Dr oz never get sick chocolate cake



  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Never heard of this before. I'm going to try it this weekend. Actually sounds really good.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member

    This is a link to the recipe. Interesting that it does not give the nutrition data. Supposed to boost immunity. It sounds like an enormous amount of work and calories. I wonder what the recommendation is for how often one should eat this cake to stay healthy.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Make regular cake, eat a smaller portion. Get enough sleep, wash your hands after you poop, and accept the fact that some times you may get sick no matter what you do.

    Thank you :laugh:
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Fail. I get sick when I see or hear mention of Dr. Oz.
  • pbandjulia
    pbandjulia Posts: 2 Member
    This cake is delicious! Everyone who is saying negative comments and hasn't even TRIED THE CAKE is an idiot.. Seriously.. So to the original poster of the question, it is delicious, satisfying & doesn't weigh you down or make you feel bad/crashing from a sugar high! Please try it, you won't regret it. :)
  • pbandjulia
    pbandjulia Posts: 2 Member
    Also.. This isn't a Dr. Oz cake it is from Dr. Joel Fuhrman! Look him up. I agree sometimes I feel like Dr. Oz contradicts himself or is trying to sell things. But this is actually good and it had over 8 grams of protein and fiber and all natural sugar. Just saying..
  • kermiehiho
    kermiehiho Posts: 193 Member
    Dr Oz - already suspicious.

    read ingredients. WELL... I can pretty much guarantee that cake would MAKE ME sick. It sounds yucky.
    Actually, sounds like a carrot cake to me. I wouldn't mind trying if I had nothing else to do.
  • ladydeee
    ladydeee Posts: 29 Member
    This cake is delicious! Everyone who is saying negative comments and hasn't even TRIED THE CAKE is an idiot.. Seriously.. So to the original poster of the question, it is delicious, satisfying & doesn't weigh you down or make you feel bad/crashing from a sugar high! Please try it, you won't regret it. :)

    Thanks I will try it.
  • bellyboosmom
    bellyboosmom Posts: 55 Member
    I stopped reading after Dr. Oz....

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I'm shocked... no raspberry ketones in the ingredients?
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    I don't know who Dr Oz is but that cake recipe looks gorgeous. Beetroot cake, zucchini muffins and carrot cake are all really delicious individually (even though the idea of it is freaky for those of us who don't like their vegetables) so why wouldn't it work together?

    And if it gets you 1 portion of vegetables, for a slice of cake, well that's a bonus surely!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I was skeptical at first, but it doesn't sound that bad. It's a lot more nutritious (and probably much better) than that awful 3-2-1 cake everyone's always raving about.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Dr. Oz? :indifferent:
  • steedal
    steedal Posts: 1
    I made this cake last weekend and it tastes wonderful and only gets better each day. It wasn't too much work to make either. I'm going to make it again this weekend!!
  • BalmyD
    BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
    Okay. I've been experimenting with veggie quickbreads (zucchini, carrot, pumpkin) lately and they've been very moist and scrumptious, so I will also try this cake. If its friggin' delicious, then it certainly won't hurt that the veggies are there.
  • NCMaggieD
    I attempted to make this cake twice because on the first attempt I forgot to add the ingredients I'd blended in the Vitamix. Luckily there was enough for a 2nd attempt, and the cake turned out great! It tastes better after cooling and MUCH better after a day in the refrigerator. My family thought it was similar to a fruit cake and everyone loved it - right down to the 3 year-old. We now consider it a family favorite and I will make it again for Christmas.

    Hints: I used all organic ingredients; all nuts, dates, etc. were from bins at Whole Foods and so were cheaper than pre-packaged; I used skim milk rather than additive-laden commercial almond or soy milk; I don't have a food processor so used a salad shredder for beets, carrots, and zucchini; be sure to check dates for pits - I forgot and so had to dig out pit bits after Vitamix chopped them up; don't be alarmed by how thick the batter is - I really thought there had been an error in the recipe, but it baked perfectly.

    This cake takes a LOT of time to shop for all the ingredients, prep, and assembly, but it is well worth it!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Never get sick cake? Dr Oz? Seems legit.

    yeah lol

    the world's ills cured by a cake. No more HIV epidemic, just eat the cake then have sex with and/or share needles with whoever you want and you *won't get sick*. Forget malaria pills, just eat the Dr Oz cake when you go trekking through unexplored tropical rainforests. Want to go swimming in the sea by a sewage outlet? Never fear! Dr Oz;s cake will protect you from gastroenteritis and whatever other nasties are swimming in those waters! No need to have any vaccines ever again! Who needs a needle stuck in them when they could eat a yummy cake instead! And no more antibiotics, in fact we may as well just close all the hospitals apart from one department to treat injuries, because if everyone eats Dr Oz's cake, they will NEVER GET SICK!!!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    It just seems to have too many ingredients really. Much as I don't like Dr Oz, I am willing to entertain the notion that he might have a nice cake recipe, of course the 'never get sick' part is bollocks, if you actually read something into that it says more about you than Dr Oz, frankly.

    I'd sooner have a carrot cake or a courgette cake anyway - and for those who have never tried a courgette cake, its nice, I think the courgettes are really there just to make the cake moist, it certainly doesn't taste of them.