Have you lost your big belly? What did you do?

Ok folks. I have lost 24 LBS, but I've GOT to get rid of this big belly. Any ladies who have lost their big belly care to share some tips with me?


  • angel101netta
    angel101netta Posts: 152 Member
    I need help with that too lol
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    Seems to me like its mostly about losing the fat. When you get close to your ultimate goal weight you will like your belly.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I got told it was all down to diet and have seen for myself in recent months this is true. I started losing my extra stomach weight once I stopped eating pasta and stuck to a calorie controlled diet.
    Doing ab exercises has given it a nice definition but if I'm honest I don't do enough ab exercises for that to be the reason it's gone now, it's definitely been down to my diet.
    Switch to brown rice, couscous and brown bread if you can. Also wholewheat pasta if you must but if I'm being honest - pasta is the devil.
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    My belly is the only thing on me that is fat. But the thing is, it's not just fat. It seems that my belly is actually distended, like the kind you see on those poor children who are starving in 3rd world countries. Is this what they call "visceral fat?" As in the kind of fat that is not only on top of my muscle but below it, as well? I know that weight training will tighten it up, but I am a bit concerned with the way it sticks out - unless, of course, I suck it in. Anyone else have this?
  • chalyng
    chalyng Posts: 10
    Yes... I too have the fat belly. Any success stories would be very motivating! Does it just come off as you get closer to your ultimate goal?
  • NightMagic5
    NightMagic5 Posts: 111 Member
    I have the same problem as CaddieMay. Even when I was at my goal weight, it still stuck out. I'm really hoping someone has a solution to this.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eat less + work out = lose weight AKA belly fat...

    remember you cannot spot reduce...

    compound lifts - deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, squat, pull ups/chin up etc will help slim you out and define your mid section ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I got told it was all down to diet and have seen for myself in recent months this is true. I started losing my extra stomach weight once I stopped eating pasta and stuck to a calorie controlled diet.
    Doing ab exercises has given it a nice definition but if I'm honest I don't do enough ab exercises for that to be the reason it's gone now, it's definitely been down to my diet.
    Switch to brown rice, couscous and brown bread if you can. Also wholewheat pasta if you must but if I'm being honest - pasta is the devil.

    please explain to me how "whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread" ....
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    cutting back on sugars, processed foods, white bread, white rice, white potatoes, white pasta etc.... the more wholesome your food and the less processed the foods are the flatter your belly will be....a lot of it is the foods you eat that cause the distended feeling - my carbs come from oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans - I limit my bread (whole grain bread, whole grain arnold thins, lavash wraps) to one time per day - this has worked for me but everyone is different
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I got told it was all down to diet and have seen for myself in recent months this is true. I started losing my extra stomach weight once I stopped eating pasta and stuck to a calorie controlled diet.
    Doing ab exercises has given it a nice definition but if I'm honest I don't do enough ab exercises for that to be the reason it's gone now, it's definitely been down to my diet.
    Switch to brown rice, couscous and brown bread if you can. Also wholewheat pasta if you must but if I'm being honest - pasta is the devil.

    please explain to me how "whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread" ....

    Errr I don't believe I said that at all.

    I said pasta is the devil... my opinion from my experience. I mentioned wholewheat pasta as the alternative for pasta. Strange I just had to say that when you already did such a fantastic job of quoting me anyway.
    Also, I never said ""whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread"". So I could explain, except it's not what I said or a reflection of what I think.

