Can I lose 15 pounds with this meal plan??



  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    More protein. More veggies. Throw some eggs and veggies and stuff in there.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Sure why not? But it looks like a nasty diet to me, I wouldn't follow it, but if that's your preference go for it, more power to you.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I'd come up with 4 different meal plans and rotate. I find that for the most part, I can eat the same snacks and breakfast most days, but need variety in lunch and dinner. I make food for the week and usually eat the same thing on workdays.

    There are easy things like crock pot soup or chicken/meat that you can make salads with.

    So answer is yes, you probably can, but by rotating meals every week, you won't get bored, you'll get more/different nutrients, and maybe you will learn more about healthy eating while losing weight - which is the most important part to me - if we don't learn how to be healthy, we will just gain it back.

    Good luck!!
  • travishalogod
    travishalogod Posts: 25 Member
    You can definitely lose weight with this diet, but it isn't exactly healthy. Yes, you have a deficit there, but it isn't a wide variety of nutrition and eventually you will become malnourished in certain areas and then possibly gain weight.Yyou want to stay 1500 calories or under but look into healthier food. Talk to a nutritionist or a personal trainer at your local gym, or hey, even do a google search, it'll help

    any questions feel free to friend me or message me.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I agree with most of the other posters that you can lose on this meal plan but even though you are at a good calorie level you nutrionally off. You need way more fruits and veggies and less bread / cereal type foods. You'll get a lot more food and feel better. This diet sets you up for carb crashes throughout the day, which will make you want to eat.

    Try things like Greek yogurt with some blueberries and a couple of tablespoons of granola for breakfast. Your grilled chicken and salad are ok for lunch but if your dressing has that many caloires it's probably loaded with fat and sugar. Try a viniagrette (sp?) or a low calorie dressing and add a tablesppon or two of chopped nuts to your salad.

    Great snack ideas - apple and peanut butter are good but regular peanut butter has a lot of sugar added. Natural almond butter is a better choice or use PB2 powdered peanut butter for less calories and fat. Hummus and raw veggies is good too.

    For dinner a lean protein, half a medium sized sweet potato and some saute'd spinach or roasted brocolli will fill you for the evening.

    You can add variety by exchanging things for similar items - yogurt for cottage cheese or egg whites with some low fat cheese; Chicken for fish, Sweet potato for squash or carrots or a whole grain pasta, spinach and broccoli for kale or chard. It's easier to stick with a diet if there's variety.

    Feel free to look at my food diary. I've lost 39 pounds eating this way. I even have a few chips or some ice cream pretty regularly because I have calories left over when I eat this kind of food. When I stray from the veggies and fruits and eat the things you're eating, I get off track and begin to gain again.
  • wprimus
    wprimus Posts: 5
    Thanks for the calorie correction on the granola bar....idk why I wrote 260 when I have the box right next to me :-/ Must've been thinking of something else.

    As for the cereal - I love cereal, that's why it's so easy for me to eat it for dinner. I love the chicken and I wouldn't mind eating that for dinner though.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I've started trying to lose weight again - I want to lose 15 pounds.
    I'm trying to stick to a 1500 calorie/day diet, and I have lost about 1-2 pounds within the first couple of days of doing this (depends on if I weigh myself in the morning or night). I've listed what my daily meals consist of. Can someone please let me know if I stick to this for a couple of months, if I can lose the 15 pounds?

    Breakfast - Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bar - Oats & Honey (190 calories)
    Bolthouse Farms Strawberry Banana Smoothie (260 calories)

    Lunch - Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken (230 calories)
    Ranch Salad Dressing (170 calories)

    Snack - 1 cup of sliced apples with 3/4 ounces of creamy peanut butter (177 calories)

    Dinner - 1 cup of Sunbelt Banana Almond Whole Grain Cereal (360 calories)
    2/3 cups of whole milk (99 calories)

    Total Calories - 1,486

    Can I really lose 15 pounds by sticking to this diet? I also plan to throw in 2-3 days of cardio (elliptical) workouts.

    sure can but are you hungry? Turn that salad dressing calories into a bunch of servings of vegetables

    and that milk into a boiled egg

    food is our friend

    small examples :)
  • wprimus
    wprimus Posts: 5
    I am currently staring at that exact granola bar and it is 190 cals, not 260. Just FYI.

