How to handle 15 nights on a cruise ship.



  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I cruise quite a bit and here's what I found was useful....

    1) Avoid most buffets. Instead, eat in a "sit down" restaurant whenever possible.
    2) When you're sitting out on deck, choose a seat as far from the food as possible.
    3) Work out in the gym
    4) At dinner, stick to one appetizer, one entree and one dessert, rather than unlimited portions of everything.
    5) Go easy on the booze! You wouldn't believe the amount of calories that you will save this way. Substitute sparkling water when you can. Limit to one drink/day.
    7) Most cruise ships will deliver a continental breakfast to your room. I order a piece of fruit and some cereal, along with some tear and maybe a piece of toast (just like I would do at home) This really curbed calorie intake, and was well satisfied until lunch. A side benefit is that it's a relaxing way to start the day and I'm not rushing around in the a.m. to get to breakfast. Where else can you get "breakfast in bed" anyway?

    This is good advice. Cruises do have healthy options. On one cruise we found the light options to be the best tasting. I love getting a bowl of fresh berries with my breakfast and lots of veggies with lunch and dinner. There will be a gym and a walking track. Try to take the stairs as much as possible. I lost 2 pounds on our last cruise even though I enjoyed a few cocktails. "All you can eat" is not a challenge.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I cruise a lot too, and maybe I'll come back 3 pounds heavier, but it is water weight and disappears after a couple of days back to normal and eating healthy.

    Enjoy, but just don't go overboard (<--no pun intended :laugh: ) every day like people intend to do on a cruise. On a 7-day cruise I'll work out 4-5 times like I would do in a normal week. I get it over with early in the morning and then I feel better all day long. Also I take the stairs is that a workout!
  • mmctaw
    mmctaw Posts: 30 Member
    Cruises should be fun so don't put a lot of pressure on yourself. My last cruise was fantastic and although I ended up gaining a few pounds, the weight disappeared about a week later. The easiest things I would encourage you to do are:
    1. Work Out - bring gym clothes and make time to workout. The best time for me was usually 1.5 hours before my sit down dinner. I also found working out made me much more conscious of my food choices.
    2. Take The Stairs - take the stairs on the ship everywhere. This will help compensate for any additional calories you might pick up elsewhere
    3. Water - drink lots of water. I purchased a case of water on ship and went through the whole thing
    4. Activities - enjoy them! go dancing, swim, take part in excursions, go on trails, explore the ship and have fun! You'll burn calories and make the trip more memorable.

    Other suggestions that may help, but I find a little bit less practical
    1. Avoid Buffets - agree with others, avoid the buffets. Try and stick to sit down meals. If you do the buffets, especially breakfast, have a preference for more filling options with higher protein but don't feel bad eating whatever you want
    2. Limiting Alcohol - a glass of red wine a day won't seriously hurt you (and may help) but don't get sloshed every night. That's just not good for you in general

    In any scenario, it's a vacation! Enjoy it and even if you get off track decide to get back on track when you get back home! I hope you enjoy your cruise!
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    When it comes to using the gym on board- stick with it for a few days, even if it seems too crowded. Normally, I go when the gym opens, which means late night carousers are often still sleeping. But even then, the first one or two mornings tend to be the busiest. After that, people become distracted with events or their willpower fades and the numbers start to drop.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    This is a thread I read on a while ago before going on vacation. It's a good read as it's his experience on a cruise.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i'm also going on a cruise for 7 days in may. makes me worry now lol.. but like other said, enjoy yourself and go to the gym and eat and have fun! that's what i'm gonna do. :)
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    I went on an 8 day cruise last April a few short weeks after joining mfp. I made better choices and was more aware of what I eating but still enjoyed myself and came home to a 2 lb loss. It can be done. I hope you have a wonderul time!
  • Rob777com
    Rob777com Posts: 11 Member
    Wow that would be so hard for me not to drink and eat. I would probably dance as much I could and eat lots of fruit so I wouldn't eat all the bad stuff.
    PHYYOU Posts: 11 Member
    There is food everywhere you go on the ship, however, I found that I do much better if I avoid the buffet lines, and go to a sit down meal each time and order from a menu. I had plenty of food that I wanted but didn't order more than i needed. They have a great gym that you can use. And just walking around the ship all day is helpful. Just enjoy.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    If it's Carnival ...might not be a problem! I actually lost 3 lbs my last cruise cuz the food was sooooo bad! You can keep with your program and just be very careful with your food . I vacation a lot, it can be done and still enjoy many indulgences! Have a great time!!
  • HawkeyeLite
    I gained 10 lbs on a 5 night cruise - right when I had hit my goal weight too. You definitely have cause to worry - but here's the thing - you're making a plan, which is AWESOME.

