
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Friends! I’m doing my happy Friday dance!:drinker:

    I woke up twice last night starving…my stomach was rumbling away. I ignored it but today is probably not going to be my best food day! I feel like I am running on empty but I’ll log it. Weight stayed the same today at weigh in with my fitness pal, but I bet next week it’s down with all that walking! So I just got done with a bigger lunch than usual and now I am stuffed! At least I’m not going crazy with hunger anymore. Maybe I’m on top of it now. Wierdness!

    Dear heavens, it’s snowing again!!!!! ARG will this ever end LOL:grumble:

    Jodios: tell us how the swimsuits went!

    Viv: sounds like the weird weather is all over the place doesn’t it? Keep up the good work here on MFP!

    Jo: have a great time at the bday party

    Amanda: try to find some down time just for you!

    DeeDee: who knew being healthy was so bad for you! Get well soon and stay in bed!:flowerforyou:

    Luvbuttons: great news on your weight loss

    Grandmallie: I totally agree that things happen for a reason and I’m so glad you are taking that cruise!

    Beth: it’s really difficult at my house….we have a huge, integrated, computerized entertainment center and nothing is “normal”. It takes about 10 steps to turn on the TV! Needless to say I have not used any of my tapes/DVDs etc.

    Brooke: stop reading and swallow! :laugh: Actually I have nothing funny to say today….well except at the rehab center they have this big black metal board with all these lights that blink randomly. Patients sit in front of it and try to touch the lights as they come on. We were touring the unit and the students asked what that was. I told them it was a body scan to see if they were suitable for making alien babies. They all looked at me like I had three heads. It probably took a full minute before they realized I was joking and started to laugh!:glasses:

    LindaC: so glad to hear your blood work was good!

    Laura: stay safe in the storm!!!

    Katla: I wake up sore and stiff every morning and everything hurts. Don’t know why. I try to stretch but then I get muscle spasms. But getting up and moving around helps.

    Lucy: congrats on the weight loss, but I’m sorry you don’t want it anymore! It will probably take your body a while to adjust!

    Glenda: please stay safe up there!

    Krisann: bump is just a way of posting quickly on the thread so that it shows up under “my topics” and you can find it easily. “They” say that losing weight is harder during/after menopause, but this is the first time I have really been able to lose weight, so I’m not sure I totally buy into that thought. I do know as you age your metabolism slows, which does make it harder.

    Jane: sorry to hear of the plumbing problems. I guess that means no cooking? Out for dinner? Not healthy, but it’s what I would end up doing!

    Well now it’s time for a department meeting. BLEH. A pox on meetings. I hate them. You all take care and enjoy the end of the work week. Meg:drinker:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Lucy – congrats on your scale victory as well as your continued commitment to your exercising, it’s so nice to hear you say “I feel great about myself”. And yes, we ARE all in this together :smile:

    Glenda – glad you’re back with us posting (go away computer gremlins!) and agree that March has brought more snow to most of us than Jan/Feb did. I too am ready for Spring to come and STAY!

    Debora in Alberta – Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Krisann22 – BUMP simply marks your place in the thread, once you’ve posted anything (i.e., bump, or later, or whatever) you’ll then be able to find it when you go to Community, then My Topics the next time you want to read/post. Also, good for you for working that treadmill and doing your classes (by the way, what is MPD???)

    Linda in Ontario – Way to go to get things checked off your list, that’s my goal for today too. So far cleaning and shopping – Check! Next up, stationary bike and dog walk (this if the 50mph wind ever stops – arggh – I can watch part of my fence sway about 6 inches, yikes!) :frown:

