50 pounds to lose



  • blondeambition
    Ok, here we go everyone- the official start of the journey!!! I'm excited just thinking about how I will look and feel 50 pounds lighter.

    I had posted by starting weight yesterday but my official starting weight will be 183 (thanks fot the salty pretzels I had last night )

    I'm planning to stick to 1200 calories to begin with and adjust up as needed. 1200 worked well for me before so I am going to use that as a starting point. I have never been able to truthfully say that I like working out. I like how it makes me feel and look after the fact, but during I am counting every second down until I am done. So to keep myself from burning out I am going to try and do things I somewhat enjoy that are less monotonous than the treadmill. I'm going to do 30 day shred 4 days a week and a kettle bell workout 2 days a week. I will also be walking 45 minutes a day at work during my lunch and breaks.

    What is everyone's plan???
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Ok, here we go everyone- the official start of the journey!!! I'm excited just thinking about how I will look and feel 50 pounds lighter.

    I had posted by starting weight yesterday but my official starting weight will be 183 (thanks fot the salty pretzels I had last night )

    I'm planning to stick to 1200 calories to begin with and adjust up as needed. 1200 worked well for me before so I am going to use that as a starting point. I have never been able to truthfully say that I like working out. I like how it makes me feel and look after the fact, but during I am counting every second down until I am done. So to keep myself from burning out I am going to try and do things I somewhat enjoy that are less monotonous than the treadmill. I'm going to do 30 day shred 4 days a week and a kettle bell workout 2 days a week. I will also be walking 45 minutes a day at work during my lunch and breaks.

    What is everyone's plan???

    Well here I go again! I am weighing in this morning and have found that I've gained back 2.5 pounds in the last week and a half!! AAAhhhrrrgghh!! (Did I sound like Charlie Brown there?? haha) I blame it on my week back home with the parents. I did really well the first 3 days. Then, with wedding planning, decorating, traveling, etc..... I started eating CRAP! Ok...so my new journey begins today. With all of you!! I'm excited to have friends to keep me accountable.

    My plan is the 1200 calories the program has calculated for me. Also, I will be getting exercise in, but to start with it's going to be general everyday tasks such as cleaning house, etc. ( I have an 8 month old who just learned to crawl and is starting to pull up...so all you mommas can understand.)

    Also... a quick suggestion to everyone.... Find something fun at least once a week for exercise. A couple weeks ago I went bowling for fun for 2 hours and burnt a ton of calories! I couldn't believe it . Plus...I didn't even feel like it was the "dreaded" exercise. haha... I would much rather bowl for 2 hours than walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes. Just a thought.!

    OK...so official weigh in for today is : 229~ GRRRrrrr!!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Ok you are all the first official people that I am announcing my weight to. I just need to accept it and really make a change. So here it is...Today I weighed in at 232.5. YIKES!! In the mirror, I didn't think I looked too bad. It was just recently when I went back through looking at pics on my camera when I was like--WOW!! Who is that? After I found myself deleting all but head shots (which is awful because I had to delete some awesome memories of my daughter's trip to the zoo) I realized that enough is enough. Let's do something about this. My husband is on board with me, although he has lost 12 pounds and I have lost 6 and he has less to lose than me....grrr....men!! My question is ladies, how are you only doing 1200 calories. MFP suggested I do 1900. I wonder if that is too much??? I am 5'7, so I don't know if that matters or not. I wonder if I need to cut it down more to lose more?? Well, anyways my plan right now is 1900 calories and run on the elliptical 3 days a week for 25-30 min. while also spending most of the day chasing and playing with my toddler. Although, I have been playing with my toddler so that's not much of a change in plan. Let me know if you all think 1900 is too many! I need to do this!!!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Ok you are all the first official people that I am announcing my weight to. I just need to accept it and really make a change. So here it is...Today I weighed in at 232.5. YIKES!! In the mirror, I didn't think I looked too bad. It was just recently when I went back through looking at pics on my camera when I was like--WOW!! Who is that? After I found myself deleting all but head shots (which is awful because I had to delete some awesome memories of my daughter's trip to the zoo) I realized that enough is enough. Let's do something about this. My husband is on board with me, although he has lost 12 pounds and I have lost 6 and he has less to lose than me....grrr....men!! My question is ladies, how are you only doing 1200 calories. MFP suggested I do 1900. I wonder if that is too much??? I am 5'7, so I don't know if that matters or not. I wonder if I need to cut it down more to lose more?? Well, anyways my plan right now is 1900 calories and run on the elliptical 3 days a week for 25-30 min. while also spending most of the day chasing and playing with my toddler. Although, I have been playing with my toddler so that's not much of a change in plan. Let me know if you all think 1900 is too many! I need to do this!!!
  • FocusPlease
    FocusPlease Posts: 59 Member
    Okay, folks, I'm in. My goal is 50 lbs, but I'm making it much longer (Jun 2011) because I wanted to be, we'll say, "overly realistic". I yo-yo a lot, even when I'm more careful, and I didn't want to get discouraged by wanting too much too soon. BUT I'm going to see if I can keep up with your planned pace!

