Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    I miss you guys! Off to watch a movie. Later dudes.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Miss you, too, Lori! :smooched:

    Sooooo glad you're having a nice time.

    Just talked to my (ex) sister-in-law-- airfares dropped this evening, so she booked her flight. She'll be coming up to visit 7/3-7/10.

    Very excited!!!

    Long day-- soccer practice, basketball games, now typing-- need to scoot.

    Hope all is well.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    ok dr update...he is dehydrated and has severe nasal blockage, due to allergies and being outside playing baseball and he has a pulled muscle from his rib to his groin area...and yeah and a low grade fever...I text the coach and told him he wouldnt be at baseball practice yesterday afternoon as it was 97 degree with 100% humidity and told him what was wrong..He said how did that happen..I text back your guess is as good as mine!! Could it be because you had them practice in the hea sat afternoon for 90 minutes and then play a baseball pame for 100 minutes when it was blazing hot outside..maybe??? I know the game was on sat and this all happened monday, but still, he wouldnt have been dyhydrated if they did play so much on sat..The dr put him on 400 mg ibupreon for the muscle strain and if he is still light headed this morning I have to take him back to have blood drawn so they can see where his blood count is. He was light headed yesterday stomach ache and headache, so I dont know..Hope my baby feels better soon, dont like it when he is lounges around...

    Well today is my big calories burn with working out and then 2 classes..Ya'll have an awesome day I am outta here!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :drinker: have a great day everyone
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,064 Member
    Morning all,

    Have walked for 90 minutes this morning, and feel good for it. Was supposed to be walking with the sea caadets for 3 hours tonight, but Thomas is ill with an upset tum and has been put on diacalm (he can't go for 30 minutes without having to go to the toilet), so there is no way we will be going out tonight. So I will get the boys into bed and then do some of my open university course.

    Have a great day all
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    Good morning out there! Some of our team has been MIA lately.

    Remember your goals! Are you thinking of them every day? Are you striving to meet them? You can do this!

    I have been doing really good considering all I've been faced with. I haven't worked out as long/hard as I've wanted to, but I have done what I can fit in. Come Friday I am going to kick some serious *kitten*, guests will be gone, as well as my 2 kids for the next 3 weeks, as they are leaving with my sister and going to their dad's house.

    Here's what I can tell you. I did not eat chips. I did not eat banana bread. I did not eat hubs birthday cake. I did not eat donuts. I did not drink soda, eat chips, eat cookies, eat candy or any other temptation that has been in my house. I didnt' even lick the frosting off my fingers when I was serving the crap to others! I washed it off.

    Not sure how the scale will react this week, truly it's been up a pound or so all week, but my schedule has been whacked, I"ve been out in the sun and heat, I haven't been getting enough sleep, so I will accept what it says and continue doing what I'm doing.

    The scale will move again, I know this because I CAN do this and I WILL make it happen! That my friends is how this is done!

    I set my alarm for 5:30 to get in some cardio before the waterpark, guess it's time to get my keister outta this bed and get moving. Have a wondeful day.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Only have 5 minutes to say hello! Well I did up at 5 am and lived to tell the tale.

    Sweetrevenge PMd me and we met up at our gym. I feel really good now!

    Can someone take my boss to lunch at 12pm so I can take a nap at my desk??? :laugh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Only have 5 minutes to say hello! Well I did up at 5 am and lived to tell the tale.

    Sweetrevenge PMd me and we met up at our gym. I feel really good now!

    Can someone take my boss to lunch at 12pm so I can take a nap at my desk??? :laugh:

    Jeannie Super proud of you fo getting a move on, as far as taking your boss to lunch I am off today dont think I can help!!

    Lori- super proud of all the, I didnt eat,

    I had a great workout this morning 90 minutes 900 calories now fixin to go back for abs class and spin, ya'll have a great day!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Great motivational speech, dear Lori, to keep us moving. You rock.

