Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Thanks everyone for the wishes about my dad..I have been ok so far, thus I have only been up for 18 minutes..I reliezed yesterday morning I can run 5.73 minutes right under an hour, I have to be at work at 7 so gonna head out at 450 and run and then come home and get ready for work..I hope were busy. I gotta go food shopping when I get home from work..My husbnd said something yesterday to the tune of, justin when we get up in the morning we need to start washing clothes and cleaning house...we will see.. fr fathers day he got 4 new games to play on his playstation 3, so I wont hold my breath...

    Well gonna jet, Happy Faher's Day to everyone out thee..Andrew hope you have a fabulous day!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Father's day to all our daddies!

    Wanted to let you all know that on Wednesday I had what may have been a TIA, or mini-stroke. worries I have no side effects and my brain is as good as before!

    I was an hour from home and GOD brought me to the best hospital around for this issue. AMAZING.....I could have been anywhere, chose to drive home.........ended up in any hospital,.

    During all the tests they found a hole in my heart called a PFO (mine was an ASD/PFO)

    When we are in utero we have this and it closes up when we are born. In some ppl it never closes completely and I was one of those ppl.

    I had a procedure like when they do angioplasty........but they use a patch to close the hole. When they got in it was much bigger than they thought. Good thing I was directed here, they found the issue, and fixed it.

    I have always had this irrational fear of having a stroke......guess not so irrational, huh? :laugh:

    I cannot workout for a while, but think I lost some weight on my diet of IV drip :wink:

    Good news is I may have a more effective use of oxygen and can work out better when I am allowed! WoOT!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Jeannie- Holy smokes lady! I am so glad you are alright. I'm also glad you checked in, I was thinking yesterday I was sending out a search party for you, but I didn't think about looking in hospitals! It sounds as if it all worked out well and you will be even better in the end.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Jeannie- No worries?! Woman, I'll worry if I want to! OMG seriously don't scare me like that. You have become a very important person around here and My heart fell into my feet when DW told me. You just follow docs orders and come back even stronger. Love you to bits woman. you hang in there.

    Marla-Glad you reconnected with your dad. I know what you mean, My father has been far from perfect. But he kept me alive to adulthood and I know that he loves me. Also-So glad to hear about Sarah, You guys have invested so much time and money into her golfing future. It's nice to see someone else take some of the load. Good stuff.

    Richie- Negative Biopsies RULE!. Good new! excellent.

    Lori-That boot camp sounds FUN. I want to go to so I can be one of the younger guys whining while you run circles around me. 149 eh. That's awesome. Your a friggin super hero I swear =)

    Shuntae- Great job on the race. Definately dont get caught up in the 87 seconds. If I didnt live in Maine I probably wouldnt run. Can't stand the heat. I look up to you for it. Keep on inspiring us.

    Enjoying fathers day with the Kiddos. Taking my boys to see toy story 3. I feel lucky to have such great kids. Healthy happy boys. And when I look at them I can almost see the third one with them. I am truley blessed to have such great kids and such an amazing woman to share them with. Fathers day truley is a day for me to celebrate. I hope you all have a great fathers day.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Jeannie-- oh my goodness-- what a scare! I've been on the go so much since Wednesday with Aaron's golf, and then my company visit yesterday, I hadn't even noticed you weren't around to worry in the first place. I'm a terrible friend!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so glad you're okay. Please, please, please take care of yourself and obey doctor's orders. You are the heart and soul here, woman, so heal that heart and bring it back to us whole.

    I love you to bits, too-- so glad you were led to good care. God is good.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Jeannie - Take care friend! It's not the same when you're not checking in. :heart:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    My. Body. Hurts. Sent the kids down to our basement Friday as a storm was on it's way. They came running back up to say we had water in the basement. I'm not talking a little bit of water. I'm talking water all the way up to our first stair step. Had to call DH to tell him we had a big problem. What a freaking nightmare! Hauled a pick up bed's worth of ruing stuff out of the basement. Bought a new wet/dry vac yesterday. Came home and sucked carpets out as best as we could. Cut the carpet into pieces so we can haul them up to get rid of them. Again, I say, my body hurts.....
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    My. Body. Hurts. Sent the kids down to our basement Friday as a storm was on it's way. They came running back up to say we had water in the basement. I'm not talking a little bit of water. I'm talking water all the way up to our first stair step. Had to call DH to tell him we had a big problem. What a freaking nightmare! Hauled a pick up bed's worth of ruing stuff out of the basement. Bought a new wet/dry vac yesterday. Came home and sucked carpets out as best as we could. Cut the carpet into pieces so we can haul them up to get rid of them. Again, I say, my body hurts.....

    that means, uh, you got a good workout, then, uh, right? (trying to accentuate the positive-- )

    Blech-- sorry for the basement. Always something-- :grumble: :noway:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Kati- I know the amount of work that kind of mess takes. We were hit at one of our rentals in Maryland, we were away for Thanksgiving and came home to a huge mess, 18 inches of water. It was like that for several days while we were gone and it smelled so bad. It's not a quick and easy clean up, we lost a lot of stuff, it was 2 of our bedrooms and a family room, plus all of our storage down there. Nightmare. I feel for ya!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    so, my friend Hilary told my kids a story yesterday-- seems she and I went into a photo both one day in our teens. After the photo, she commented, "You look great, but I look like a guy."

    She says I answered her, "Well, but you're a good looking guy."

    Did I always have a mouth????

    Sheesh-- seems so.