    Cereal for dinner?!?!?! How are you dealing with that????

    If you are losing on 1500 I'm sure you will be able to lose on 1500. Honestly though this diet seems miserable and super carby. Not advocating Atkins or anything but carbs make me bloaty and feel like I'm not getting proper nutrition. How about chicken breast and a salad for dinner instead of carbs plus more carbs? Just my thoughts.

    Edit- woops I see you mention having chicken and salad for lunch. So disregard my suggestions. I'm just baffled by cereal for dinner.

    Thanks for the calorie correction on the granola bar....idk why I wrote 260 when I have the box right next to me :-/ Must've been thinking of something else.

    As for the cereal - I love cereal, that's why it's so easy for me to eat it for dinner. I love the chicken and I wouldn't mind eating that for dinner though.
  • wprimus
    wprimus Posts: 5
    I guess you could, but why not eat real food?

    I suck at dieting - I don't really know what foods are good for me, besides the obvious fruits and vegetables.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I guess you could, but why not eat real food?

    I suck at dieting - I don't really know what foods are good for me, besides the obvious fruits and vegetables.

    Eat fruits and vegetables, then.

    Or you know, do some resarch.
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    There are so many healthy foods out there! I try to eat a variety everyday. I usually make enough dinner for leftovers for lunch the next day. I make chicken pot pie, roasts, stuffed bell peppers, chicken (love the Kraft fresh takes)- anything I want. I look at a lot because there are ratings. Just keep reading on here and you will learn great substitutes. I make my ranch so there is less sodium but more protein. I don't think diet food. Instead, how can I adjust this recipe to fit into my calories. Make it fun. Feel free to look at my diary if you like.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I guess you could, but why not eat real food?

    I suck at dieting - I don't really know what foods are good for me, besides the obvious fruits and vegetables.

    That's the issue. You will not lose weight on a 'diet' you will just mess up your system and make yourself hungry, *****y, tired and frustrated.

    First of all. How did you decide to eat 1500 calories? Did you calculate based on your age, height, current weight and activity level? With only 15 lbs to lose you can't afford to not be eating enough - you will just stall out. I don't know if you are or aren't but I will tell you that I am a lazy *kitten*, I'm more than 10 years older than you are and -I- eat 1500 (net) Unless you are like 5 feet tall you probably need more than that. Anyway -IF- in fact you are good at 1500 then you will also need to make sure that you are eating back some /most of your exercise calories so that you are keeping your body fueled (FYI you do not need exercise to lose weight, exercise is for health and body composition not weight loss)

    In terms of what to eat you can look at some diaries for ideas (look at mine if you like - I eat back most of my exercise and lose .5 - 1lb a week. I eat cereal for dinner too sometimes ;) Of course I will usually end up going back for more food after that because I'm still hungry but I have the calories so why not. Mainly when you are starting out you just want to make some small changes, some better choices, a little more moving around and you really need to track what you eat right NOW while you are not losing weight so that you can make a reasonably educated guess where to start cutting.

    Check out the useful information for a good start.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    You'll probably get bored with it. You should eat a variety of things to keep your diet somewhat interesting and motivating. Eating the same stuff over and over is more of a punishment :)

    Agreed - probably not the best nutritional approach, either (different foods get you different nutrients, so having just the same few things every day could mean you're missing out on some important vitamins/minerals, etc.).
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I don't really know what foods are good for me, besides the obvious fruits and vegetables.

    Quick rule of thumb for this, if you don't want to take the time to learn what's good for you:

    Eat more foods without ingredients labels.
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    I eat 1200 cal a day and have way more food to eat than that. It seems you will not be satisfied on a diet like that....go for more fresh foods, veggies, protein and variety. Less sugar and processed foods :)