    My main reason for ME cutting out pasta was out of all the carbs I personally eat, it was the easiest to dispose of and that goes for a lot of women I know who are losing weight or work out, they tend to cut pasta out and stick to other carbs they can do more with.
  • StellaHarmon
    StellaHarmon Posts: 34 Member
    Abdominal fat is all about diet and cardio. Eating clean is important. Jeanette Jenkins has an awesome workout called "Blast the Belly Fat." It really does just that. It is a calorie blasting cardio workout that strengthens and slims your mid section rapidly. No you cant spot reduce fat, however doing waist slimming moves at a high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat and strengthen the mid section, giving you amazing abs.
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    My belly is the only thing on me that is fat. But the thing is, it's not just fat. It seems that my belly is actually distended, like the kind you see on those poor children who are starving in 3rd world countries. Is this what they call "visceral fat?" As in the kind of fat that is not only on top of my muscle but below it, as well? I know that weight training will tighten it up, but I am a bit concerned with the way it sticks out - unless, of course, I suck it in. Anyone else have this?
    That look in the children is known as kwashiorkor which is a result of severe protein deficiency. You may be correct in your thinking that excess visceral fat is giving you the distended belly look.
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    I think everybody loses weight differently. For me - my boobs and butt are the first to go (BOO) then my stomach and lastly my love handles.

    Working on my stomach I cut out a lot of carbs and starchy foods. I found that they kept me in a constant state of bloat.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I got told it was all down to diet and have seen for myself in recent months this is true. I started losing my extra stomach weight once I stopped eating pasta and stuck to a calorie controlled diet.
    Doing ab exercises has given it a nice definition but if I'm honest I don't do enough ab exercises for that to be the reason it's gone now, it's definitely been down to my diet.
    Switch to brown rice, couscous and brown bread if you can. Also wholewheat pasta if you must but if I'm being honest - pasta is the devil.

    please explain to me how "whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread" ....

    Errr I don't believe I said that at all.

    I said pasta is the devil... my opinion from my experience. I mentioned wholewheat pasta as the alternative for pasta. Strange I just had to say that when you already did such a fantastic job of quoting me anyway.
    Also, I never said ""whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread"". So I could explain, except it's not what I said or a reflection of what I think.

    My main reason for ME cutting out pasta was out of all the carbs I personally eat, it was the easiest to dispose of and that goes for a lot of women I know who are losing weight or work out, they tend to cut pasta out and stick to other carbs they can do more with.

    right but everything else you mentioned is a carb so that is kind of confusing...and you said"whole wheat pasta if you must - but pasta is the devil..." Implication being that brown rice (a carb) is somehow superior to whole wheat pasta (also a carb)....again, confusing....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Abdominal fat is all about diet and cardio. Eating clean is important. Jeanette Jenkins has an awesome workout called "Blast the Belly Fat." It really does just that. It is a calorie blasting cardio workout that strengthens and slims your mid section rapidly. No you cant spot reduce fat, however doing waist slimming moves at a high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat and strengthen the mid section, giving you amazing abs.

    Ummm you can't spot reduce fat, but high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat? but you just said that you can't spot reduce fat but cardio will blast belly fat..malfunction...malfunction..head explodes...BOOM!

    what happens when the high intensity cardio blasts away back fat and not ab fat???
  • carfamily08
    carfamily08 Posts: 179
    B&A in profile. 170 to 128 after 3 kids in 3 years (my oldest is almost 4, my youngest will be 10 months next week). I eat a 10-20% cut of my TDEE (all foods in moderation, try to make good choices most of the time but also eat all my favorites too - wine and ice cream and McDonalds on occasion). I also do a mix of Jillian Michaels and Leslie Sansone videos at home. I've been through the 30 Day Shred & Ripped in 30 and now alternate several of her videos with Leslie's walking aerobics. It's just slowly come off as I've lost the weight, slow but steady!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Abdominal fat is all about diet and cardio. Eating clean is important. Jeanette Jenkins has an awesome workout called "Blast the Belly Fat." It really does just that. It is a calorie blasting cardio workout that strengthens and slims your mid section rapidly. No you cant spot reduce fat, however doing waist slimming moves at a high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat and strengthen the mid section, giving you amazing abs.

