Do you Hide Your Diary???



  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Mine is open to friends, but I would certainly open it publicly if I were to post asking for help. Drives me crazy when people want advice, but nobody can see what they're doing.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    haha, i had mine hidden for awhile, but i felt like it was easier to cheat. So I re opened it and I feel it makes me more accountable for what i eat. If im embrassed, it means i probably shouldn't have eaten it lol.

    This^^^. I opened it to my friends recently. And when I add quick calories, I make a note as to what it is. I mostly opened because I want the feedback it provides me so I can get this weight off, but somebody else might get ideas about food options or be helped too.
  • kwilliam2
    kwilliam2 Posts: 35
    I don't have cheat meals so why would I need to hide my diary..
  • GymBeast2
    GymBeast2 Posts: 81
    Mine is open to friends only, which includes my Trainer. If I binge on a day I don't even bother putting it in my log. I know I will just start fresh in the morning, back on track and headed in the right direction.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    I don't have cheat meals so why would I need to hide my diary..

    Maybe you have no need to - good for you.

    Others might feel for whatever reason why do they need to open it? - just depends which way you look at the question.

    Mine is open but only one person has ever commented about my food - a nice comment I will say. If I started getting knowitalls telling me what to do I would close it quick smart - but I dont think it is interesting enough for people to bother.

    Open it or dont - personal choice, no rights or wrongs.

    Only time it matters IMO is when somebody asks advice about their food intake and relevant information is not available for others to reply because diary is closed
  • never124get
    never124get Posts: 163
    I have mine open but I used to have it hidden which I used to "cheat" a little more than I should now it's open and even if I do slip up I don't let it effect me as much as before. I don't think I've ever had a negative comment really either...I just log what I eat and if anyone has anything to say about it, that's okay. Different strokes for different folks.
  • krisbeaver
    krisbeaver Posts: 41 Member
    I keep my hidden because I am not the best at logging each food that I eat during the day. I often use the quick calorie tool and I don't see where someone would benefit from seeing it. I don't agree that not keeping your diary open makes a person more likely to cheat. I'm accountable to myself, regardless if my diary is opened or hidden.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Mine is open and I wish everyone would have it open too. When I see someone in the success section lost alot of weight I like to see what kind of food helped that person get there.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I keep mine open to friends, for a couple of reasons. I want their feedback, including constructive criticism. Thats why I accept "friend requests" to begin with. Sometimes others can see things in what I do, before, I do and visa versa. Thats human nature. What I do with that information is my choice. I am the same way with friends in the "real" world. Im not talking about becoming or choosing people who are going to tear you down. I dont have time for that type of person, nor am I that type of person. Im talking about someone who might see me slipping in to denial (thats how I got obese, in the first place) and gently point it out. Constructive not destructive, there is a huge difference there. That's what friends do, they support each other, in good and bad. Secondly, I like to see what people eat, it gives me ideas for my own eating habits.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My diary has always been public. I'm not too worried about what strangers on the internet think of my food. Also, I like to show off all the yummy food that I eat.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I don't have cheat meals so why would I need to hide my diary..
    i don't have cheat meals so why would i need to display my diary?
    If you hide it, you may as well not even log it.
    and if you don't film it and upload it to youtube, you may as well not use a gym!
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    MFP isn't a "game" to many people, it's a very serious way to change their life.

    I have had a long and ugly road with food. It's been a frustrating and long road to change my thinking and start moving myself to a place where I have a healthier relationship with food and with my body. It's also been a very personal road. Although I like to participate on the forums, I accept almost no friend requests and keep my diary private. It hasn't gotten in the way of my success and I believe it contributes to my ability to be honest about what I track.

    Plus, I don't need or want other people to hold me accountable. I have to do that for MYSELF, or this change will never work.
  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member
    Mine is visible to my friends (and some of them I know personally and some I only know on MFP). No one has ever critique my menus and I never have anyone else's. I do enjoy looking at others because it gives me meal ideas and such. I haven't met a person yet that doesn't have a bad day every once in a while, myself included.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I keep mines open, I think if I have to hide it then I am cheating. I also want to let people know what I am eating and how I got to where I am. Open diaries also help me when choosing my meals, and snacks. ie. instead of running to taco bell I log on and see that susie(example) updated her food diary, I see what she ate and wow it was hummus and avocados., BAM! I have that in my fridge and I eat it instead and feel way better afterwards instead of feeling gross.
  • newloafofbread
    newloafofbread Posts: 46 Member
    I keep mine hidden because I know I mess up sometimes and don't want to be judged. I mean if I eat 7 pieces of pizza one day, then I know why I didn't lose weight that week.. Don't need someone to tell me that.
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    I was very hesitant to open mine originally. But now I feel more accountable having it open. I have never had a bad experience of people judging what I eat or don't eat yet.
  • alan589
    alan589 Posts: 58 Member
    Nah..just put it out there... warts and all!
  • wendylynnh
    wendylynnh Posts: 3 Member
    At first I had mine closed but decided to open it for all eyes to see! If you keep it open it keeps you more accountable and hopefully others will review and give positive feedback along with 'gentle' criticism towards better choics :)

  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    My sentiments exactly. But then what is amazing is when the hiders ask, why I not losing weight, and you are expected to give answers when the diary is closed.

    I have no fear of hard, soft or whatever criticism, if it is means keeping me on track to reach my goal of being able to wear clothes that have been sitting in my closet for over 5 years. I am hoping this is the summer I can finally make a statement with my weight loss.

    If you are eating crap what do you expect people to say, just try and do better tomorrow. I do not want anyone to tell me that, I know that already, give me the hard criticism so that I can pull my lazy butt back on track. Every day I have this weight on my body, is a day wasted and more dangerous to my health as far as I am concerned. I take one medication (for my thyroid which cannot be helped), and I do not want to have to take medication for things that I can prevented but are not prepared to act upon.