


  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    It's not hype, gimmick or a miracle.

    You're right. It's a vial of placebo along with a strict diet and exercise plan.

    If Slenderiix were so effective why would you need a strict diet with an Approved Foods List?

    There was a double blind placebo controlled study that showed those on the Slenderiix program lost 3 times more than on the diet alone. Yes, I'm sure eating less is helping, but the thing is is that I have no cravings or hunger pains. There is no way I could have eaten only 1250 calories before. I tried one time to cut to 1800 and was starving all the time.

    Link to the study? Or is it a word document somebody created?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    It's not hype, gimmick or a miracle.

    You're right. It's a vial of placebo along with a strict diet and exercise plan.

    If Slenderiix were so effective why would you need a strict diet with an Approved Foods List?

    There was a double blind placebo controlled study that showed those on the Slenderiix program lost 3 times more than on the diet alone. Yes, I'm sure eating less is helping, but the thing is is that I have no cravings or hunger pains. There is no way I could have eaten only 1250 calories before. I tried one time to cut to 1800 and was starving all the time.

    It probably has some form of caffeine or natural caffeine. That will give you fake energy and make you think you do't need to eat. You were hungry at 1800 because that's STILL NOT ENOUGH food for a 37 year old man.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's not hype, gimmick or a miracle.

    You're right. It's a vial of placebo along with a strict diet and exercise plan.

    If Slenderiix were so effective why would you need a strict diet with an Approved Foods List?

    There was a double blind placebo controlled study that showed those on the Slenderiix program lost 3 times more than on the diet alone. Yes, I'm sure eating less is helping, but the thing is is that I have no cravings or hunger pains. There is no way I could have eaten only 1250 calories before. I tried one time to cut to 1800 and was starving all the time.
    Either link to the study for us to read, or admit that it doesn't actually exist. The definition of homeopathic is PLACEBO. A placebo can not out perform a placebo.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I took my link off for all the negative nelly's. I am selling enough without resulting to trying to market to a bunch of negative people on here. I thought there might be some people who wanted the product...if you still do, just message me.

    Have you read the Guidelines?
    No Advertising, Self-Promotion, or Fund-Raising

    a) You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit,e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.

    c) Posts or messages to members promoting websites that compete with MyFitnessPal are also prohibited.

    (added bold for emphasis)
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I took my link off for all the negative nelly's. I am selling enough without resulting to trying to market to a bunch of negative people on here. I thought there might be some people who wanted the product...if you still do, just message me.

    Would still be interested in reading the study. My guess is you won't provide it because you haven't read it and you are just quoting the marketing materials that you got from the site when you paid your 50 bucks or whatever.
  • chrisvinky
    I took my link off for all the negative nelly's. I am selling enough without resulting to trying to market to a bunch of negative people on here. I thought there might be some people who wanted the product...if you still do, just message me.

    Would still be interested in reading the study. My guess is you won't provide it because you haven't read it and you are just quoting the marketing materials that you got from the site when you paid your 50 bucks or whatever.

    As soon as I get it, I will be sure to message you with it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    "Slenderiiz harnesses the power of the body’s ability to heal itself by re-programming your relationship with food and setting your body into harmony necessary for long-term total body health."

    Okay. Wait, what? :noway:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    "Slenderiiz harnesses the power of the body’s ability to heal itself by re-programming your relationship with food and setting your body into harmony necessary for long-term total body health."

    Okay. Wait, what? :noway:

    Translation: "this product has no function in the body that we can quantify or describe, so we just made up a bunch of vague nonsense instead."
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    "Slenderiiz harnesses the power of the body’s ability to heal itself by re-programming your relationship with food and setting your body into harmony necessary for long-term total body health."

    Okay. Wait, what? :noway:

    Translation: "this product has no function in the body that we can quantify or describe, so we just made up a bunch of vague nonsense instead."

    It does sound peaceful.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    Please explain how this miracle system works!?