    Meg – okay, when I saw it was you posting I made sure I did NOT have anything to drink as I read it - - good thing too, “alien babies” :laugh: :laugh:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well we are home now. First stop was to shave and shower!, Then take a nap. ICU beds are not comfortable and they don't have room darkening shades in the hospital!!!! Now it's my turn to adjust. How do I learn when to let him go off on his own. When do I learn that it's OK for him to take that trash bag out of the trash can. It has a lot of suction in that can. And the recycling bin is heavy. I am feeling myself finally be tired and being able to collapse.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well, you may have noticed I didn't make it back last night! The French Cafe featured little kindergarten girls dressed up like Madeline and the boys like Pepeto. They served the guests (Moms, Dad and 1 Grandma (me)) some French food like strawberries, french bread, cheese, eclairs, and quiche. Then they did a little skit. Too cute.
    Anyway, last night was filled with homework and getting twins ready for a field trip. I'll be here until Sunday and I'm afraid I'm gaining everyday. Yesterday, the little one and I went shopping and I got pants two sizes smaller than the last ones I bought. I thought they were a little tight but the saleslady and my DGD (she's 6) said no, there are perfect. Hope I can wear them when I get home!!!!!!
    Although I've read all the posts, I didn't take notes so will get back on the posting wagon when I get home.
    Everyone have a great weekend and stay strong this weekend. I need to follow that advice. BTW, someone up north let their cold air slid down on top of us! It is cold today and suppose to get colder tomorrow. Soccer games tomorrow, that should be fun.

    Sue in TX
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Bedsprings & slinky...good one! lol:smile:

    You just keep doing it for you. If DH wants to join you i'm sure you will Welcome him.

    That is so maddening. But Hello and hope you have a great weekend.

    Enjoy the party not the food

    That is called mother's intuition.

    Sue in Sd
    You still have a week to get the voice up to par.
    If that loss was for a week great loss.

    I don't know what spring your talking about. Right now hubby is out there pushing snow with the plow truck.
    Only springs I see are bed springs or slinky maybe.

    My flower beds are still under 3 feet of snow.

    Good for you new pants means down another size.

    Yes busy is crazy. Hardly time for here.

    Missing the gym is ok once and awhile gives the body a break.
    Planning a cruise are you.

    30 is at your door almost there.
    Nice that Jackson is improving.

    Sorry to hear about the passing of your father in law.
    But i'm sure you will all do what's best for Mother in law.
    She knows you all care for her wellfare.

    I like finding recipes with nutrional value and the calorie count in them.
    There is a lot of good sites on here. Hardly look at recipe books any more.

    We should see grass sometimes in June. Think you and I are in the same mess.
    I'm in Northern Ontario. Hubby is out pushing snow with the plow truck right now.
    Terrible what happened in Leduc. We stayed at the little Lion's camp ground there in 2009
    On our way to Alaska.

    Happy anniversary to you and yours

    Glad to see all is well. Enjoy the girls next weekend.

    I can see you making it to 100. Like my grandma used to say they went by with the whellbarrel of death and forgot me again.
    You will be to busy with dancing they won't be able to catch you lol.

    Enjoy your time with sister and swimming.


    Why Monday what's wrong with Friday TODAY

    Not all caught up far from it. But checked part of 20th and 21st and will be back later but right now running out of time. Things to do. Started something new. Setting goals not only for my weight but housework as well. So need to get the to do list caught up.
    Did blood work Good. Did wii Good. So now to put in a good day so tomorrow will show the same results as today.

    Here's a saying as old as old is. If you always do what you always did. Then don't expect change. You will get what you always got.

    See you lighter
    Linda in snowy Northern Ontario.
  • PamelaWailes
    PamelaWailes Posts: 2 Member
    I would love some buddies also. I've been using this app for over a year and I just discovered the message boards. A little motivation might help me get back on track with my diet.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Evening everyone~ whoooo hoooo it's the weekend, and I dont have to work this weekend..
    That being said, my heel hurts so I am lying on my bed with the laptop on my lap...still cold and breezy here in Ct.come on warmth and sun.... boy I think we all need a dose of vitamin D...
    gonna go grocery shopping in the a,m, and then check on my FIL ,then hopefully relax a bit..someone had a few websites that had good recipes for us trying to lose.. I will try and go back through the thread to see if I can find it, but if I cant can you just post those sites again? I would appreciate it:wink:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    I have tried some of these recipe sites hope it helps
    skinnytaste.com sparkpeople.com fatsecret.com ohsheglows.com snackgirl.com
  • BunnyDaHunny
    BunnyDaHunny Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am brand new to this message board thing, but would love to join a group in my age bracket. May I join you?:smile:
  • BunnyDaHunny
    BunnyDaHunny Posts: 6 Member
    Me too! Just found out that there were message boards and decided to join one! This one looks good so far!
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hi all - as I thought, today was a 'snow day' so no-one at school - officially - but I went in to finish the job as the computer gremlins had been eradicated by the engineers! I did get to leave once I had done the important bits - so was home by lunchtime! Watched daytime TV! But did use the flexi-bar to help tone the upper body while I watched! Probably burned more calories than knitting would have done!

