Health eating when i dont like Veg!



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.

    just so you know, I was wrong before about the calculation. I was looking at a serving of TWO kiwis.

    the actual ratio is 106 kiwis = 1/2 cup of kale in terms of Vitamin K

    so... where do you get your Vitamin K from?
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.

    just so you know, I was wrong before about the calculation. I was looking at a serving of TWO kiwis.

    the actual ratio is 106 kiwis = 1/2 cup of kale in terms of Vitamin K

    so... where do you get your Vitamin K from?

    Take a look at the blueberries.

    1 cup is 28.56 mcg according to that chart.

    times that by 3 and you get roughly what you need in a day.

    So eat a serving for breakfast, one for lunch and one as a snack..and I'm good :)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    to get a day's worth of Vitamin K from blueberries, you'd actually need FOUR cups of them:,1902/

    96% K
    85 carbs
    ~60g sugar

    Kale? 1/4 cup

    115% K
    1.7 carbs
    0g sugar
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Wow, i'm seeing alot of "suck it up" "deal with it" "your parents failed" really? That's so encouraging, lol. I don't like 99% of vegetables either, I can eat broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, and MAYBE green peas IF I have to. But I lost 60 lbs between January and May of last year, not because I incorporated veggies in my diet but because i literally worked my butt off in the gym. I do agree you need some nutrients from veggies but come on. Calling her mental? I hate salads, ALL salads, and you know why, lettuce makes me gag, Yeah I can force myself to eat them but why? I don't have to eat veggies and salads every day to lose weight and neither does she. Give her suggestions, don't criticize.

    Make salads that don't include lettuce. look at my blog.. I've got sometime like 100 salad recipes in there.. many without lettuce.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.

    43g of fruit sugars in 3 cups of blueberries. Who eats 3 cups of blueberries in a day?!

    Some people just won't accept COLD HARD FACTS because it doesn't suit them. There are a lot of people on this forum that know an awful lot about nutrition. You can either embrace those who have more knowledge than you and be thankful for such an abundance of free information and advice on here, of you can just act like a douche.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    Interesting. It's great when someone who clearly knows nutrition comes along and totally blows someones understanding of nutrition out of the water.

    I've said it once and i'll say it again. You CANNOT be healthy without vegetables.

    He's an actor and a beach body coach, who's source is wikipedia.. which everyone who has ever done real research, knows is not reliable.

    Clearly he knows a ton about nutrition sweetie and should be trusted.

    Yes, and you have cited google as your source. You're much better than him.
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    And do you really not like the starchier veggies, like corn either? Who does not like corn??

    One of the very few things my husband still won't eat. I say still because when I met my husband there were maybe 10-15 things he didn't eat. I know that's not a lot, but being a dietitian and very much of the belief that our tastes change over time, I encouraged him to try each of the things. Some of them, he liked right away. Some are now among his favourite foods. Maybe 2-3, he still doesn't like.

    My point is, your tastes do change. As lots of others have said, 'vegetables' is such a diverse range of flavours and textures. It seems unlikely that you would simply dislike them all unless you had some kind of psychological aversion to them. I would usually say start my preparing some. Put it on your plate. Even if it's just one vegetable but you must take one bite. That's all, one bite to start off with. Try lots of different things and as you find any bits you do like, have more of them.

    By the way, there is actually quite good research that shows multivitamins do not have the same physiological effects that were thought to be related to vitamins as foods containing those vitamins. Nobody really knows why yet, but in general there is suspicion that there are other substances in foods that we aren't measuring or tracking that have an impact on our health. Something to think about before you replace healthy eating with pills.
  • almostgoodbye99
    almostgoodbye99 Posts: 60 Member
    It doesn't matter what you 'like', it matters what you 'do'.

    With a near infinate number of veggie available to you, there should be a few that you can live with.

    Don't eat them solo. Add a little balsmic, add a little paprika, etc..

    I also add veggies to everything... spinach on sandwiches, in my omlettes, avocados on everything, etc...

    As they say, "When your DESIRE becomes greater than the OBSTACLES, then, and only then, does change occur."

    Good luck!

    Love this!
  • hattonrw
    hattonrw Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, just grate stuff and hide it, carrots, zucchini, spinach chopped up. In cake too. Yum!

    Ha! I do that for my son, who refuses to take vitamins. he was always sick and now... much less. I make him breakfast every morning (waffles, eggs, pancakes... whatever he wants) and I crush up his chewable vitamin to dust and mix it in! I used to make all kinds of pancakes by putting fruits in the blender and using it in the mix (flavor with no chunks).

    I guess I never thought I could fool myself into eating veggies! I'll have to try some of these ideas!

    I have been mixing more lately... whole wheat grain into meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, etc.. but I guess I've always been afraid to 'ruin' food by adding veggies.

    Unfortunately, I don't do salsa, chili, or really anything spicy. Lots of people say "force yourself", but I say, life is too short. Eat what you like, but find ways to make it better! Maybe this summer I'll be barbecueing ground turkey burgers made with liquified veggies in the mix! :-)

    Lots of good ideas in this thread! Thanks for starting it!
  • kcrxgirl
    kcrxgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Have you tried the "lightly sauced" stuff from the frozen veggie aisle? Some of our favorites are the Asian Medley and the grean beans & potatoes with garlic parmesan sauce. Make sure to read the nutrition label though. Some of the sauces can be high in calories.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.

