Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirteen



  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Stress can sometimes derail us .But it is wonderful that you right back in track. Good Luck!
  • Fit147
    Fit147 Posts: 209 Member
    Guilty as charged. I too am a stress eater. I read recently that stress is when you try to resist what is. (Insert long pause to let this last sentence really sink in.) There will always be illness (sorry to hear of your sister's battle) and jerkwads in the business place. What we choose to eat will not change that. I am still on my learning curve with this. One thing that has helped is to have the healthier treats/prepackaged single serving size around. After opening the second or third 100-150 calorie goodie I can stop myself and go for a walk which helps to redirect tension out of my body. This will be a learning process for me because when really cr@ppy things happen, I am conditioned to want to bake and eat copious amounts of carbohydrates. When I am stressed, the last thing I want is a salad.

    Each day is a new opportunity. 7,413 was yesterday. Thanks for sharing.
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Scott:

    Thank you so much for writing this. I came to the forum today because I feel a bit sad that I also succumbed to stress eating yesterday for the first time since I started this diet ( only about 6 weeks). The first thing I saw was your post and it made me feel better. I am a caregiver for my mom and some days are really stressful, not physically so much as mentally. I ate over my allowance by "only" 500 calories and it was healthy food, but it was hard not to feel I let myself down. yet I know that before I would have eaten much more and the wrong kinds of foods , so I guess that is a big improvement.

    I know all that you said is true, but to internalize it in a way that I KNOW it might take a bit longer. I have done what you did, had a healthy breakfast and got back on track and will try to treat this as a learning experience, but I worry whether I will be able to stay on track. I wonder what kinds of things, except eating, work when a person can't get out of the house to exercise--say at night.

    If anyone has any tried and true advice for coping with stress eating I could use it. And thank you for this very timely encouragement. I really needed it today.

  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    you are a wonderful writer. though u write about a painful experience we all know too well, u do it eloquently....please tell me u submit your writing for publication somewhere!

    i am a professional writing tutor, so i know from whence i speak :wink:
  • bpmichael
    bpmichael Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for putting this into words. You are an inspiration. My prayers to your sister and hang in there on the work side too.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    No Way you ate 24 coffee cakes!!!
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    Fantastic post - from one stress eater to another - nailed it. Keep it up, you're doing great and changing the habits of a lifetime doesn't happen in 2/3 of a year (or even in 1-1/2 years) but one meal at a time....
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Sorry to hear about your sister. Good attitude. Mistakes are only mistakes if we don't learn from them. If we learn from them they are called lesson. Lesson we need to grow. Good luck in the future and good job on the 95 pounds lost already.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    But I can say I have had days like this....All you can do is put it behind you .
  • eckx
    eckx Posts: 1
    I am also a stress eater, and I am just lucky I can't eat on the job. This was the only thing saving me from chowing down on several occasions. For whatever reason, when I get stressed I get hungry. Food doesn't even make me stop thinking about my problems, either. It just feels like something to do. I feel your pain and I hope you can learn from this and make the right decisions!
  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    This is so very touching and I wish you only the best as you get back on the right path today. You certainly have sad issues, and so sorry about your sister. Sounds as if you have been tremendously successful so far and I have no doubt, that you will continue to be.
  • RemiLynn79
    RemiLynn79 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm sorry for the stress of yesterday. Your post was very well written and hit home to a lot of people. We all have that day were we just say "F" it, it's not worth it, and down our favorites. Glad you're back on the bandwagon and ready to keep up the good work.
    I hope your next client will be a lot better than the one you had to deal with.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I'm so sorry you are in this situation. My heart goes out to you. Though I don't know you, I can tell that you are a genuine person. I too am a stress eater (and a nurse, that goes well together, right?) so your post really hit home for me as well. Kudos to you for hopping right back to it today.
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    LOL, same first name, same poison, differnt foods, I still do it from time to time but have learned to control it for the most part but i get you. I try to avoid shopping or going to get food any time i am stressed as i know i will make poor choices. Going to buy groceries stressed adds to the junk bought and the bill lol. Sure i still stress eat but i try to control portion and go for healthy choices. Its funny now that i eat healthier i can really notice changes in what i eat. typically i have a coffee or two a day and minimal sugar but on days i have to work long hours i sometimes will have 4-6 coffee and sometimes a chocolate bar or a dougnut... man i can really feel the sugar and caffien then.
  • Lizsullie
    Lizsullie Posts: 70 Member
    Very brave and inspiring post. Thank you.

    Keep up the good work!
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    Thanks Scott. I can definitely relate to your post. So proud of you!!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    You are an amazing person. I am kind of the opposite of you - I absolutely cannot eat when I am stressed and when I am hungry I am cranky. So it is a vicious cycle and I stay stressed until much later usually. I have not been able to address this issue except that I have learned to manage my stressors a little better.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I wanted to add- it took real courage to add up all those calories. When I do something stupid, the last thing I want to do is quantify the damages!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I wanted to add- it took real courage to add up all those calories. When I do something stupid, the last thing I want to do is quantify the damages!

    Oh yeah!
  • tracilahart
    I am constantly amazed, inspired and humbled by your willingness and ability to put out there what the rest of us hide in shame behind closed doors and false pretenses. Your "tomorrow is another day" attitude would make Scarlett O'Hara proud. Perhaps you have missed your calling? Do I see a book in your future perhaps? Food for thought. (no pun intended)

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