    Did W1D3 of C25K in my lounge as I didn't want to go out in the snow! The cockatiel bounced along his perch as I jogged on the spot - he did make me laugh! There can't be many birds joining in on a C25K! The dogs took themselves out of the way! The look on their faces said 'mum's gone mad!'.

    Having been 'good' for 4 weeks now, we succumbed to the fish and chip shop! So all in all a mixed up day! More snow is forecast for the weekend - so here's wishing you all a very positive and successful weekend - eat the rainbow, move more, log everything and drink water! (MA are you listening to yourself?) MA in UK
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :bigsmile: TGIF in a big way....I have so much to do at work but somehow did not feel productive...busy all day..the busier I am the behinder I get...oh well maybe Monday will be better. I am working my way out of my slump..woke up at 5am (early for me) and got up at 5:30 and walked on the tm ...exercise is always a jumpstart for me...have eaten pretty well today..the scale has the same 2lb loss from last week...for me that is good:bigsmile:

    Will see my DD tomorrow...haven't seen her in about 6 weeks...she has lost 10 lbs since January and has started working out...I gave her my extra kettlebells, dumbbells and DVD'S that I wasn't using and she has taken off with it...so proud of her..she is built just like me so I am hoping she will learn from my mistakes and from my new lifestyle changes. Her coworkers have noticed her changes and are asking her what she is doing...great confidence builder!

    Tomorrow we have the family dinner for Mom's 80th birthday...everyone that's local will be there...it should be fun although not low calorie...will be worth it...I never thought she would still be here at 80! We are giving her her gift tomorrow as well....hope she really wants to go see the Lion King..my siblings will strangle me if I got that wrong! :wink:

    Someone mentioned a New England group (grandmaille?)...I am in NY...mid Hudson Valley...I would be interested in a get-together.

    Have a great weekend...someday Spring will be here...I am sure of it!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got the plumbing issues taken care of.Thank God for running toilets.
    Have a good night
  • LoraFord
    LoraFord Posts: 5
    Hi! I am Lora in NYC and I just found this group. From reading a lot of the posts, what a lovely group of ladies you seem to be!
    I thought joining you might help me to achieve my "getting healthy" goals. I joined MFP about a month ago and have done well. I religiously track my food and exercise, and drink water to the point that my husband thinks I'm crazy. I have lost 8.5 lbs. and had a really good work out routine going. Then- I hurt my knee. It is definitely better, but I am itching to ramp up my work outs again. I fear if I can't get back to it soon I might fall off track.

    So for the remainder of March I am going to: 1. keep focused on my food, 2. keep walking my dog, 3. think positive that in another week or so I will be back at it, and 4. follow this group and be inspired by and supportive of others.

    Wishing everyone a nice weekend:flowerforyou:
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    The weekend is off to a fun start with my little Love bug Granddaughter, She is 6 and of course her dinner of choice was Pizza. Oh well! No time to write as she keeps me busy. Love the weekends she spends with me! I will be thinking of you all my Dear VitF buddies. love to all and enjoy your weekend! New Friends to the group, Welcome and feel free to add my if you like. Hugs :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Kate - love your "talk" with mother nature. Really made me smile. Thanks. Stay safe while driving to the airport.

    katla - happy anniversary!!! 43 years is awesome

    brooke - thanks for telling me about those sites. I've signed up for their newsletter. You're right, there WERE a lot of interesting looking recipes on there. I also put them in my list of favorites. You never know when you need to search for something in particular.

    Sue in SD - way to go on the losses!

