Emotional eaters unite for encouragement



  • lucypeaks
    lucypeaks Posts: 96 Member
    that was totally me and although i am still working at it i am getting a lot better at coping with it....feel free to add me any time!
  • clyn7819
    clyn7819 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join this group! I think sharing with others with similar problems can be encouraging as we strive to get over this vicious circle!

    Well, my bad habit is Snickers Peaanut Butter Squares. It started almost 1 yr ago! I had lost 25 lbs & felt great until a friend on facebook posted a picture that brought back bad memories of rejection! It was just this unconrollable impulse to eat this comforting food. It must have some chemical of satisfaction in the brain or something.

    I keep trying to put this friend out of my mind, but this hurt keeps coming back & I eat for comfort. It is ridiculous because I have a wonderful husband & family. I think I'm just dealing with some old feelings that were never dealt with years ago! I'm hoping this website can get me back on track without paying a fortune for another weight loss program that always results in gaining back more than I lost!

    I just keep trying to take one day at a time & convince myself the old friendship is sabatoging by sucess for a happy & thin life. I have decided not to put anymore into the friendship because I'm always the one making it work - and it's hurting me now. So must let it go. Can't hold on to something that no longer makes you happy. Even if it is your oldest friend in the world.
  • Bigbluefrog
    Bigbluefrog Posts: 28 Member
    I call it mindless eating, the tv or movie binge. I am new to this, how does a group work?

    And I think those who walk similiar paths find comfort in knowing they aren't alone and some may have successful tips to share.
  • prillygirl
    prillygirl Posts: 52 Member
    I am SUCH an emotional eater. Fortunately, I'm in a happy place right now but if I have a bad day, I tend to become really overly emotional. It's definitely nice to know that there are others with my same weakness.
  • sujastka
    sujastka Posts: 7 Member
    I swear food is as poisonous as crack!! Yes it is good for you, if you eat healthy and correctly but with us food addicts it is completely deadly. It is a slow death, I am such a strong independent woman and lack such control in this area of life. I did good last year and lost 60 lbs. Since thanksgiving I have been completely out of control and gained 30 back. I eat over any issue. I love to eat until its gone. It is completely mental. I pray everyday for the freedom of a mind without food thoughts. I knew a woman who never liked thinking about food and she was severly underweight. I can never not think about food and I am seriously overweight. It is completely a mental subject. I vow to overcome!!!!
  • smartandtrim
    smartandtrim Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in! I have depression and PTSD and I stress and emotionally eat. Celery is a good munchy food but sometimes I just want to cry over a bag of chips...
  • soprisiu
    soprisiu Posts: 1
    You can gladly add me! I am the ideal candidate for emotional eating!
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    You can add me if you like - I am an emotional 'non-eater' which equally doesn't help. Totally agree that people on the same path with struggles etc are a benefit.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Hi,Lisa. Nice to hear you are doing well,with health problems being addressed. I appreciate your feedback. Keep up the good work!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Hello. I hope that I can add all that reply. I didn't see your friend request. I also quit smoking 4 years ago,gained weight,then lost it,and gained again. That is why I want to get my emotions under control,so I don't keep using food as comfort when I get stressed. Welcome aboard!
  • kegleyc02
    I have learned through my attempt at losing weight that I am an emotional eater. The more I am working out and logging my food, it is becoming a little easier to deal with "urges to splurge" based on a fleeing feeling.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Welcome,Dee. Thanks for being so honest. We can all use encouragement and accountability. I appreciate your input.Keep on keeping on!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Welcome,Wavi. So nice to have you on board. I think sometimes it's hard for people that aren't emotional eaters to understand what we deal with. I am excited on all the support we can be for one another. You are doing great!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Hi,Kate. I think we are all taking the first step to getting healthy,by being honest about our emotional eating. We never have to be alone,as we are all in this together. Welcome!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Hi,Suz. Thanks for your input. I didn't see the other group,lbut guess we can need all the support we can get. Way to go on your weight loss!
  • Tiredofbeingfat13
    Tiredofbeingfat13 Posts: 12 Member
    add me! i am tired of comfort eating. its time to stop and start living again.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Hi,Jennie. Welcome. You issue is slightly different,as think most of us here,tend to eat more or binge,due to emotions. Emotional eating has an effect on you,so glad you are here.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Welcome. So nice to see your progress. I think that is part of the key for me(Exercise).. Think I have too much idle time on my hands. I am sure your husband is a great support and all of us. Great Job!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Hi,Rach. Welcome. I think we all have found this awesome place to share and get our emotional eating under control. Support is so important.Move forward!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Hi,Lucy. Welcome. We can all help each other. Nice to have you here!