbs since I was 17 years old. I think for my body type and build I will be good at around 145-150. So I still have at least 46 more to go. Close enough to 50! :tongue:

    I have a trip planned to Jamacia in Nov. and want to be able to have lost the weight and be maintaining before I go.

    I will take all the support I can get and can be a great cheer leader! :drinker:

    Friend me if you would like.
  • I'm adding ya. I had 135lbs total to loose, 125 now.
    I also am having a hard time keeping my calories above 1200 but I trying! =]
  • lailahmed
    lailahmed Posts: 38 Member
    Here I am lol.... want to lose more than that, add me guys, am on everyday , lets motivate eachother!
  • candieprayz
    candieprayz Posts: 29 Member
    Hey there! I have a good ways to go as well! So far I have lost 32 lbs since Thanksgiving. I joined MFP in January. This site has been a great tool! I am exercising and staying under my daily calorie allowance and carbs. Jillian Michael's 30 day shred kicks my rear end! lol Sometimes I feel like she is killing me hahaha!

    Anyways I sent you a friend request and a few others here as well. If anyone wants to add me, feel free! I think it is great for us to be able to come on here and motivate each other! See you around! :flowerforyou: