


  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    this is dumb. why do you care if ppl wanna cleanse?

    I want to understand the science behind it.

    You can't

    I'm very technical and have a good grasp of basic human biology. I think I could understand if it was explained to me. At least pointed to some source.

    You can't because there's none. Which .. y'know ... is what you're trying to expose here.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The food you eat has toxins in it. From the spray they use on fruits and vegetable to keep the bugs off and to ripen quicker to make more of it to the antibiotics that are feed to our animals. And these toxins are what cause sickness and illnesses and diseases. I use a cellular cleanse called Cleanse for Life a product from Isagenix. I love it.

    Can you name some of these toxins or point me in the direction of an information source? Toxin is pretty vague.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The food you eat has toxins in it. From the spray they use on fruits and vegetable to keep the bugs off and to ripen quicker to make more of it to the antibiotics that are feed to our animals. And these toxins are what cause sickness and illnesses and diseases. I use a cellular cleanse called Cleanse for Life a product from Isagenix. I love it.

    I dont tend to wash my produce. Drives the wife crazy.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The food you eat has toxins in it. From the spray they use on fruits and vegetable to keep the bugs off and to ripen quicker to make more of it to the antibiotics that are feed to our animals. And these toxins are what cause sickness and illnesses and diseases. I use a cellular cleanse called Cleanse for Life a product from Isagenix. I love it.

    I dont tend to wash my produce. Drives the wife crazy.

    Sounds like you're just asking for it
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    The food you eat has toxins in it. From the spray they use on fruits and vegetable to keep the bugs off and to ripen quicker to make more of it to the antibiotics that are feed to our animals. And these toxins are what cause sickness and illnesses and diseases. I use a cellular cleanse called Cleanse for Life a product from Isagenix. I love it.

    I dont tend to wash my produce. Drives the wife crazy.

    Me either. Better keep reading.
  • I am curious about cleanses. Can someone please explain to me exactly what toxins are being cleansed? How and why? Educate me, please. I would love to read some studies on them.

    You must be bored lately.

    You know as well as I do that these cleanses are 100% nonsense.

    ^^This. Obviously a baiting thread. I get that it may get annoying at times to read all the "will this cleanse work" threads, but I honestly think alot of people new to fitness don't know any better. The pompus attitude by some on can be seen as very rude in my opinion (doesnt bother me so much, but I can see where newbies would shy away)

    Did you have all the knowledge you have today 160 pounds ago OP?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I am curious about cleanses. Can someone please explain to me exactly what toxins are being cleansed? How and why? Educate me, please. I would love to read some studies on them.

    You must be bored lately.

    You know as well as I do that these cleanses are 100% nonsense.

    ^^This. Obviously a baiting thread. I get that it may get annoying at times to read all the "will this cleanse work" threads, but I honestly think alot of people new to fitness don't know any better. The pompus attitude by some on can be seen as very rude in my opinion (doesnt bother me so much, but I can see where newbies would shy away)

    Did you have all the knowledge you have today 160 pounds ago OP?

    Just looks like a little exercise in Socratic Inquiry to lead the cleanse people to the light ...

    People who ask aren't a problem. And if someone says they have concrete evidence they work, they're a cleanse salesman. It's the second group that's a problem.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I am curious about cleanses. Can someone please explain to me exactly what toxins are being cleansed? How and why? Educate me, please. I would love to read some studies on them.

    You must be bored lately.

    You know as well as I do that these cleanses are 100% nonsense.

    ^^This. Obviously a baiting thread. I get that it may get annoying at times to read all the "will this cleanse work" threads, but I honestly think alot of people new to fitness don't know any better. The pompus attitude by some on can be seen as very rude in my opinion (doesnt bother me so much, but I can see where newbies would shy away)

    Did you have all the knowledge you have today 160 pounds ago OP?

    Think what you will. I would love to have them explained to me. If they work, show me how. This would be good information for all newbies. I think it's a service more than anything.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am curious about cleanses. Can someone please explain to me exactly what toxins are being cleansed? How and why? Educate me, please. I would love to read some studies on them.