    I'd decided to increase my calories and to zigzag 'em, et cetera-- but after spending some time last night reading on perimenopause and weight gain, et cetera, there are scores and scores of testimonials from women my age going through exactly what I am-- exercising, eating right and still gaining.

    So, I'm GETTING that this is NOT just a normal plateau that I can shock into action with more calories. Or at least, I'm not willing to risk gaining more, let's put it that way.

    I'm dropping my calories for a couple weeks to 1200 and see what's up.

    As for my body-- it's fighting me every step of the way. Intestinal bug has been very slow in leaving. I've had bathroom issues since Friday night. A little better this morning, I think, but not great.

    I'm eating well-- within calories, albeit a raised version for the past week, and have had to resort to drinking some of them in Powerade just to get 'em in. I can't bring myself to eat 2,000 calories.....

    Anyway-- I'm rambling. I'm still here, still fighting.

    Need to type.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Morning Everyone! Thanks for the pick me up speech Lori! Need a kick in the *kitten*! We had our quarterly birthday luncheon yesterday and I did have birthday cake! boy was it good! just sayin!

    DD is down at the beach this week and hubs is starting his separation anxieties already on her starting college in the fall. "Did you hear from her today?" No dear, its ok....they will come back....they always do!

    Zumba tonight! Fighting cold/allergies....not going to stop me.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    You all know I love my kids, right? But, you also know I'm fine with nine-- not really interested in ten.

    So, I always 2uge4p4.gif on the morning when I find out that yes, indeedy, number ten is most DEFINITELY NOT on the way.

    I also 47b20s0.gif and loveshower.gif and dancing1.gif.

    Am I making myself clear here?

  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    You all know I love my kids, right? But, you also know I'm fine with nine-- not really interested in ten.

    So, I always 2uge4p4.gif on the morning when I find out that yes, indeedy, number ten is most DEFINITELY NOT on the way.

    I also 47b20s0.gif and loveshower.gif and dancing1.gif.

    Am I making myself clear here?


    ya know...they have figured out what causes this right?:laugh: :laugh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Marla- your to much..just got home from spin and abs class 600 calories burned for a total of 1500 calories burned for the day just got done having peanut butter toast with fresh cantaloupe...

    Taking son back to the dr this morning he is not feeling well still and they are gonna draw blood on him...Then he is coming home and going back to bed!!!

    I am off to go take a shower and head to the dr!!

    Have an awesome day..I will eat 2000 calories today...I will feel like I am eating all day!!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Marla- your to much..just got home from spin and abs class 600 calories burned for a total of 1500 calories burned for the day just got done having peanut butter toast with fresh cantaloupe...

    Taking son back to the dr this morning he is not feeling well still and they are gonna draw blood on him...Then he is coming home and going back to bed!!!

    I am off to go take a shower and head to the dr!!

    Have an awesome day..I will eat 2000 calories today...I will feel like I am eating all day!!!

    Tamara - Hope your son is feeling better soon. No fun being sick!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,932 Member
    Marla - Prayers for your mother.

    Tamara & Tanya - Prayers for your sons. Hope they both get feeling better soon.

    Lori - Glad you're having a good time with your family! Thanks for the pick me up. I needed that today as I had a "if it's not stapled down, I'm eating it" day yesterday.

    Jeannie - So proud of you for getting up early and getting to the gym with your new MFP friend!

    Have a short work week this week as I'm using two vacation days. One yesterday and one Friday. Looking forward to a long weekend because I also have next Monday off. I sure hope we get out of this rain pattern we're in. We're hoping to camp for Father's Day weekend.

    Take care black team!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You all know I love my kids, right? But, you also know I'm fine with nine-- not really interested in ten.

    So, I always 2uge4p4.gif on the morning when I find out that yes, indeedy, number ten is most DEFINITELY NOT on the way.

    I also 47b20s0.gif and loveshower.gif and dancing1.gif.

    Am I making myself clear here?