    Ummm you can't spot reduce fat, but high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat? but you just said that you can't spot reduce fat but cardio will blast belly fat..malfunction...malfunction..head explodes...BOOM!

    what happens when the high intensity cardio blasts away back fat and not ab fat???
    calm down, breathe :laugh:

    op - its my worst feature too. unfortunately all you can do is continue to lose fat.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Agree with everyone, all you can do is continue to lose fat! Different people hold their fat at different areas and that's just how it is! Even at my skinniest my legs were still 'fat'.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I got told it was all down to diet and have seen for myself in recent months this is true. I started losing my extra stomach weight once I stopped eating pasta and stuck to a calorie controlled diet.
    Doing ab exercises has given it a nice definition but if I'm honest I don't do enough ab exercises for that to be the reason it's gone now, it's definitely been down to my diet.
    Switch to brown rice, couscous and brown bread if you can. Also wholewheat pasta if you must but if I'm being honest - pasta is the devil.

    please explain to me how "whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread" ....

    Errr I don't believe I said that at all.

    I said pasta is the devil... my opinion from my experience. I mentioned wholewheat pasta as the alternative for pasta. Strange I just had to say that when you already did such a fantastic job of quoting me anyway.
    Also, I never said ""whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread"". So I could explain, except it's not what I said or a reflection of what I think.

    My main reason for ME cutting out pasta was out of all the carbs I personally eat, it was the easiest to dispose of and that goes for a lot of women I know who are losing weight or work out, they tend to cut pasta out and stick to other carbs they can do more with.

    right but everything else you mentioned is a carb so that is kind of confusing...and you said"whole wheat pasta if you must - but pasta is the devil..." Implication being that brown rice (a carb) is somehow superior to whole wheat pasta (also a carb)....again, confusing....

    So you are just nitpicking over my choice of words, I see. Wont be wasting any more of my time on that then.

    OP - Brown rice/brown bread/brown pasta - it's all better for you than the white versions! However, I personally found it quite easy to completely cut out pasta without replacing it with other carbs so you may want to try the same and see how you get on. I only eat rice/couscous 1-2 times a week whereas with pasta I was eating this also 1-2 times per week, so now I've managed to cut out such a high carb intake on those days by switching to more balanced (fat/protein/carb) meals.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I got told it was all down to diet and have seen for myself in recent months this is true. I started losing my extra stomach weight once I stopped eating pasta and stuck to a calorie controlled diet.
    Doing ab exercises has given it a nice definition but if I'm honest I don't do enough ab exercises for that to be the reason it's gone now, it's definitely been down to my diet.
    Switch to brown rice, couscous and brown bread if you can. Also wholewheat pasta if you must but if I'm being honest - pasta is the devil.

    please explain to me how "whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread" ....

    Errr I don't believe I said that at all.

    I said pasta is the devil... my opinion from my experience. I mentioned wholewheat pasta as the alternative for pasta. Strange I just had to say that when you already did such a fantastic job of quoting me anyway.
    Also, I never said ""whole wheat pasta" is more evil than "brown rice" or "brown bread"". So I could explain, except it's not what I said or a reflection of what I think.

    My main reason for ME cutting out pasta was out of all the carbs I personally eat, it was the easiest to dispose of and that goes for a lot of women I know who are losing weight or work out, they tend to cut pasta out and stick to other carbs they can do more with.

    right but everything else you mentioned is a carb so that is kind of confusing...and you said"whole wheat pasta if you must - but pasta is the devil..." Implication being that brown rice (a carb) is somehow superior to whole wheat pasta (also a carb)....again, confusing....

    So you are just nitpicking over my choice of words, I see. Wont be wasting any more of my time on that then.

    OP - Brown rice/brown bread/brown pasta - it's all better for you than the white versions! However, I personally found it quite easy to completely cut out pasta without replacing it with other carbs so you may want to try the same and see how you get on. I only eat rice/couscous 1-2 times a week whereas with pasta I was eating this also 1-2 times per week, so now I've managed to cut out such a high carb intake on those days by switching to more balanced (fat/protein/carb) meals.

    No, I am just curious as to the logic that says one carb is superior to the other....