    43g of fruit sugars in 3 cups of blueberries. Who eats 3 cups of blueberries in a day?!

    Some people just won't accept COLD HARD FACTS because it doesn't suit them. There are a lot of people on this forum that know an awful lot about nutrition. You can either embrace those who have more knowledge than you and be thankful for such an abundance of free information and advice on here, of you can just act like a douche.

    People who don't like veggies and are educated on other ways to get vitamins and nutrients.

    Recommended serving of fruit per day is at least 5 servings. Who says it's wrong to eat 3 cups of blueberries if each is a serving.

    I'm also serving up COLD HARD FACTS, but since it doesn't suit your or Captin Reddys way of thinking, well then it must be wrong.. when it fact, it's not.

    There are more then one way to do things around here, in case you haven't noticed.

    Now if you'll excuse me from this argument, I need to get my butt over to the library and actually read something worthwhile.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Honestly when I hear people say they don't like veggies it really just makes me wonder if they're looking for an excuse to just keep eating garbage. I mean do you really hate all veggies? That's a pretty big category. There are lots I don't like but I've found tons I do. Beets. No go. Zucchini. Yes! Maybe try some spices or LIGHT sauces to jazz the veggies up some too.

    This. When people say they don't like veggies I'm scared to find what they are eating...
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    I pretty much like most veggies. But there is a few like spinach i hate cooked but i like it raw. Cabbage i like raw but if its cooked it has to be steaming hot once its cool its nasty. Broccoli if its cooked has to have salt, pepper and cheese. The kids like mixed veggies in the cheese noddles.

    The only veggie i never eat is turnips yuck!!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.

    43g of fruit sugars in 3 cups of blueberries. Who eats 3 cups of blueberries in a day?!

    Some people just won't accept COLD HARD FACTS because it doesn't suit them. There are a lot of people on this forum that know an awful lot about nutrition. You can either embrace those who have more knowledge than you and be thankful for such an abundance of free information and advice on here, of you can just act like a douche.

    People who don't like veggies and are educated on other ways to get vitamins and nutrients.

    Recommended serving of fruit per day is at least 5 servings. Who says it's wrong to eat 3 cups of blueberries if each is a serving.

    I'm also serving up COLD HARD FACTS, but since it doesn't suit your or Captin Reddys way of thinking, well then it must be wrong.. when it fact, it's not.

    There are more then one way to do things around here, in case you haven't noticed.

    Now if you'll excuse me from this argument, I need to get my butt over to the library and actually read something worthwhile.

    hopefully a nutrition book?

    and it's Captain. please spell it correctly. kthx
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"

    You'd have to eat a whole lots (cups and cups) of blueberries, strawberries to match the vit K content of the high vit K veggies.

    Point is though, you can get them in other sources than veggies.. which you proved for me.

    Plus you eat 3 cups of blueberries, and you are at what is a recommended amount for an adult.. and frankly, I'd rather do that.

    43g of fruit sugars in 3 cups of blueberries. Who eats 3 cups of blueberries in a day?!

    Some people just won't accept COLD HARD FACTS because it doesn't suit them. There are a lot of people on this forum that know an awful lot about nutrition. You can either embrace those who have more knowledge than you and be thankful for such an abundance of free information and advice on here, of you can just act like a douche.

    People who don't like veggies and are educated on other ways to get vitamins and nutrients.

    Recommended serving of fruit per day is at least 5 servings. Who says it's wrong to eat 3 cups of blueberries if each is a serving.

    I'm also serving up COLD HARD FACTS, but since it doesn't suit your or Captin Reddys way of thinking, well then it must be wrong.. when it fact, it's not.

    There are more then one way to do things around here, in case you haven't noticed.

    Now if you'll excuse me from this argument, I need to get my butt over to the library and actually read something worthwhile.

    Now there is also a recommended serving of vegetables for a day. So unless you are making up for all the veggies you aren't eating every day, come back with a different argument.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I pretty much like most veggies. But there is a few like spinach i hate cooked but i like it raw. Cabbage i like raw but if its cooked it has to be steaming hot once its cool its nasty. Broccoli if its cooked has to have salt, pepper and cheese. The kids like mixed veggies in the cheese noddles.

    The only veggie i never eat is turnips yuck!!

    Hey! You might like broccoli and cauliflower roasted with a bunch of garlic, olive oil, any spice you like, salt and pepper. You can eat it like a snack. Check this out btw..

    It is too good to be true! Good luck :)
  • RhondaOnAJourney
    RhondaOnAJourney Posts: 34 Member
    Try making smoothies. I put a cup of kale and a cup of spinach in with frozen fruit (along with other ingredients like Greek yogurt, almond milk, and so on....) and you cannot taste the greens.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    There's no magic answer, which i'm sure is what you'd like. Saying you don't like vegetables is a lot like saying "you don't like food". There's such a huge, vast, infinite array of vegetables and methods to prepare them that I find it hard to believe that you don't like any vegetables, unless it's a psychological aversion, in which case seek help and / or re-evaluate your aversion to healthy foods.

    ^ This

    I say, keep trying different varieties cooked in different ways until you either like them or learn to like them. If you REALLY must, try juicing or making veggie/fruit smoothies at first. You really can't afford to miss out on all the health benefits provided by eating them. I'm also of the belief that simply taking a multivitamin just won't cut it, so always go for the real thing if at all possible. There are lots of veggie/fruit smoothie recipes, Google away :flowerforyou: