petite girls (5'3orunder) under 120lbs.

Hi< I'm new! I'm currently 5'2 and around 112lbs. I would like to get back to 99-106. I would love to hear about petite girls fitness regimen and how to loose weight when you are already at a healthy BMI. Being a short girl and extra 5lbs looks like much more!


  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    I am 5'2'' at 108 lb, a bit of skinny fat...Currently I am doing P90X, before that I did 30 Days Shred. You don't get results overnight but slowly getting there...
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    I would suggest lifting weights, even lifting heavy, and not worrying about the number on the scale. I can't imagine being under 110, and I'm only 5'0". But then, I've always been one to lift and to build some muscle mass, so that I can look slammin' hot at 115-120. When you get your body fat down below 25%, even just under 20%, you can weight more and look really really good. And you get to eat more calories to maintain, too! (In my profile pic, I'm at 127, just for reference)

    There are several great lifting programs out there. New Rules of Lifting for Women might be good because it specifically addresses women's concerns and issues. If you've never lifted before, you could even start out with something like Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Or a couple of sessions with a personal trainer who understands you want to lift, not be a cardio junkie.

    And don't worry, you'd have to really really really try to bulk up. Women just don't have the hormones for a lot of manly bulk.
  • JenS2586
    JenS2586 Posts: 85
    I am 5'3, I used to be 117-119 and found it very difficult to lose to get to the 110 I've always wanted. I'm currently preggo n started off around 140 but I'm hoping to get back down below 120 by new yrs, hoping still for 110. I plan on doing the 30 day shred, plus I love running. I have a bunch of jillian michaels dvds I will be mixing up with my running and yoga and other various things. Also thinking about trying p90x.
  • paoha
    paoha Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'2" and now about 100 lbs. I've lost a little over 10 lbs in the last 6 months, mostly by watching what I eat through MFP and adding a little more exercise (mostly jogging). I find the MFP calorie goals to be pretty accurate so if I'm getting about 1200 calories on a day with no exercise I will lose weight. My daily calorie goal is now 1370 to maintain my current weight. To stay at 100 lbs I find that I still need to log my food, otherwise too many calories and unhealthy snacks will sneak in. I've been about 110 pretty much my whole adult life and now after having two kids I'm loving my new slimmer body.

    Other than the food diary through MFP, my only good tip is to get plenty of sleep. I find it's so much easier to resist unhealthy snacks when I've slept well.
  • tRiNaBeAnZz
    tRiNaBeAnZz Posts: 114 Member
    Hello fellow shorties!
    I am 4'11 and currently weight in at 116.5.
    I completely understand about extra weight looking much worse on short girls. 5lbs makes a big difference. We don't have as much room to store it! ;)

    Here are some of my stats. I started with Zumba, currently am doing TurboFire, and next month Insanity and Hip Hop Abs! Feel free to add me, my diary is always open.

    SW: 134
    CW: 116.5

    I'd like to see how I feel at 112lbs but mostly I'd like to tone up. :)
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    Thanks for the replies! I'm currently doing 45 min runs 6 days a week. And some strength training a few days a week. I eat a really clean diet but I don't calorie count. It just seems for shorter girls the extra lbs are harder to get off. Now that I'm 25 I notice my weight goes right to my booty and thighs, which my hubby doesn't mind, but I do! My stomach almost always looks flat (prob thanks to a good diet) I may kick up my cardio a bit to rid the extra lbs in the thigh area.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm 5'4" and was 100 pounds a few years ago down from 118 or so. I did not look good, in fact I had cellulite and flab.

    Once I educated myself on eating right (and eating a lot more) and lifting weights, I gained 10 pounds of mostly muscle over the last 3 years. I still fit in the size 0-1-2 clothes that I wore at 100 pounds, and I look fit and healthy, not skinny.

    What I learned was, it isn't healthy to be 100 pounds...nor does it look good. Instead of focusing so much on the scale, you should reevaluate your goals of looking hot and healthy...lift weights!!!!
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    hmm there seems to be a lot of people REALLY into lifting here. I'm not a huge fan. I've done my fair share of it and I much prefer a barre or palites class. Or better yet, reformer. And as far was weight goes... I'm not SET on a weight. I just know what my body feels best around and even girls that "lift" and maintain a slimmer figure are still around 98-105lbs. For example...
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    Also I'm just barely 5'2 if that. 5'4 and 100lbs is underweight I think
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    First of all.. I love the fact that I can actually post here :) I am 117.5 and looking to get down to about 113-115. Currently this is what my workout regime looks like...

    Monday; rest or 20 min yoga
    Tuesday: 45 min treadmill intervals and 20 minutes strength
    Wednesday: 45 min treadmill run and 20 minutes strength
    Thursday; 20 min recumbent bike and 50 minutes toning (current Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones)
    Friday: rest of 20 min yoga
    Saturday: long run 6-10 miles (right now I am training for a half)
    Sunday: run outside 4-6 miles

    Hope this helps! Great thread.
  • ssmit103
    ssmit103 Posts: 5
    I'm in the exact same boat! I am the exact same height and weight! Before college I had never broken 100 lbs, and now I am just trying to get back to 105ish and get toned up. I would love to share recipes and fitness plans with you :-) It's hard to find other people our size to compare with!
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    First of all.. I love the fact that I can actually post here :) I am 117.5 and looking to get down to about 113-115. Currently this is what my workout regime looks like...