    You must be bored lately.

    You know as well as I do that these cleanses are 100% nonsense.

    ^^This. Obviously a baiting thread. I get that it may get annoying at times to read all the "will this cleanse work" threads, but I honestly think alot of people new to fitness don't know any better. The pompus attitude by some on can be seen as very rude in my opinion (doesnt bother me so much, but I can see where newbies would shy away)

    Did you have all the knowledge you have today 160 pounds ago OP?

    Think what you will. I would love to have them explained to me. If they work, show me how. This would be good information for all newbies. I think it's a service more than anything.

    I'm not sure trolling for fights does anyone a service.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I am curious about cleanses. Can someone please explain to me exactly what toxins are being cleansed? How and why? Educate me, please. I would love to read some studies on them.

    You must be bored lately.

    You know as well as I do that these cleanses are 100% nonsense.

    ^^This. Obviously a baiting thread. I get that it may get annoying at times to read all the "will this cleanse work" threads, but I honestly think alot of people new to fitness don't know any better. The pompus attitude by some on can be seen as very rude in my opinion (doesnt bother me so much, but I can see where newbies would shy away)

    Did you have all the knowledge you have today 160 pounds ago OP?

    Think what you will. I would love to have them explained to me. If they work, show me how. This would be good information for all newbies. I think it's a service more than anything.

    I'm not sure trolling for fights does anyone a service.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am curious about cleanses. Can someone please explain to me exactly what toxins are being cleansed? How and why? Educate me, please. I would love to read some studies on them.

    Bro, you have got to be BS'ing me ..right??? Are you that bored on a Friday???
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my personal favorite cleansing method is to fast for 72 hours and then drink 96 gallons of water in one day, on day four, I then follow this up with three days of drinking raspberry ketone day eight I am urinating every 60 seconds and am so food deprived that I start to hallucinate..oh, and the raspberry ketones make my pee red...or was I just seeing sh%t
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    my personal favorite cleansing method is to fast for 72 hours and then drink 96 gallons of water in one day, on day four, I then follow this up with three days of drinking raspberry ketone day eight I am urinating every 60 seconds and am so food deprived that I start to hallucinate..oh, and the raspberry ketones make my pee red...or was I just seeing sh%t

    I do this one from time to time. I find that getting a catheter some time before day 4 helps.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    my personal favorite cleansing method is to fast for 72 hours and then drink 96 gallons of water in one day, on day four, I then follow this up with three days of drinking raspberry ketone day eight I am urinating every 60 seconds and am so food deprived that I start to hallucinate..oh, and the raspberry ketones make my pee red...or was I just seeing sh%t

    Seems legit
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my personal favorite cleansing method is to fast for 72 hours and then drink 96 gallons of water in one day, on day four, I then follow this up with three days of drinking raspberry ketone day eight I am urinating every 60 seconds and am so food deprived that I start to hallucinate..oh, and the raspberry ketones make my pee red...or was I just seeing sh%t

    Seems legit

    it totally works! I lost ten pounds...the only problem is whenever I stop I keep gaining it back..WTF is going on????
  • I wonder if people who do cleanses use these too. I mean, they have to be as good, if not better then a liquid cleanse, right?
  • TygerTwoTails
    TygerTwoTails Posts: 108 Member
    Let's make this can of worms delicious


    gummy worm cleanse? I hear that makes you really skinny overnight right?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    my personal favorite cleansing method is to fast for 72 hours and then drink 96 gallons of water in one day, on day four, I then follow this up with three days of drinking raspberry ketone day eight I am urinating every 60 seconds and am so food deprived that I start to hallucinate..oh, and the raspberry ketones make my pee red...or was I just seeing sh%t

    Seems legit

    it totally works! I lost ten pounds...the only problem is whenever I stop I keep gaining it back..WTF is going on????

    You stopped, that's the problem!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I have very strong feelings! Not about cleanses but just in general. Will a cleanse help? Does it do anything for mood or personality disorders?
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    Every 6-12 months I cleanse my hard drive. I always feel better after that.