    I have been overweight now for about 6 or 7 years now (with the minimum being around 20 lbs, but now I'm 50 lbs). The past 5 years especially have been difficult as my Dr. has been having me try different meds, and one of the side effects has been weight gain....oh--and the fact that I love food too much and was lazy didn't help either! : )

    But ecently I finally had an epiphany, and I'm am raring to go and happy to do so. I know it will be difficult, but there are soooo many people on this site who are inspirational, supportive, and fun. Whether they know it or not, they really are "My Fitness Pals".

    I've been on here about 3+ weeks and have lost only one lb (well, more, if you consider the up & down already). But I'm still trying to learn what my body needs while spacing out my meals into smaller meals thruout the day.

    Let's DO THIS! : )

    My weight this morning is 186
    Will stop whining about my weight when I hit 150 ; )
    Will treat myself to a (hopefully) $500 clothes shopping spree when I hit 135

    I'll do small rewards (like pedicures or massages) when I hit small mile markers along the way (maybe 5-10 lg increments?)

    Anyway--Good Luck, Hard Work, and SUCCESS to you all!
  • blondeambition
    Ok you are all the first official people that I am announcing my weight to. I just need to accept it and really make a change. So here it is...Today I weighed in at 232.5. YIKES!! In the mirror, I didn't think I looked too bad. It was just recently when I went back through looking at pics on my camera when I was like--WOW!! Who is that? After I found myself deleting all but head shots (which is awful because I had to delete some awesome memories of my daughter's trip to the zoo) I realized that enough is enough. Let's do something about this. My husband is on board with me, although he has lost 12 pounds and I have lost 6 and he has less to lose than me....grrr....men!! My question is ladies, how are you only doing 1200 calories. MFP suggested I do 1900. I wonder if that is too much??? I am 5'7, so I don't know if that matters or not. I wonder if I need to cut it down more to lose more?? Well, anyways my plan right now is 1900 calories and run on the elliptical 3 days a week for 25-30 min. while also spending most of the day chasing and playing with my toddler. Although, I have been playing with my toddler so that's not much of a change in plan. Let me know if you all think 1900 is too many! I need to do this!!!

    I would recommend sticking with 1900 if that is what MFP suggests. Try it for a couple weeks and see how it goes and adjust if needed. 1200 is really low which is why even though that is what MFP calculated for me, I am taking it with a grain of salt and using it as a starting point to see how my body responds. I am 5'61/2 so we are pretty close in height.
  • blondeambition
    Okay, folks, I'm in. My goal is 50 lbs, but I'm making it much longer (Jun 2011) because I wanted to be, we'll say, "overly realistic". I yo-yo a lot, even when I'm more careful, and I didn't want to get discouraged by wanting too much too soon. BUT I'm going to see if I can keep up with your planned pace!

    There is nothing wrong with being realistic. I had this idea in my head a couple weeks ago that I was going to try and lose my first 40 by September 1st and then I realized that it took me a year to gain the weight so it wasnt going to come off in 3 months. BUT, you just might surprise yourself once you get going!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    My plan is to stick the MFP calorie goals set for me (1200/1230) and aim to work out 4-5 times a week. I actually enjoy working out because I love having "ME" time. Going to the gym is "ME" time. I just plug in my iPod and listen to my great playlists :-)

    I have to mix things up. I take some toning/sculpting classes twice a week, spin class once or twice a week, cardio (I mix it up: treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, stair machine) and weight training once a week.

    That's my plan and I hope to stick to it :-)
  • EccaNado
    EccaNado Posts: 3
    Hey there!

    Last time I weighed in I was a little over 165lbs. It hit me big time & it made me feel worse than I had already been feeling. I, too, have been dealing with depression.. it's really hard to motivate one self to get back in the game & lose weight. I feel like I can't do it, that it won't change anything. But, I want to lose weight so I can feel more energetic & happy. My family depends on me a lot since my mom gets sick a lot & I have to take over the "Mother" role & take care of things around the house, groceries, cooking, chores n such.

    About a week or so ago I watched this commercial called Zumba. Basically you dance your weight off. I tested it by going on YouTube & following along with one of the videos I found on Zumba.. believe me, IT WORKS! My arms, legs & abs felt like I had worked out for an hour, when it was only 30 minutes.

    I really like it because it's not boring. I hate running, especially by myself. My side of town isn't that safe & I have to be at home in case I'm needed. So Zumba is what, I believe, will help me take off the weight.

    Trying to eat healthy is hard, too. Especially since my Family LOVES sweets & salties. Lol. But, they're being supportive. When I tell them I'm gonna exercise they leave me alone for that half hour.

    Anyhow, I'm sure you'll be able to get the weight off in time for Winter. Keep up the good work & don't give up, no matter how bad you're feeling.. after exercising you'll feel better!