    Monday; rest or 20 min yoga
    Tuesday: 45 min treadmill intervals and 20 minutes strength
    Wednesday: 45 min treadmill run and 20 minutes strength
    Thursday; 20 min recumbent bike and 50 minutes toning (current Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones)
    Friday: rest of 20 min yoga
    Saturday: long run 6-10 miles (right now I am training for a half)
    Sunday: run outside 4-6 miles

    Hope this helps! Great thread.

    I LOVE your workout schedule!
  • ssmit103
    ssmit103 Posts: 5
    I just started training for my first half too! When are you running yours and what schedule are you using?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently 117 lbs. I would love to get down to 110-108 however I really don't think that will happen unless I completely stop exercising and just cut calories but I really don't want to be "skinny fat". I'm pretty muscular right now and love it.

    In all honesty I think you would have a very hard time maintaining your goal weight. I was 105 once and it was extremely difficult for me to maintain that weight. My workout schedule is:

    30 min of cardio and 45-60 min of lifting every day.
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I am barely 5'0" and weigh 106 last I weighed in. I use turbo fire, brazil butt lift, turbo jam, 10 minute trainer and many of the Jillian Michael's DVDs. I also take bootcamp type toning classes at the gym where they encourage women to lift more weight....not 5 lb weights. My problem is that I lose weight in my belly last apparently or I tone up there last. So although I'm at a healthy weight I don't necessarily like the way my body looks. Over the last 6 weeks I've added turbo fire to my workout regimen, started using a HRM to track my workouts and started tracking what I eat through MFP and stepped up my water intake and I've seen a huge difference....almost 8 pounds arms and legs are looking more toned than ever. As far as my's slowly starting to change.....nothing overnight that's for sure but it seems to be working.
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm 5'2" and am currently 137 so I don't have much in the way of help to the OP, but I am happy to see a lot of petite ladies posting stuff because it has given me a ton of ideas! My ultimate goal is to be 120ish so all you smaller (in weight) ladies give me hope that it is possible! :flowerforyou:
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5 2.
    Sw 121llbs
    Cw 116 llbs
    Gw 112

    Although it comes off so slow I can't imagine getting there!!! I don't do massive amounts of exercise not only do I not like exercising I find it hard with a job and 3 kids blah blah, however I have been doing 30 day shred relilgiously for last 4 weeks and that's certainly given a bit of definition! I eat at 1380 calories ish some days less some more. All you guys are my inspiration as it means its possible to drop the pounds!! I just don't want to lose any more off my top half!!!!
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I should clarify that at 5'2 and 112 is without working out for the past four months and "cheating" with eating out a lot more (and drinking :-/) then I normally would. I don't own a scale but when I am on my normal routine of working out and eating well I'm right around 100-105lbs. I once had gotten down to 92lbs but that was mostly due to stress. So my goal is just to get back to where I feel comfortable (100-105). I'm not necessarily trying to figure out what I can maintain, I've maintained 100-105 for a good portion of the last 7-8 years. I just want to meet some other active petite people so saying things like 105lb doesn't sound crazy.
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I am barely 5'0" and weigh 106 last I weighed in. I use turbo fire, brazil butt lift, turbo jam, 10 minute trainer and many of the Jillian Michael's DVDs. I also take bootcamp type toning classes at the gym where they encourage women to lift more weight....not 5 lb weights. My problem is that I lose weight in my belly last apparently or I tone up there last. So although I'm at a healthy weight I don't necessarily like the way my body looks. Over the last 6 weeks I've added turbo fire to my workout regimen, started using a HRM to track my workouts and started tracking what I eat through MFP and stepped up my water intake and I've seen a huge difference....almost 8 pounds arms and legs are looking more toned than ever. As far as my's slowly starting to change.....nothing overnight that's for sure but it seems to be working.

    I have the opposite problem! I gain all my extra lbs right in the booty and thighs! I almost would rather have a little tummy and toned legs! I guess the grass is always greener on the other side! :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I should clarify that at 5'2 and 112 is without working out for the past four months and "cheating" with eating out a lot more (and drinking :-/) then I normally would. I don't own a scale but when I am on my normal routine of working out and eating well I'm right around 100-105lbs. I once had gotten down to 92lbs but that was mostly due to stress. So my goal is just to get back to where I feel comfortable (100-105). I'm not necessarily trying to figure out what I can maintain, I've maintained 100-105 for a good portion of the last 7-8 years. I just want to meet some other active petite people so saying things like 105lb doesn't sound crazy.

    I completely understand that however as you get older your body DOES change and if you do workout you'll find that you're going to gain weight but it will be due to muscle. While I would love to get down to my goal of 108-110 since that's where I used to be years ago because I lift I know it will never happen.

    While you might not achieve the 105lbs that you want with regular exercise -- which includes lifting weights -- and a clean(er) diet you'll gain muscle and slim down even if the scale doesn't say you have.

    ETA: right now I'd be happy if I could get down to 115-113.