What's your bad habit?



  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Drinking wine! But I've had the aha moment, hopefully. I work out pretty hard (5-10) hours per week. I've realized that the wine is sabotaging all of that hard work! I am basically wasting my time as far as weight loss goes. SO, I am trying to seriously cut back. I'm beginning to look at it like the enemy! I would never eat a big bowl of ice cream for the guilt so why substitute that ice cream with wine? The wine is probably worse because not only does it pack on the calories but it also slows down your metabolism. I read an article today that says that every time you drink your body starts to work hard to get rid of the toxins and stops burning fat. That just doesn't work for me!

    Same for me. Drinking alcohol sabotaged my weight loss every time so I gave it up. Drinking a beer or glass of wine is like eating a full candy bar but worse, because with a candy bar I can limit myself to just one but if I'm drinking I always have more than one. I still drink for really special occasions but most times I just stick to water and I don't miss it.
  • ClassicStyles
    Smoking is still my worst and deadly bad habit. I am really trying, really. I have invested in the smoke free vapor electronic cigarettes after my doc unofficially suggested it. They are working. I just have to stop buying them. If I don't have them, I don't smoke them.. but I have this incessant need to have them around... say a prayer that I will kick it soon, b4 smoking kills me. Smokers (and addicts in general) live on average 25 years less than the rest of the population. Now that's a motivator.
  • damienmyers69
    Mine is kebabs,
    I have a constant craving for them, they in my mind 24-7.
    My way of dealing with those thoughts, is working out how much per month I would spend on them, they look for something I really want, and save the money I would normally of spent on them.

    Current project obtained is google nexus 4, next project save up for the new motorola x at end of june.

    I am finding as long as I got something to aim for i can boost my will power, but it certainly aint easy.

  • veganstein
    veganstein Posts: 33 Member
    Mayo. Full fat, full sodium mayo. Nom, nom, nom.
    A nice, generous amount on sandwiches, eggs, etc. (2 tbsp? Pffft!)
    There is no substitute that compares, so I decided to just make room in my calories for it.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    My bad habits are Wine, Women and food!!!

    What do you expect from a King!!!
  • jayne8628
    i have the EXACT same problem. For the past 3-4 months I have been binge eating in the evenings after going a full day with healthy foods and sticking to my calorie goals. I don't know what omes over me in the evenings but it is like a mindless binge that I just cannot stop. And I am the same with you, there really isn't many sweets in my house. It is really hindering my weight loss and I am having trouble stopping it!
    Eating and then just sitting around.:noway:
  • olsenjoanne
    olsenjoanne Posts: 1 Member
    Horrible sweet tooth. It doesn't help that my husband has one too so there are always sweets in the house. If I don't see them, however, I can do without them.

    Most definitely this!! And cheese, I can eat a whole big block of cheddar without even thinking about it!
  • nicolej1016
    nicolej1016 Posts: 89 Member
    Two (related to food that is): Eating while standing up instead of sitting at the table & Reading while eating

    When I am not focused solely on the meal at hand, I mindlessly overeat.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    WOMEN, How did I break it?? I got old and they got OLDER!!!!!!!!! LOL
  • ecogranny
    ecogranny Posts: 24
    Definitely red wine but gave it up for Lent (was challenged to do so by my son who thought I would never last the pace). Inside my head I thought so too but 5 weeks have passed with lunches and dinner with friends and NO wine for me. I am surprised actually chuffed to bits with myself but looking forward to a glass with lunch on Easter Sunday
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    i have the EXACT same problem. For the past 3-4 months I have been binge eating in the evenings after going a full day with healthy foods and sticking to my calorie goals. I don't know what omes over me in the evenings but it is like a mindless binge that I just cannot stop. And I am the same with you, there really isn't many sweets in my house. It is really hindering my weight loss and I am having trouble stopping it!
    Try giving youself an extra 100-200 calories during the day.
    It might be you're still hungry.
    Or try a large drink of water in the evening,
    If that d oesn't work take up a hobby, knitting, musical instument, drawing etc.
  • Stogie40
    Stogie40 Posts: 164 Member
    I leave my clothes in a little pile on the floor, drives my Husband crazy, my excuse is that a Jedi died there!

    This is going to make me laugh all day.
  • therainandthunder
    Eating because people around me are eating even if I am not hungry.
    Most of my calorie intake is later through the day.
    Diet soda. ( I stopped this one.)
    Caffeine. A cup of coffee in the morning and multiple cups of tea during the day. I can't seem to stop this, but I managed to minimise to a cup of coffee and 2 cups of tea.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Honestly, I like to drink...... like to have 2 or 3 glasses of wine at night when I am getting dinner ready for everyone, making lunches for the next day and than to relax. On the weekend, beer with lunch , etc. I don't go crazy on the drinks, but sure it does not help. Oh, and bread...... have to have bread with my dinner and now have the kids hooked on it so they expect it!!!

    I'm with you. It's the wine.

    Yup, me too! its the wine and too often :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    My bad habit was smoking, but have been smoke free for one whole week now! I know its just a start but I cant turn back now. I just gotta take it one day at a time!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Congratulations! Its been 3 1/2 years for me and for some reason (not complaining) never missed it even for a minute. weird but Ill take it. Good for you and you'll never regret it and will save a ton of money!
  • clyn7819
    clyn7819 Posts: 5 Member
    Well, my bad habit is Snickers Peaanut Butter Squares. It started almost 1 yr ago! I had lost 25 lbs & felt great until a friend on facebook posted a picture that brought back bad memories of rejection! It was just this unconrollable impulse to eat this comforting food. It must have some chemical of satisfaction in the brain or something.

    I keep trying to put this friend out of my mind, but this hurt keeps coming back & I eat for comfort. It is ridiculous because I have a wonderful husband & family. I think I'm just dealing with some old feelings that were never dealt with years ago! I'm hoping this website can get me back on track without paying a fortune for another weight loss program that always results in gaining back more than I lost!

    I just keep trying to take one day at a time & convince myself the old friendship is sabatoging by sucess for a happy & thin life. I have decided not to put anymore into the friendship because I'm always the one making it work - and it's hurting me now. So must let it go. Can't hold on to something that no longer makes you happy. Even if it is your oldest friend in the world.
  • rrdelano
    rrdelano Posts: 1
    I enjoy wine or beer while cooking dinner at night.. Also bread, potatoes and pasta are three bad things I love. I hung a pic of myself when I was at my ideal weight on my fridge and it has slowed me down with overeatting.. So that leaves more room for a couple drinks :)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    soda! I switched over to diet over the last few months and was having atleast a can or two a day...now i'm down to a can or two a week. I just chewed gum, drank water or got up for a walk around the office everytime the craving hit :)
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Smoking. There are no other major vices but this, so I try to convince myself I'm not so bad.:smokin: