Suffer in Silence? When Do You Talk About Your Diet???

I have been doing this dieting thing for a while. Up and down, up and down….I can’t eat this….I can eat that….wait, I can’t eat this again.

My husband, who is supportive and wonderful, tries to listen and help me cook healthy food. He’s a chef and is European, so he is a totally “foodie.” I am not a foodie, I just like to eat food :o) He never complains, but I feel like I should keep my thoughts about my diet to myself. BECAUSE, sometimes I’ll fall off the wagon and I eat things that I say I won’t and that sends mixed signals.

ALSO, I’ve got a few girlfriends who swear they know my body better than I do, and want to tell me what weight I would look good at. And, if I actually meet my target weight, than I will be too skinny.

So, I ask you all….do you talk about your diet? Or just keep it to yourself?


  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    I don't talk about my diet, I try not to make it a "thing". I don't think it's anyone's business what I'm eating.
    You're not are nurturing yourself in this personal aspect of your life =)
    However, I think it's good if you feel compelled to share your journey and successes with your friends and husband..
    There is no "can't eat this, or that" in my book. I will taste things, just to pacify myself without depriving of something I love. You mention you fall off the wagon, and I personally attribute that to your implied self-deprivation of certain foods. Focus on incorporating wholesome home cooking, fruits, and vegetables into your daily life. You might find you are more satisfied and too full to go after a "can't" food full-force. Just my opinion.
    Also, people will always have something to say about your weight. Sometimes it's jealousy. You just have to let it roll off your back. Don't involve those people in this aspect of your life if they aren't going to support you.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    Diet is a four letter word. I do not consider myself to be on a diet, it is a way of life.
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    I'm not on a diet, so I don't talk about it.

    I've told people that my husband and I are getting our *kitten* together and working on getting healthy. It never hurts to have more support. It also helps that my husband and I are in it together. We eat what we want and don't judge each other, but encourage each other to make healthier choices.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Don't view it as a diet. Make a lifestyle change.

    I like to be fit, and I like to eat healthy so that's what I do. My friends know I'm a crazy endorphin junkie. Though two of my aunts have decided that I need to "stop losing weight" (though I did that ages ago.) I just smile and ignore them. I want to be healthy for me, and though they still like to remember the fat version of myself and somehow think there is something wrong with me every time I see them, I know that my body is happier than it has been since I was a kid playing in the dirt and climbng trees.
  • 7opoundsin16weeks
    7opoundsin16weeks Posts: 211 Member
    I used to talk about my fitness progress a lot until i realized i was starting to bother the people around me
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    I dont avoid talking about it if topic comes up - but zealots who talk healthy eating in every sentence do tend to get a bit boring, so I try not to over do it.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I used to talk about my fitness progress a lot until i realized i was starting to bother the people around me
    Same here......I think that is what motivated me the first time around, people eventually don't want to hear your progress anymore.....but rest assured when I put weight back on they were the first to say look like you are putting weight back on!! I say tell as many people as you want, you may just fin that you are an inspiration to many of your friends and than you will have followers asking you to listen to there weight loss story.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I talk about it a bit too much, to be honest. I'm also not "suffering". I eat three good meals a day, 1-2 snacks and something sweet most nights, but then I also exercise for at least an hour most days including fairly serious weights three times a week.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I only talk about it when people find out about how much I've lost. 9 out of 10 times they are disappointed when I tell them about MFP, tracking what I eat pizza, cheeseburgers, etc etc in moderation. It's like they are expecting some sorta magical food, eat only veggies, or I am avoiding certain foods. There is one thing I don't drink anymore and that's soda pop. I don't bring it up or brag in anyway unless they do first.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I tend not to mention unless I hit a mile stone, like I hit 10lbs weight loss a few weeks ago and I told a few people as I was pretty proud and felt that warranted a humble brag :wink:

    I'll be telling everyone when I lose a stone :laugh:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Keep eating yummy meals, especially with a chef in the house, and just rein in portion sizes and cut back on rubbishy snacks. "I can't eat that" is diet thinking not healthy lifestyle thinking! :flowerforyou:
  • marykpfist
    marykpfist Posts: 141 Member
    I do talk about it with my husband, I try not to overtake a out it, but he knows I log and eat differently. I shop differently, too.
    I don't talk a out it at work, but I do talk about it with one friend who I know is dieting too.
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    I think a lot of what was said above was really great advice.

    I'm not on a diet, I have made a lifestyle change and am getting healthy.

    Also, there are absolutely no foods that I can't have. That's not sustainable in the long run. I eat whatever I want and I track it, knowing that sometimes I am going to go over on my calories and that is OK. I will just go to an extra yoga class or accept that this week I may not see a big change in the scale. You still have to live your life!

    To answer your question, only those closest to me know that I have joined Weight Watchers to try and get the pounds off once and for all. I am a pretty private person in my real life and not prone to share things like that with others. But I don't let it affect me- I still go out for lunch, and I still eat junk food. Now I just eat a lot less of it and write it all down so on Monday when I weigh in I already know what the scale is going to tell me!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I don't really talk about it, I don't want insincere comments about my loss, I'd rather not say I'm losing weight as then when someone mentions it I know it's because it's noticeable, not because they feel they should.
  • stephcollins91
    stephcollins91 Posts: 14 Member
    I used to talk about the diets I was on all the time to friends and family, but at a size 10/12 and 5 foot 9 I used to get 'oh but you don't need to loose weight, don't be silly' I tend to not mention my diet very much at all now because of that.

    I do think it is important to keep your other half in the loop though. If I didn't tell my bf what I was doing with my eating he would bring back all kinds of naughty sugary treats, and that would just make me feel like a failure because I would HAVE to eat what's there haha.
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    I just don't think other people are that interested in hearing about what I eat and those who talk about food irritate me. Grass fed this and organic that and some random spice imported from a country whose population recently half starved to death. Oooh, exciting! If someone asks me why I'm not drinking or why I'm not eyeing off the last rosti I'll answer "I'm trying to cut down my calories" and answer any questions they might want answered, within reason. I'm polite like that. I do have a few people who share my weight struggles and we compare recipes and text each other at 6am with "off to the gym, tubby" but it's more of a shared interest than a topic of conversation.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I've only talked about it with a few people. I mainly come here when I need to talk about it, or I talk to my husband or a girlfriend.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't talk about calorie counting except to my husband, who also counts calories.

    But I also don't feel like I'm suffering. I eat foods that I love and stay within my calorie goal (and I try to hit my macros). Maybe you should try a more moderate approach, where you don't label foods as "good" and "bad." The plan that will work is the one you can stick to. If you're having trouble sticking to your plan maybe it's time to consider tweaking it.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    No one cares what I eat. I am fortunate that my wife is pretty much on board with what I do. When I need to, I shop for things. She's sees how I order when we go out, and for the most part that is what she cooks.

    Occasionally people say "wow, you have lost weight." but that's last about 5 minutes.

    After 2 years I am not allowed to say calorie or exercise in the house. hey are kind enough to ask how i did at a race, or wish me good luck when I head out the door.