    MA - swimming is such great exercise. You can work every muscle group and not feel it (until the next day, that is). Little to no impact depending if you're in the deep or shallow end. I know you'll enjoy it. Sounds great, getting together to swim rather than eat. What can be better? Oh, and you'll be exercising your jaw muscles, too....lol

    lyndawilson - welcome! Come in often.

    Meg - doesn't it feel so good knowing that last year you couldn't have done what you did today? Boy, you sure were busy. I've used prunes in lots of chocolate items. But don't tell Vince, I never did. As a matter of fact, I was watching "not my mamma's cooking" and Bobby Dean made this molten lava cake with prunes. Only difference was that I used the baby prunes since they're already pureed (ok, I'm lazy) whereas he boiled his prunes and then put them in a food processor.

    Viv - I wish you well with Rosemary Conley's DVD's. I searched for them and the only thing I could find were cookbooks by her. Guess I'd have to search amazon.uk.

    Did an hour of a spin workout, came home and then went to play mahjongg. I didn't maj (again!) even once! Afterwards, I stopped at one food store just to get things on sale, then to Dunkin Donuts to buy Vince his donuts, then home. Tomorrow there is a free self-defense class being given by the police dept. I don't know how great it'll be since it's free. But I think I'll go so I'll do a yoga DVD at home.

    Jo - have fun with dd and gd. What's a "moshi Monster" cake?

    Amanda - I know you'll enjoy having your daughter, even if it's only for a day. Better one day than none, eh?

    DeeDee - what time is your MD appt next Thurs?

    grandmalle - so glad you're going to take that cruise! Sounds like a good plan, talking to a financial advisor

    linda - lol about the spring. You're something else entirely

    Lucy in DE - your post is so uplifting. Your pic sure doesn't indicate that you are 60! What I do is in the "notes" section that's where I mark down the speed/incline on the TM

    krisann - what is an MPD fit class? Good for you getting back on that TM

    Debora - welcome! Just jump right in, we're glad you joined us

    jane - oh no!

    Meg - we have the same thing -- nothing is "normal". What I wouldn't do just to push an on/off switch and the TV would go on. But nooooooo, Vince is too "techy", you need to push a couple of buttons if you want the TV, something else if you want the radio. I don't even now what all you have to do. Because by the time I figure it out, I just know he'll be doing some sort of "upgrade" and I'll just have to relearn. I like my DVD player in my exercise room, I just turn the TV on, turn the DVD player on, and I'm good to go. That's all I need to be happy (and my pool). That's so wonderful that you put humor into your job. Things can get so boringly straight, we need to laugh. They'll be better for it.

    jmkmomm - you'll know when to let dh go off.

    Sue in TX - that French Cafe sounds really really adorable. Congrats on the smaller sized pants!

    pamela - welcome! You've come to the right place for motivation, that's for sure.

    grandmalle - I posted about allrecipes.com, foodfit, Taste of Home, someone else (I don't remember who) posted about emilybites, I posted about skinnytaste, someone else posted about iowagirleats. I can't remember if that was all of them or not. Oh, yea, sparkpeople

    bunny - of course you are more than welcome here. Just jump right in

    jen - happy birthday to your mom!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Jmkmomm – soooo glad to hear you’re both home and doing well. Exhaustion is to be expected (of both of you) and is a good sign. Rest and relaxation is the order of the weekend, save your worry until next week. Write down all your worries/questions and you’ll have them all in one place to ask the doctor or PA

    Sue in TX – That “café” sounds adorable, what a great experience (for the kids AND adults). Congrats too on ‘the pants’ - - knowing they will fit beautifully when you get back home. Stay warm

    PamelaWailes – Welcome to this group, all you have to do now is go to the top of any page “Community” then to “My Topics” and you’ll find your way back

    Grandmallie – the two I posted were: iowagirleats.com and emilybites.com
    They are both low calorie, nutritious and many of their recipes are already in MFP database (they also list WW points on most/all of their recipes).

