Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Checking in ...busy day will check back later!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Trying to watch the football/soccer and not get too animated and scream :mad: at the tv - still have 1 year old mindee here and might wake her up!!!

    Trying to decide what to eat, as hubby hasn't got home yet and I was witing for him to get in to eat :huh:

    Have a good night friends, and see you tomorrow :laugh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Awww. A picture from a swimsuit catalog? Hot dang! I'm making it my new profile pic. LOL. You guys are great.

    Tamara- I think it was you that said about before pics and progress....dear, you of all people need to sit down and take a look. 4 oz? Really? That's like one good swig of water. You kill yourself out there. Take a few minutes to look back and see how far you have come.

    Routines are great. Unfortunately, it didn't exactly go that way this AM. I decided to cut the dogs nails since he was slipping on the floors. Cut one too short, bled and bled and bled. He was excited everybody was up, wouldn't lay still so I could get it stopped. Him and I were fighting.

    Alex always has a hard time with goodbye...or I'll see you soon....and since he was leaving with my sister and I won't see him for 3 weeks there were a lot of tears from him.

    By the time I got out of the house to run, it was after 7, already over 90 and humid as heck. I decided to walk and sort of regroup and get my head back together after last week. So I walked 3 miles and then hit the gym for Zumba where I was less than impressed with my calorie burn. All told I got 750 out of everything. I'm greedy, I wanted more. Oh well.

    Before guests arrive its' clean, clean, clean.... after guests leave it's clean, clean, clean. I know what I'm doing today. It will be a weird few weeks. 2 kids short, hubs gone on weekends, actually the other 2 kids are gone the last week of the month and I will be alone. ALL ALONE for 4 whole days. It will be glorious!

    Have a wonderful day all. By the way, where has Shuntae been? I can't even recall if she's been on Facebook for awhile.

    Lori-I know I know I know I am way to critical of myself, as I got home today to get ready for dinner, I put my size 6 shorts on and I have room to play with in them and I just got them out of the dryer..So I am ok, just hate to see a plus no matter how small it is...But I am good gonna go to dinner to have my carbs to fuel my run for tomorrow, ten miles planned for tomorrow so gonna get my carbs...

    Hope everyone has a great evening!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Checking in.

    +Food OK. Running fabulous. Sticking at 144-145.
    +Baltimore 10 Miler tomorrow with a forecast of 90. Thank God for 7:30 race start, as well as insane amounts of water and G2. (Taking a break with a fabulous glass of wine, then back to the water.)
    +Swamped at work, but that means job security.
    +Sort of started the wedding planning. Found dress I am in love with and can't wait to try on.
    +Got an odd compliment the other day at work...something like "Aren't you excited that you're already skinny for your wedding and you don't have to do the crash thing?" Yes, I am glad to be fit and much smaller, but I wouldn't do the crash thing even if I were heavy. Hmm.
    +That's it.

    Love to all.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    The immeasurable family time, Batman, is of more value than the measurable exercise time. Squeezing them both together is priceless. Great job.

    Quick note-- Sarah had gotten an e-mail out of the blue this week from a man interested in funding her golf, as a private sponsor. No fanfare. No strings. He met last night with Sarah and my husband-- long story short, he has been researching her for the past two years. He's a golf nut. Retired CFO from a pharmaceuticals affiliated company, has more money than God, and looks for people of character who could be "the next great" golfer but is hamstrung by finances.

    He bought them dinner last night, and handed Sarah $2,000 cash last night as a show of faith, and said an additional check will be sent shortly.

    Folks-- there are angels watching over this girl.

    He told her she shouldn't have to worry about "playing to make a cut" with financial worries over her head. And he wants to help take those worries away. And all he wants in return is to see her smile.

    Unreal. They had a lovely 2 hour dinner, talked about golf, shared personal stories-- truly an amazing turn of events.