    I did run once - but obviously that healthy path didn't continue for me. I got lazy. You can do better. There is a gym and a running path, and you SHOULD totally take advantage of both. Make it a part of your daily routine on the ship. You're on vacation, yes, but this is not the time to stop your workouts. If you're usually a morning workout person, go ahead and keep doing it then. Get it done, then get in your bikini and enjoy the rest of your day.

    If I were you (or if I could go back in time and change things with me! ha!), I would be committed to making two meals healthy a day. Or at least measurable and trackable options, so you know how many calories you have left after you eat your breakfast. Dinner is obviously the big one of the cruise - you eat well. Maybe ask the waiter if she could portion your meal ahead of time (give me half the meal instead) before she lays the plate in front of you.

    I know it's your vacation, and you want to take a break and rest too - but just remember, this change and diet and workout plan for you is not a DIET, it is a lifestyle change. And your lifestyle should continue on the cruise ship.

    Drink lots of water too - and have fun. You'll do great - you're going in with a plan.
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    I lost a bit of weight on my last cruise. I ate most meals at the buffet. It really makes a difference how you view a buffet. If you have to eat some of everything, or if it is just an opportunity to stuff yourself on things you like, by all means avoid them. I like to treat a buffet as an opportunity to select healthy, low calorie options. One egg, one slice of whole grain toast and a nice bowl of fruit for breakfast. A salad with a variety of veggies I could never manage at home and complete control of the dressing quantity and a simply prepared protein for lunch. A choice of a bunch of salad ingredients and fresh cooked veggies at dinner and a nice slice of the carved roast of the evening. And more wonderful fruit - stuff I could not get at home. What's not to love? Oh yeah - lots of exercise options too!
  • djfriedman81
    Try to eat as healthy as possible (read high protein and fiber), but enjoy yourself. Limit your carbs to your boozing and deserts, as sandwiches, pasta, and pizza on the ships suck anyway

    I find that most cruises have many (active) activities like ropes courses, rock climbing, hiking, plus all the swing you can handle when you are at your destinations. When you are between ports, enjoy the fitness center, walking track. If your plan is to lie out all day try to only do this on the days between ports and still try to get to the gym, track, or water aerobics classes.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Life is for living. Vacations are for enjoyment. I went to Key West last year for a week and gained 4 pounds upon my return. I was so upset over it only to find that three days later I had lost three of those pounds, so the net gain was only a pound. I got right back to my normal routine and lost that and more. Most of the weight you will gain will be water weight. So enjoy yourself! It's not like you go on a cruise every day!
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    Enjoy your cruise, enjoy the food at every meal but don't overfill your plate and don't go for seconds.

    if you don't want to go to the gym, make sure you walk on deck everyday.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I go to all-inclusive resorts at least once per year so everything is all-you-can-eat and all-you-can drink. I generally eat what I want and end up gaining only a couple of pounds which I just work off when I get home.

    Here are a few things I do to minimize the damage:

    1. avoid super high calorie sugary drinks - stick with wine, or alcohol in lower calorie mixers. Even though they are fun on on a vacation, Margaritas, daquiries, etc. are super high in calories.

    2. If you go to a buffet, fill a good part of your plate with salad (the healthy kind!) or steamed veggies and fill the rest with what you want to eat. Try not go go back for seconds.

    3. Again, if it's a buffet, choose one desert or use the smallest plate possible.

    4. This one is big for me: don't eat the stuff you know is garbage and really doesn't taste good. At the resorts I go to there are tons of places to pick up snacks - greasy frozen pizza slices, plates of french fries, jalepeno poppers, nachos with fake cheese sauce, and other beach food It's easy to just mindlessly grab these foods. I try to remember that I don't eat them at home and I don't even like them.

    I see so many people eat way more than they should because it's there in unlimited quantity....people carrying two dinner plates and two dessert plates at at time without realizing you don't have to eat it ALL just because it's available.