Now i know why most avoid leg day at the gym...



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    My legs aren't my best body part, but I do enjoy training them.

    Never want to look like a light bulb.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Leg day is my favorite. The muscle soreness lets me know I did a great job at the gym.
    love leg workouts as well! Yup, that soreness does make me feel I did a good job, but dang getting up from a chair, walking, bending... well, you all know how that feels after!

    I'm with the above poster, I feel I worked my body if I can hardly walk, not to say that's my favorite part but I'll take the sore muscles to get stronger/healthier.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    some day I hope to puke on leg day, I feel like a pansy since I haven't


    Narcore if you pass out and puke at the same time.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Leg day is my favorite because the more I work it, the better I will be as a runner.

    It definately works for me! :drinker:

    ETA: Just got back from a 30 mile round-trip overnight backpacking trip and I kicked that trail's *kitten*. I totally blame it on ALL my lifting, not just the legs!!!
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    super sore.... my lord... though it has been almost over a year of working out in the gym, legs are always my hardest....

    seeing these big gorilla looking mofos at the gym, they mostly have skinny legs...

    so uneven.. but i guess its because they hate leg day...

    im not stopping but its funny how the soreness probably discourages many to work out the legs

    what say you..

    I have the opposite "issue". If I work legs they almost never got sore even after going skiing and then working out hard on legs the next day. BUT if I don't work legs for a week or two I get serious pain in my legs that keeps me up at night. I have only met one other person in my life that has ever had (or even heard of) the same thing.
    But my legs also never seem to grow much either.

    IT is a great motivation to keep going to the gym though!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I love leg day. My legs are way stronger than my upper body so my energy level is def way up during those workouts.

    Plus, I've always carried my weight in my butt and thighs. I hated my thunder thighs for years. Now, they are big AND strong. I've redefined thunder thighs as a term of endearment now. Love them...
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I prefer leg day. I hate upper body day. lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Love leg days, hate chest and shoulders day... Actually just hate shoulders.xx

    HATE triceps! lol
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    super sore.... my lord... though it has been almost over a year of working out in the gym, legs are always my hardest....

    seeing these big gorilla looking mofos at the gym, they mostly have skinny legs...

    so uneven.. but i guess its because they hate leg day...

    im not stopping but its funny how the soreness probably discourages many to work out the legs

    what say you..

    Whenever I see those guys I laugh, because I see someone who lifts for vanity and not to actually get stronger.

    And remember, pain is weakness leaving the body. Carry on!

    really boston wolf? so you lift for the love of lifting and getting stronger? how do you know that guy didn't hit the squat rack before you got there? how do you know he's not doing shoulder shrugs at the end of overhead press day to build his traps?

    honestly, i used to think the same. i'd go in and do my work out, and judge all the people there doing it wrong. i thought that i was working out so much more better then they were.

    especially this one guy. looked like the typical stereotype: big arms and chest, no neck, fake orange tan, and skinny legs. but i kept seeing him there at the gym, 6am when i would go. i mean, i was at the gym three mornings or so a week, and he was always there already!!

    so we started giving each other the "hey i work out at the *kitten* crack of dawn" gym nod. and then one morning i asked him for a spot on the bench, and he did. he even gave me a bit of a suggestion. and i was taken back because he was a nice, soft spoken guy and wasn't pushy, didn't call me "bro."

    his name is Frank. and i guess i never saw him use the squat rack. until one day he comes from the back part of the gym, and asks me to spot him while he does squats. i never spotted someone for that before, but i obliged. man, to my surprise he had three full plates on each side... 315 pounds. he did 3 sets of 5.

    so some people just happen to have chicken legs.

    i used to go to the gym and scoff at the people on the elliptical. they wre "doing it wrong." but when i was recovering from a bad sprained ankle, and i couldn't run, man, was i thankful for those ellipticals.

    so lately i've been going to the gym and judging everyone a whole lot less. you should try it some time.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Cap'n, I take my hat off to you. That is one kewl post.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    super sore.... my lord... though it has been almost over a year of working out in the gym, legs are always my hardest....

    seeing these big gorilla looking mofos at the gym, they mostly have skinny legs...

    so uneven.. but i guess its because they hate leg day...

    im not stopping but its funny how the soreness probably discourages many to work out the legs

    what say you..

    Whenever I see those guys I laugh, because I see someone who lifts for vanity and not to actually get stronger.

    And remember, pain is weakness leaving the body. Carry on!

    really boston wolf? so you lift for the love of lifting and getting stronger? how do you know that guy didn't hit the squat rack before you got there? how do you know he's not doing shoulder shrugs at the end of overhead press day to build his traps?

    honestly, i used to think the same. i'd go in and do my work out, and judge all the people there doing it wrong. i thought that i was working out so much more better then they were.

    especially this one guy. looked like the typical stereotype: big arms and chest, no neck, fake orange tan, and skinny legs. but i kept seeing him there at the gym, 6am when i would go. i mean, i was at the gym three mornings or so a week, and he was always there already!!

    so we started giving each other the "hey i work out at the *kitten* crack of dawn" gym nod. and then one morning i asked him for a spot on the bench, and he did. he even gave me a bit of a suggestion. and i was taken back because he was a nice, soft spoken guy and wasn't pushy, didn't call me "bro."

    his name is Frank. and i guess i never saw him use the squat rack. until one day he comes from the back part of the gym, and asks me to spot him while he does squats. i never spotted someone for that before, but i obliged. man, to my surprise he had three full plates on each side... 315 pounds. he did 3 sets of 5.

    so some people just happen to have chicken legs.

    i used to go to the gym and scoff at the people on the elliptical. they wre "doing it wrong." but when i was recovering from a bad sprained ankle, and i couldn't run, man, was i thankful for those ellipticals.

    so lately i've been going to the gym and judging everyone a whole lot less. you should try it some time.