    So, she is funded for the rest of this year, and he has committed to all of next year as well, it seems. (if I understood the details correctly-- I was already asleep when hubs called)

    How cool is that?

    need to scoot-- my old dear friend is visiting tomorrow with her three kids-- Hilary was my very first friend when I moved to New Jersey from Ohio in 1970, and we've been friends ever since. We were in each other's weddings, et cetera-- lots of memories. Haven't seen her in a couple years-- life has bowled us both over. So, tomorrow should be awesome. We're heading to the pool, barbeque in the evening, and heading to our township's local firework display tomorrow night. (I don't know why the towns in my area have their fireworks before July 4th-- you can't even find any in the area on Independence Day-- wth?)

    anyway-- I digress-- and ramble-- some things never change.


    Totally missed this one...nothing short of a miracle, my friend. So happy for Sarah and the family!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks, Shuntae-- disappointing outing for her again this week, however. She missed the cut again, so onto Hammond, Indiana next week.

    Her new benefactor is putting Sarah and my husband up in St. Louis for the weekend so they can continue to get to know each other, play some golf together-- all that jazz. What an experience.

    Got all my typing in by midnight-- pay cycle ends tonight, so that's cool. I have a hair appointment at 8am-- finally going to get this mane trimmed. I had the layers from hell cut into my hair right after Caleb was born, trying to recreate my '80s hair style. Only problem-- I don't have my '80s hair anymore. Thicker. Coarser. Wavier. Totally didn't like the layers.

    So I've been growing them out, and have been trimming it myself each time a layer grows long enough. However, after two years, it's beyond me-- I need a real trim. I hate getting my hair cut-- nobody can ever manage my hair. Every stylist since I was a kid comments on how they've never seen a head of hair like mine, and how hard it is to cut-- and then they prove it by butchering it.

    We'll see-- I have an idea in mind what I want-- no layers, but maybe some angling around the face-- I don't know-- we'll see.

    anyway-- need to scoot-- long day. Basketball games. Grocery shopping. Typing. Golf fretting. Ugh. Unfortunately, no running, but there just wasn't time in the day today-- plus, the cold is going down in the chest. If I laugh or breathe hard, I can't help but hack and cough-- so, maybe it's best I chill anyway--

    Oh well-- still rambling--

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning everyone..Heading out for my 10 mile run..bought me a new fanny pack that holds water, but its so hot here already gonna put G2 in it to get my electrolytes in..Then maybe head for a spin class if I am not to wore out...Then heading to cracker barrel meeting up with an old friend of mine, who said I would never be able to lose the weight the way I ate..She has not seen me in a few months I think she will be shocked..

    Then we are celebrating fathers day today, where ever he wants to go what ever he wants to do it his..He and my son have 4 services call to run first thing this morning so I will be able to get my workout in without him saying..honey when are y ou gonna be done?? Then I am excited about getting my pecan pancakes..I have been so good lately about getting them havent had them in weeks maybe even a mointh or so..

    Went to chilis with the fam last night...son ate 3/4 of the burger and I ate 1/4 and about 8 fries we all shared a small order of cheese jalapenos fries..then hubby took kids to the gas stataion to get them a milkshake in the milkshke machine and I had a few bites of each one of them..didnt get my own, but sure could of...My son had cookies and cream my daughter had chocolate and my honey had caramel...

    Yes Lori I know I already said it to myself while typing this..the old me would have ate the whole cheeseburger and all the fries and then went to the gas station and got my own milkshake, so yes I have come a long way, and I am really hard on my body..I almost curled back up and went back to sleep when the alarm went off but I had my coffee already brewing and I smelt it, and I knew I was eating pecan pancakes so its all good..If I feel tired after 5 miles I will head home, but gonna do as many as I can!!!

    Ya'll have an awesome day..Tomorrow is gonna be rough for me, hopefully will keep my emotions in check, it will be my first fathers day with out the best dad in the world..I love you Dad!!!

    Oh yeah my honey bought me a music card for my fuze that has 1000 country songs on it, so thats what will get me through my run, I am excited!!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :love: my biopsy was what a sigh of relief Thanks for the support. Grandkids here all weekend nice and hot so it should be a good weekend to swim and have fun. Happy Fathers Day
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    :love: my biopsy was what a sigh of relief Thanks for the support. Grandkids here all weekend nice and hot so it should be a good weekend to swim and have fun. Happy Fathers Day

    Awesome news!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    Headed out to the park to take a boot camp class that the gym offers. It's hot out there (90 degrees and 100% humidity at 7 AM), plus the instructor kicks some serious *kitten*. I may live to tell about it.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    great news, Richie-- whew!