    :huh: there is a chance? :flowerforyou: Lucky you!

    :tongue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    You all know I love my kids, right? But, you also know I'm fine with nine-- not really interested in ten.

    So, I always 2uge4p4.gif on the morning when I find out that yes, indeedy, number ten is most DEFINITELY NOT on the way.

    I also 47b20s0.gif and loveshower.gif and dancing1.gif.

    Am I making myself clear here?


    :huh: there is a chance? :flowerforyou: Lucky you!

    :tongue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh, we've flown without a net all these years, believing it's God's choice not ours how many we should have. "Blessed is the man whose quiver is full," and all that jazz.

    Always 2vsj1nm.gif2vsj1nm.gif2vsj1nm.gif to learn that God and me are on the same page. :wink:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Marla...Yay on no #10 and prayers for your mom.

    Jeannie...I've said it before and I'll say it again. Only thing I do that early is sleep. WTG !
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    so, my son may be SLOOOWLY getting it. David was here today to use the computer.

    We had some heart to heart over the kitchen table. He was complaining about how much money he's spending on food, gas for his, uh, mobile home as it were-- et cetera. I told him that he didn't know how good he had it-- free food, lodging, laundry services, love-- but that he didn't honor it.

    He'd already admitted Sunday when he was here that not only had he no respect for authority, but no respect for anything and that he had much to figure out.

    Today, as we were talking, I told him that even Kevin, Sarah's suitor, misses the family unit we have here and he'd only been exposed to it for a week.

    Aaron, the dope, then spoke up and said he didn't get that. Didn't understand the attraction. ( I won't begin to tell you how my heart sank at that one-- Et Tu, Brute?-- here we go again-- ) so, of all people, DAVID began to explain it to him, to extol the virtues of our family--

    Among the virtues he cited were the honesty we have when dealing with each other, in a way that no family he knows does, the relationships we have and the love-- uh, hello? Glad you're learning this lesson, my son-- sure wish to hell you'd have respected all of the above before you were given the final boot.

    Too soon to tell whether there is long-term gain-- he's still very unstable. Flies off the handle at all problems-- problems that are caused by him, and he knows it, and admits it. He asked today, "And I've learned from exactly WHAT lesson in my life thus far?" I told him to give me a minute, surely I'd come up with something-- ha.

    I told him if nothing else, he knows that he's loved. That our kicking him out is because he is loved. OH-- funny-- he also said that although he'd heard since age 14 the old line, "You pull this crap when you're 18, buddy, and you're OUTTA here," he never believed we'd actually do it. My friends, I don't bluff. I say what I mean, and mean what I say. Heck-- even YOU all know this about me, and you don't even "KNOW" me. How can this kid whose known me all his life, been disciplined by me all his life NOT know that I'll follow through IF FOR NO OTHER REASON than to NOT lose my credibility?

    Oh well-- darling diary-- you're all too good to let this ol' bag of wind blow--

    Need to scoot-- beautiful night for a run. Four miles to go tonight. The intestinal bug has gone, thankfully-- followed in very short order by the sore throat/sinus infection bug that everybody else has. The run should be interesting. But, that which does not kill us only makes us, what???

    you got it-- STRONGER!!! (sorry, Jeannie-- there I go, answering the question again-- )

    Later, my peeps. Love to all.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Dear Diary Writer ( Marla) We love listening to your writing.You are truely inspiring to many of us..I am very strict on my kids also and a friend of mine said I am mean for making them work for money and do chores with out paying them..etc etc etc..I didnt make the mess they did so why should I pay them to clean up thier own mess..

    Well played go fish and slap jack with jade tonight, she actually beat me and I didnt even let her...She took my phone and set it to text and she brought it to me and she said momma someone text you..she had wrote I love my momma!!! I said aww how sweet...she said I wrote that because you played games with me this evening..awww how touching!!!

    My son is feeling better he is riding around working with hid dad..I am drinking my hot tea then I am off to bed!!!