  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    1250 calories is far far too little for a guy weighing around 200lb, for any guy full stop. Heck it's too low for most women.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Wait.... so you started this at the beginning of March.... have lost 10lb and are now selling it yourself? I'm guessing you are just looking to make a quick buck from it. Good luck to ya, but really, maybe you could at least try it longer term to prove its success and long term effects before selling this to other people???
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I took my link off for all the negative nelly's. I am selling enough without resulting to trying to market to a bunch of negative people on here. I thought there might be some people who wanted the product...if you still do, just message me.

    Would still be interested in reading the study. My guess is you won't provide it because you haven't read it and you are just quoting the marketing materials that you got from the site when you paid your 50 bucks or whatever.

    As soon as I get it, I will be sure to message you with it.

    Wow...Just wow..You linked to the marketing materials for the site that contains vague statements.


    "Dr." Marlisa Hurt - Her PhD per her linkin site is a "Doctorate of Philosophy" in Anti Aging Medicine from Kingdom College of Natural health. That's hilarious.

    Dr. Strand appears to have a legit degree but appears to be a quack with his own product line of junk he's selling. You conveniently get discounts on all of his crap if you buy their crap.

    Snake oil man...You bought it and now you are trying to get others to.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    The ingredient list for the products are herbal. If I had time I'd look them all up and see what they are. no no for children and pregnant me that is a big red flag. Even if it has a placebo effect ie makes you think you can follow the super low calorie plan and won't have cravings, it is not as inoccuous as a "nothing in it" placebo. Herbs are nothing to fool around with.

    I hope you are able to remain healthy while you follow this plan. Let us know how you are doing in 3 months.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I took my link off for all the negative nelly's. I am selling enough without resulting to trying to market to a bunch of negative people on here. I thought there might be some people who wanted the product...if you still do, just message me.

    Would still be interested in reading the study. My guess is you won't provide it because you haven't read it and you are just quoting the marketing materials that you got from the site when you paid your 50 bucks or whatever.

    As soon as I get it, I will be sure to message you with it.

    Wow...Just wow..You linked to the marketing materials for the site that contains vague statements.


    "Dr." Marlisa Hurt - Her PhD per her linkin site is a "Doctorate of Philosophy" in Anti Aging Medicine from Kingdom College of Natural health. That's hilarious.

    Dr. Strand appears to have a legit degree but appears to be a quack with his own product line of junk he's selling. You conveniently get discounts on all of his crap if you buy their crap.

    Snake oil man...You bought it and now you are trying to get others to.

    Kingdom College has no accreditation, and Marlisa Hurt cannot actually call herself a Dr.
  • daniczec
    daniczec Posts: 8
    We have had great results with homepathic remedies, my mom has MS and would not be walking today with it weren't for her homeopathic approach to treating the disease as opposed to traditional Western medicine that just treats the symptoms. If you read the ingredients on the two bottles they contain B12, rosehip, acerola fruit, green tea, and several other minerals. If you're opposed to taking minerals then dont take it. If you're having trouble losing weight, having cravings, lack energy than maybe this could help.
    We're all adults here and capable of making decisions on our own without persecution, naysayers, or negativity.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    We're all adults here and capable of making decisions on our own without persecution, naysayers, or negativity.
    Strong first post.. except while we're all adults here, reading comprehension must not have been a requirement for some of us to sign up and spam garbage MLM products with direct links.


    no. It isn't that we're negative, just some of us have been here longer than one post.. and we're kinda sick of the salesmen. Have no fear, though, we hate them all equally since THEY HAVE NO PLACE HERE.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    We have had great results with water droplets, my mom has MS and would not be walking today with it weren't for her sugar pills as opposed to traditional Western medicine that just treats the symptoms.

    Fixed that for you.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    God, this looks like my facebook and all my friends pushing their "all natural" diet pills.

    The best part is people claiming to have lost pounds of fat, not knowing the great, unrealistic deficit they would need to lose that fat in a short amount of time. Especially with no exercise. It's water weight and it will come back on.
This discussion has been closed.