    Lori-- have a great time.

    I was up and out by 7:48 for my haircut....on a beautiful morning. Would have liked to run, but no time, plus arthritis is kicking me *kitten* today. Hands and feet on fire today-- youch. I can never figure out the variables on what makes it hurt worse one day more than others-- :grumble:

    Company coming around noon, need to stay moving in the right direction-- salads to make, cakes to bake, lawns to mow, carpets to vacuum-- you know the routine, Lori-- mine's only staying an afternoon, though, and we'll be at the pool-- so I don't have to go nutso.

    Have a great day everyone--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    Boot camp was good and I had fun. Run, pushups, run, hill sprints, run, other torture exercise, run, water, run, hill sprints, run, steps and pushups, run, suicides, run.... get the drift? An hour of it. Next time I know to take a towel. Abs in the grass when you are covered in sweat leave you covered with dirt, grime, twigs, leaves. But I will for sure go back. 750 calories in an hour, so I got a good burn. That is my kind of workout.

    Some of the young punk guys were whining like little school girls and I HUNG the whole time. :bigsmile:

    *whisper* I saw 149.6 on the scale this morning.

    *scream* 140's! I got you baby!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Boot camp was good and I had fun. Run, pushups, run, hill sprints, run, other torture exercise, run, water, run, hill sprints, run, steps and pushups, run, suicides, run.... get the drift? An hour of it. Next time I know to take a towel. Abs in the grass when you are covered in sweat leave you covered with dirt, grime, twigs, leaves. But I will for sure go back. 750 calories in an hour, so I got a good burn. That is my kind of workout.

    Some of the young punk guys were whining like little school girls and I HUNG the whole time. :bigsmile:

    *whisper* I saw 149.6 on the scale this morning.

    *scream* 140's! I got you baby!

    that sounds awesome!

    three cheers for 140's. I'll be happy if I ever see 169 again. Sheesh!

    But, I'm not going to complain....monthly vow and all that jazz!

    My new bathing suit didn't come in yet.... :grumble: and I'm going to the pool today. Fudgesicles.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Lori- Congrats on the 140s...that's wonderful!

    Marla- Have a great day at the pool!

    Richie- So glad to hear that your biopsy came back OK...enjoy your time with the grandkids!!

    So, I've survived my second major race of the year...and it was freaking awesome! All week, I had been trying to wrap my head around not having a time goal - just finishing, knowing that it was going to be HOT. I really tried, but the bigger part of me just wanted to break that 2 hour mark. Still waiting for official time, but not sure I made it. Was definitely close. It was a hilly course, and miles 8-9.5 were pretty rough, but I did it. Ran every step, except for through the water stops...stayed hydrated, and just felt amazing.

    Parts of this course will also be on the marathon course in October, and this race gave me just the confidence boost I needed to know that I really can do it. Bring on 26.2!

    Planning to lay low the rest of the day, then we're doing the Father's Day thing with DF's (?) parents tomorrow. Looking forward to relaxing. Have a great weekend, everyone!

    ETA: Official time 2:01:27...87 seconds over goal. Dammit. At least I finished and felt strong doing it. :tongue:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Richie - Glad everything came out well.

    Lori - 140s??? Woot Woot to you! If I get into the 140s I'm leaving my husband!:laugh: :laugh: that's what I tell him anyway...because I will be so smokin hot at that weight, the suitors will be all around me.....I told him I would find a sugar daddy and keep him on the side:wink: He was ok with that!:smooched:

    Marla - Sorry the suit didn't come in time for your gathering today. I'm sure you looked great anyway!

    Shuntae - 87 seconds? Really? you are beating yourself up over that? You rock girl and we are all very proud of you? Did you where that heavy rock on your finger during the race? Maybe that would've given you that extra 87 seconds:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It is hot out there. Running buddies just signed up for the Rock and Roll 1/2 Sept 18th in Philly but it is same day that we will heading to a Penn State football game. there is another 1/2 in November I think I going to aim for....need a goal right.