    BunnydaHunny – Welcome to you too, we are a group of wild, wise, wacky, women glad you could join us! (see 2 above this PamelaWailes)

    MA in UK – glad you got most of a snow day, and fish and chips seems a worthy reward for working when everyone else stayed home! You (and your cockatiel) worked it off:laugh:

    Jen – Wow, kudos - - on the TM at 5:30am!!! Great that your newfound healthy habits are being emulated by DD. Lastly, happy birthday to your dear Mom - - yay for 80!!

    Jane – TGIrunning toilets!!!!!!!!

    Lora in NYC – Welcome! Please see Pamela and Bunny just above. Sorry to hear you hurt your knee, be careful not to do too much too soon. Walk the dog, and maybe try some dumbbells (soup cans if you don’t have “the real thing”) for light cardio plus strength while you’re healing - - muscle boosts your metabolism!

    Cookie – have a great weekend with DGD

    Michele - so glad you liked those recipe sites, I’ve found great things on both of them (they’re in my favorites too)

    Okay, I’m out
    Brooke from Colorado

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    luvbuttons & Meg: thanks for answering my question about sore body mornings. It helps that I’m not the only one.:flowerforyou:

    jkmomm: Glad you’re home with your DH. My DH had a stroke, not a heart attack, but we just take each day as it comes. I think you just have to stumble through the learning curve because everyone is different. I have confidence in you both and your medical background is a strength. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    BunnyDaHunny and all newbies: Welcome. All you have to do is read and post, and you’re in.:bigsmile:

    We went to Costco today and came home with a new product called Kirkland Organic No Salt Seasoning. We used it and salt substitute while cooking our dinner and liked the way things tasted. There was lots of good flavor, but the food was not unpleasantly spicy. I don’t usually talk about products, but this no salt thing is new and we’re in experimental mode. Tips are welcome. :wink: We’ll see how DH’s blood pressure responds in the morning.:flowerforyou:

    Have a good weekend!

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Hello Friends. I am finally back from a very demanding and draining business trip. :explode: I managed to exercise and post food, but I was making really stupid choices and not watching portions. Ugh. Came home with a 1 1/2 pound souvenir. Double ugh.:tongue::tongue: Fortunately, this is just a little hiccup in the beautiful banquet that is my life.

    Brooke – congrats on shrinking back into your pants. You go, girl! Happy belated anniversary. :heart:

    JaneH – Enjoy the time with your DD. I hope someone else will step up and shovel your driveway this weekend. Can you even believe the wind and cold we're getting? :noway:

    Grandmallie - Sounds like you made a wise compromise. I’m glad you’ll get to take the cruise. :glasses:

    Mary – :flowerforyou: Sorry for your loss. Been there. So glad you have family near to you.

    Exermom - :wink: Love the FB quote. So true. Thanks for sparking a thought in me that I need to add more variety to my AM exercise routine.

    Katla – Belated Congratulations to you and your DH. :flowerforyou:

    Lindawilson – Love your profile picture. Wish that was me soaking rays on the beach in Waikiki. :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

    Jodios – sending you energy to get through the condo move and cleanout. :smile:

    Viv UK – I must be tired because I mis-read Rosemary Conley as Rosemary Clooney… what kind of exercise dvd features Rosemary Clooney??? Singing??? Well, I got a good laugh at my gaffe. :yawn:

    DeeDee – Sorry you’re having health challenges. Put your tiara on and rest until you are back to your radiant self. :happy:

    Luvbuttons – Bravo. Three pounds in a week is fantastic. My knees are fine, so I’m jumping for joy for you. :happy: :happy:

    Debora – Welcome. Yes, shoveling snow provides great calorie burn. You’ll find many others on this post who share in that activity. :tongue:

    Meg – Love the ‘alien babies’ story. :bigsmile:

    Welcome to all the new ladies exploring and looking for friendship, advice and support. Keep coming back. :wink: :wink: :wink:

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills and expecting 6 inches of snow tonight
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Bump for my place tomorrow. Am beyond tired. And worried. My husband just got out of the hospital this morning form a heart attack and he is out doing his passion, singing Karoake. I trust the friend he is with and know that he will make sure Charlie is OK and I made him put his Nitro in his pocket