  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: JEANNIE! So glad you are ok! I was thinking the same things as the other BT members....was so thankful you were checking in regularly for a couple of days and then nothing. God was watching out for you my friend! He is making you stronger!:heart::heart:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    My. Body. Hurts. Sent the kids down to our basement Friday as a storm was on it's way. They came running back up to say we had water in the basement. I'm not talking a little bit of water. I'm talking water all the way up to our first stair step. Had to call DH to tell him we had a big problem. What a freaking nightmare! Hauled a pick up bed's worth of ruing stuff out of the basement. Bought a new wet/dry vac yesterday. Came home and sucked carpets out as best as we could. Cut the carpet into pieces so we can haul them up to get rid of them. Again, I say, my body hurts.....

    yuck! sorry to hear of your troubles Katie....lots of damage I imagine
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Jeannie-:heart: I too, will worry if I want to worry. Take care of yourself.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My dear sweet ya to bits as Marla says!

    I am home and FINE.....seriously this is the type of thing they found by accident and likely saved my life.

    Here is the bad news...............FIVE DAYS IN THE HOSPITAL WITH NO FOOD AND I DID NOT LOSE A POUND:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble:

    :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: I could care less..........but it IS too funny. Wed morning I was 136.5. I thought "Well I ate nothing for 48 hours, ate a cardio (blech) diet for 2 days, and only half of that.............I HAD to have dropped 2 pounds, huh??



    Love you all

    :heart: Jeannie
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Jeannie- sometimes accidents are awesome. You've got to remember though, if you weren't eating, they were giving you your nutritional needs in your IV, still calories my dear, even if you didn't chew and swallow them! Plus, seriously, the number on the scale at this very moment is soooo insignificant! Rest up and I'm so happy you are back here. Just seeing your name and pic always reminds me of sunshine and puppy dogs. You are positively delightful!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Seriously, I have to jump in-- Jeannie, my dear friend, you were the first person on here to teach me to open up and let my heart show-- to embrace and love, and be embraced and loved-- (actually Fitness Chick, rest her soul, taught me to be myself and let the chips fall where they may after I got totally slammed for my snap out of it-ness very early on-- )

    I still remember your sweet picture, with you looking over the backseat of your car--

    This sounds like a eulogy-- ha-- but, you're so important to us all here with your wit, humor, kindness, passion, compassion, friendliness and love-- don't go scaring us again, woman. :angry:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey team..busy busy busy day at work today..ran my 5.73 miles before made my lunch went to work.,didntt have time to eat any of it, wore my HRM to work wanted to see what I burnt in 7 hours over 1000 calores..Kids wanted to take dad to cici's piza bufffet so i said ok...

    12 dollar for us all to eat!! i will work out tomorrow morning and morning evening to try and off set the pizza buffet..If I gain I gain, it was a holiday and the first one without my dad!!! No excuses thought just wanted to enjoy time with my kiddos and wonderful hubby..

    Fixin to drink a cup of coffee then maybe off to bed I am one tired puppy!!

    Jeannie Glad you are ok!! You take care of yourself!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Seriously, I have to jump in-- Jeannie, my dear friend, you were the first person on here to teach me to open up and let my heart show-- to embrace and love, and be embraced and loved-- (actually Fitness Chick, rest her soul, taught me to be myself and let the chips fall where they may after I got totally slammed for my snap out of it-ness very early on-- )

    I still remember your sweet picture, with you looking over the backseat of your car--

    This sounds like a eulogy-- ha-- but, you're so important to us all here with your wit, humor, kindness, passion, compassion, friendliness and love-- don't go scaring us again, woman. :angry:
    Changed av for you! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Seriously, I have to jump in-- Jeannie, my dear friend, you were the first person on here to teach me to open up and let my heart show-- to embrace and love, and be embraced and loved-- (actually Fitness Chick, rest her soul, taught me to be myself and let the chips fall where they may after I got totally slammed for my snap out of it-ness very early on-- )

    I still remember your sweet picture, with you looking over the backseat of your car--

    This sounds like a eulogy-- ha-- but, you're so important to us all here with your wit, humor, kindness, passion, compassion, friendliness and love-- don't go scaring us again, woman. :angry:
    Changed av for you! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Bon soir, mon equipe de noir! Comment allez vous? Je suis tres fatigue!!!!!!

    yes, I am all THAT-- I can greet you in French, even! Go freakin' figure!

    Had a hard 5 mile run. Really wanted 6 tonight, but getting over a cold, haven't run since Tuesday, and Faith needed a ride home from a party, AND last but not least, my feet hurt and my legs were T-I-R-E-D so I bagged it after 5.

    I do believe I need to keep working on a different 6 mile route. The end of 5 miles is right around the corner from my house, so it's too tempting to stop. Mental note.

    Had a lovely little "beep beep" from somebody while I was running. Always a shot in the arm to a sweaty old lady. I must admit-- I do look awfully hard core out there. My water bottle, tank top, Asics shoes-- hoo-- I'd beep at me too. Ha.

    At first I thought it was my son-- I thought at first it was his car. But, that was silly of me-- he'd sooner run me over for his inheritance money (or what he thinks he'd get) than give his mother a beep of support. Punk.

    Spent a couple hours at the pool with the kids tonight. Very discouraged about the tummy tum-tum. How far a stomach has fallen since last year. Really at a loss what to try next. It is really gross in the ol' bathing suit.

    Oh well-- need to type-- hope all had a lovely weekend.