    Tamara- It does feel very strange for me as well. I went to the Hallmark store and it was the first time in my 47 years that I didn't buy a card for my dad. I am so grateful for all the great years I had with him. Have a few toasts to your pop, he will hear you! A friend of ours just died Friday...50 years old..just dropped dead in his store (owned a dollar store) performing an autopsy but suspect heart attack. Now his children (2 in high school) are without a dad tomorrow...very sad.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: to all!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Thanks Donna I will be working so my mind will be else where..Gonna get up at 415 am and run 5.73 miles before work in the morning...We are celebrating fathers day with hubby today since I burned almost 1700 calories today...I am super proud of myself..

    Lori swim suit pictures inspired me, so I went and bought me one, one that I think maybe I could wear without a shirt..I was able to buy an size 8/10 and its cute..real cute..I dont know how to get pictures up on here but wednesday I plan of taking the kiddos swimming and will take a picture of me and try to get it on here..

    AN 8/10 medium bathing suit???? Me tamara...who woulda thought??/ Sorry just replaying it in my mind..

    11.5 mile run this morning and 11.22 miles done in spin class..yeah me!!

    Well gonna go lay down with my princess..she has been AMAZING again today...Wow 2 days this week she has been fantastic..Maybe she is growing out of the litle girl stage and growing up to be my big girl...!!! I sure hope so!! I dont do whinning very well!!

    Well honey and son are home after a long hot work day!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    Hey guys! Good day, busy day! Hope everybody is having a wonderful weekend.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ladies, I'm sorry you lost your dads and that this year will be so hard. As for me, this is the first year in nearly 10, I think, where I will be sending my father a card. He may never be the father I "want" or "need" or the grandpa that my kids deserve, but he's the only dad I got. And I'm glad I have him back. So happy that God decided in His perfect time that it was time for the standoff to end the day my dad unexpectedly answered my mother's cell phone-- hearing his voice, and blurting out "I miss you" to him-- well, t'was nothing this stubborn woman planned. God's timing, my friends, is perfect.

    I had a simply lovely day with my old friend. She is THERE in nearly every warm and happy, funny childhood memory I have. Her three kids are positively adorable, and they meshed perfectly with mine. You couldn't have drawn a better day. Truly wonderful.

    As for me and my suit, Donna-- sadly, NO, did NOT look good in mine today. Belly floof was at its worst. Holding major water again. TOM is here, so I guess that's the most of it. 175 on the scale this morning, which is 8 pounds up from where I'd been holding steady all through last year-- 1200 calories all this week, to boot-- rather aggravating, to put it mildly.

    This evening, I did indulge in dessert, and had some Chex mix at the pool that my friend's daughter had made-- nibbles here and there, but nothing major. I drank water and had an apple, and finished Caleb's-- so, the eating (barring tonight) has been spot on. I don't know what else to do or try, so I'll just keep pressing on.

    arthritis in my left foot is awful today-- maybe I need to watch for a connection for when the pain really hits, and the water weight-- need to pay more attention to all of this, I think-- hmmmmmm.

    Much more to yap about, but way too tired-- still have some typing to do-- may *kitten* out and do it tomorrow, though-- zzzzzz.

    Later, my friends--

    Shuntae-- I'm so proud. I got the urge to do my 1/2 because of you, so I'm your biggest fan. Lots of love, my friend, and many congrats.

    Everyone else-- you raise me up-- all of you-- it's all I can do NOT to yap about all of you incessantly to my family and "friends." you're all such a part of me. :heart:

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Checking in...long last three days. Two swim meets..very long swim meets. Won both so that's a plus.

    :heart: Black Team !
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Morning all

    Happy Fathers Day to everones hubby, dad, tridad, and my biggest hugs to Tamara and Donna - this will be the first fathers day for me as well without my dad :frown:

    Had an absolutely great day yesterday with hubby. We went to a wedding of one of his work collegues and I fit comfortable into a sirt and top that were tight on me last year. It was really interesting to look at how other people were dressed, and helped me feel so much better about myself :happy: .

    Glad that you all had a great saturday, will check back later need to go and sort out the washing and bits that didn't get done yesterday :huh:
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