    Thank you. My thoughts exactly.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I hate and hate leg day. Lol. I too like another spoke- have leg day almost twice a week, ex.
    Sat - Legs - Focus on Quads/Front Sq day
    Sun - Off
    Mon - Chest/Shoulders
    Tue - Off
    Wed - Back/Biceps
    Thu - Off
    Fri - Legs - focus on Hams, Back Sq day
    Sat - Off
    Sun - Chest

    And recently I've been hammering my Hamstring. There has been such an imbalance for years from running and less focus on Hamstrings that AI hit them A LOT. Doing so has helped me feel more balanced from simply standing to lessening Knee issues and such.

    The bad news is DOMS. My Sat last week Leg day paralyzed me almost from Sat-Tues. I was walking like a cowboy riding bareback and had to psych myself to stand up after sitting down. Lol

    If anything I don't like Chest day. Dunno why - just don't. Lol
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I have just started a three day very heavy split after coming off a linear programme/ Got legs tomorrow *gulp*
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm weird I love every lift day I do splits upper and legs by themselves and 2 days of cycle so I guess legs is 3 times a week lol.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    some day I hope to puke on leg day, I feel like a pansy since I haven't


    I have come close 3x, Deadlifts 475x9, squatting 255x20, and 405x7
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I'm weird I love every lift day I do splits upper and legs by themselves and 2 days of cycle so I guess legs is 3 times a week lol.

    LOL You are not weird at all :)
  • jrutledge01
    jrutledge01 Posts: 213 Member
    there's a lot of misinformation around on the internet and even in this thread in regards to muscle soreness/DOMS.. check out the link below, and if you doubt anything or want clarification, check the references at the bottom of the page

    TL;DR: the more often you do legs day the less sore legs day will make you feel
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I get the worst soreness (DOMS) after leg day.

    It's getting better. A few things that I have been doing.

    1) Separate leg day into two days - one day that emphasizes quads/calves. The other day that emphasizes hamstrings/calves. (examples of hamstring exercises are leg curl machine, wide-stance leg press, and stiffed-leg deadlifts).

    2) Foam-rolling before your leg workout (not stretching though). And Foam-rolling after the leg workout, along with some stretching. If you don't have a foam-roller or can't use one, then massaging and rubbing the muscles vigorously helps (I do this when I forget my foam-roller).

    3) I've been trying out a supplement called citruline mallite, which anecdotal reports say can help reduce DOMS. So far I've seen a big difference since using it, however I have also been doing the two leg day/week (which supposedly helps the body recover from soreness quicker as well). I'm going to do a leg day without taking citruline mallite soon and if I get the DOMS again, I will assume that the supplement is helping. If I don't, then I'll assume it's because of the extra workout and stretching/foam-rolling.

    That's what I say...

    ^This, I get DOMS typically after 32-48 hours. so I've got the foam roller now, I do upper body one day, lowe the next then HIIT the thrid and repeat. This way I have a good amount of time to recover between. while I've not used citruline mallite as the above poster mentions...I have used glutamine supplements and L-Arginine which have both been beneficial to me. I also started getting sports massages bi-monthy as well as a reward for working my tail off and also as a therapeutic way to keep my muscles from knotting up too horribly. Good luck!

    ---edited to add: it may hurt but man oh man is the pain oh so good!! I am a bit of a masochist though. ;)
  • michaelkattenberg
    Every day is leg day for me, Altho i work out 3 days a week on a full body split, which includes Squats in every day.

    If you train your legs only 1ce a week they will hurt more than if you train them regularly, + 48 hours of rest between workouts. Mon/Wed/Fri,

    I workout on an ABA Routine i'll post it below, (i'm not sore) i do feel some pain but it's not as bad that i cannot pick up something from the floor. I just have to hold my breathe whilst doing it :)

    Workout A:
    Front Squat 5x5
    BB Rows 5x5
    Standing BB Press 5x5
    Deadlift 5x5
    Abs, Calves + Wrist work

    Workout B
    Back Squat
    Chin Ups (wide+narrow grip) 5x5
    Bench Press 5x5
    High Pull 5x5
    Abs, Calves + Wrist Work

    Just learn to ENJOY LEG DAY becuase it's every workout for me. and i honestly love the feeling i get from doing squats + Training big muscle groups like Legs makes your body produce more Growth Hormone, which will then benefit all your other body parts you work out.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    after a couple of weeks you'll stop getting DOMS on leg day just like you did with all your upper body workouts. The only reason you should get DOMS is because A) Its a new routine or B) You dramatically changed your current routine (also it can happen if you're PRing) . If you get DOMS day in and day out then something is seriously wrong with your program.