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Ok you are all the first official people that I am announcing my weight to. I just need to accept it and really make a change. So here it is...Today I weighed in at 232.5. YIKES!! In the mirror, I didn't think I looked too bad. It was just recently when I went back through looking at pics on my camera when I was like--WOW!! Who is that? After I found myself deleting all but head shots (which is awful because I had to delete some awesome memories of my daughter's trip to the zoo) I realized that enough is enough. Let's do something about this. My husband is on board with me, although he has lost 12 pounds and I have lost 6 and he has less to lose than me....grrr....men!! My question is ladies, how are you only doing 1200 calories. MFP suggested I do 1900. I wonder if that is too much??? I am 5'7, so I don't know if that matters or not. I wonder if I need to cut it down more to lose more?? Well, anyways my plan right now is 1900 calories and run on the elliptical 3 days a week for 25-30 min. while also spending most of the day chasing and playing with my toddler. Although, I have been playing with my toddler so that's not much of a change in plan. Let me know if you all think 1900 is too many! I need to do this!!!

    I don't think that's too many. I am guessing that is what the program suggested for you, so you should stick to that. I'm on the 1200 plan b/c of the answers I gave the system when first starting. Don't worry...if it doesn't seem to be working, you can always adjust later! I'm excited to get started!
  • blondeambition
    How is everyone doing so far? I havent been perfect but I definitely feel pretty good about how I did. I went a bit over on calories Monday and Tuesday but today I was at goal and have been getting my workouts in.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay, folks, I'm in. My goal is 50 lbs, but I'm making it much longer (Jun 2011) because I wanted to be, we'll say, "overly realistic". I yo-yo a lot, even when I'm more careful, and I didn't want to get discouraged by wanting too much too soon. BUT I'm going to see if I can keep up with your planned pace!

    I have been overweight now for about 6 or 7 years now (with the minimum being around 20 lbs, but now I'm 50 lbs). The past 5 years especially have been difficult as my Dr. has been having me try different meds, and one of the side effects has been weight gain....oh--and the fact that I love food too much and was lazy didn't help either! : )

    But ecently I finally had an epiphany, and I'm am raring to go and happy to do so. I know it will be difficult, but there are soooo many people on this site who are inspirational, supportive, and fun. Whether they know it or not, they really are "My Fitness Pals".

    I've been on here about 3+ weeks and have lost only one lb (well, more, if you consider the up & down already). But I'm still trying to learn what my body needs while spacing out my meals into smaller meals thruout the day.

    Let's DO THIS! : )

    My weight this morning is 186
    Will stop whining about my weight when I hit 150 ; )
    Will treat myself to a (hopefully) $500 clothes shopping spree when I hit 135

    I'll do small rewards (like pedicures or massages) when I hit small mile markers along the way (maybe 5-10 lg increments?)

    Anyway--Good Luck, Hard Work, and SUCCESS to you all!

    I set the same goal in June of '08 to lose 50 by the next June-- I hit the plateau from hell, and the last of it won't budge-- but, my very positive point to you is, personally, I think that's a very wise way to do it.

    I've lost significant weight, but more importantly I've gotten into a new lifestyle-- training for a half marathon, working out to "Insanity"-- slow and steady indeed wins the race.

    My body may never give up my last 10 or so-- I have water weight issues, medicine issues, arthritis, et cetera-- part of the lovely "perimenopause' time of life. But, I really think you have the right idea to set the one year goal, and just plug away at it.

    You can do this--
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    I am in. I first goal is 150 by October 1.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Another pound gone, which means I'm 182 - three pounds down from the start of this thread.

    Good luck everyone. A new week to double our efforts in x
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Checking in for the week!

    I'm down a half pound! woo hoo!

    So, now I'm 228.5.
  • blondeambition
    Hi everyone!

    I am up 2 lbs =( I went wayyyy over on my sodium this weekend so I know I am bloated and oh yeah its also TOM. Ugghh. I am trying not to be too discouraged. This week will be better!!!!
  • blondeambition
    Another pound gone, which means I'm 182 - three pounds down from the start of this thread.

    Good luck everyone. A new week to double our efforts in x

    Way to go!!!!!
  • blondeambition
    Checking in for the week!

    I'm down a half pound! woo hoo!

    So, now I'm 228.5.

    Great start! I didnt do so well. I'm trying not to be too down on myself because I have the whole TOM thing working against me the past few days and hopefully I can rebound this week.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member

    Checking in.... lost 1.8 lbs since my initial weigh in.... I'm down to 160.8.... ALMOST, almost, so cose to being in the 150s!!!
  • johnjely
    johnjely Posts: 99
    Hi ladies! I just joined MFP and, consequently, just found this great thread. If you all don't mind that I'm a week behind, I'd love to join in your efforts of shedding 50 before Christmas. Who knows if I'll make it to fifty but, like blondeambition said earlier, even if it's just 40lbs, it's still 40lbs gone!

    So, if you're all okay with it, here's my initial weigh in:

    SW: 185
    CW: 185
    GW: 135-140