Ladies... do you overeat ...

...during that one week or so when your period starts? I've been HOPING my gradual weight loss won't suffer because for the past four days are so, I've been going way over my calorie goals almost every night. Do you also find you want to eat everything in sight during the start of your cycle?


  • southernmom3
    southernmom3 Posts: 181 Member
    that time of the month causes our hormones to go crazy and yes I tended to over eat. You also have the bloating and sluggishness. Try and do your best during this time and if you are hungry find health snack ideas. I am not perfect but I do my best.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    I try to eat healthy snacks, but days like today, it seems like all that does is delay the inevitable, when I binge on cookies. Like, maybe I should have just gave myself the damn cookies in the first place. haha!
  • SlinkySpencer
    SlinkySpencer Posts: 139 Member
    For some reason, I feel completely empty during that week, and I can't seem to stop craving... well, everything. So, simple answer? Yes. You are not alone.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    YES! It's like your stomach feels like an empty pit no matter what you eat! I just hope the afterburn from the High Intensity Intervals I've been doing will pick up some of the slack. :/
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Yes. Every period for the last 20+ years, so it's something I've come to expect. Dieting will not change the 2 decades of knowing my period.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    I tend to just crave the most ridiculously creamy, tart, sweet, salty, and sugary **** imaginable. Going to work during these times is tough, as I'm surrounded by everything I just mentioned above. :frown:
  • here
    here Posts: 69
    I don't get bingey, but I do crave chocolate, which I always let myself indulge in.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat at maintenance that week. I'm not stressed about being at a deficit anymore so I just let myself have what I'm craving within my calorie goal. Being hungrier during your period is very normal.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I actually feel the opposite during that time, usually lose my appetite and have to force myself to eat. Cramps just don't make me feel like eating (or doing anything). If I do crave anything, it's usually salty. Working out seems to help the cramps, but not the appetite. Just feel bloated and full.
  • kcsnedah
    kcsnedah Posts: 3
    The way my cravings change is actually one of the ways I can track if I'm on schedule or not. The week before, I crave any and every combination of tomatoes, carbs and cheese. Spaghetti, pizza, cheesy garlic bread, enchiladas, quesadillas, chips and salsa. I HAVE to let myself have pizza at least once during that phase or else I will keep craving it throughout the whole time. I can't figure out nutritionally what causes that craving, I just know it's my comfort food.

    Once it actually starts, it's all about red meat and dark greens. I can eat beef & broccoli for 3 days straight. A hamburger is almost necessary. I would assume that it's iron that my body is going crazy for, since there's a ton of iron in the blood being shed.

    As far as over eating, I'll allow myself to do it in a big way once that week (like have a 2500 calorie day). If I don't, my mind can't get over it and the emotional symptoms will get worse. Menstruation takes a LOT of energy and we have to replace it somehow!
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Wow, thanks everybody! I feel a little better now. ...
    Darn you, LOAF CAKE!
  • ellygolightly
    I usually crave comfort savory hot foods like meat pies. And I WILL HAVE THEM, if I feel like it. But I also make sure I eat less calories during the day to compensate. Usually that gets rid of my craving and I am ok for the rest of the time :)
  • raccoon89
    Hell yeah, I have a bottomless stomach when due on! It's weird, but it doesn't seem to increase my weight in long run. I don't weigh myself around that time's really discouraging & you usually get back on track right after, when your appetite is back to normal.
  • rebekahrice1234
    Just remember these numbers and you will either loose or maintain according to your calorie intake.. 80-20......80% eat healthy 20% endulge.............It's simple!!! You could have 5 good days for every 1 bad day!!!
  • Sandreeuhh
    I always gain up to 5 pounds leading up to my heavy day. I crave everything and I always feel like a bottomless pit -.-
    It always goes away a day or 2 after.

    Drink lots of water.
  • Deb_kar
    Deb_kar Posts: 17 Member
    I need to eat more but I exercise more to balance it, and exercising makes me want to eat less. But it's one of those things isn't it. It's making lifestyle changes you can live with, if you can't do it one what, just get on it when you feel better. :)
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    No, I haven't ever found any difference in my eating habits.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    ...during that one week or so when your period starts? I've been HOPING my gradual weight loss won't suffer because for the past four days are so, I've been going way over my calorie goals almost every night. Do you also find you want to eat everything in sight during the start of your cycle?

    Yes. Mostly salty stuff.
  • jnzema
    jnzema Posts: 24
    In addition to having a greater cravings for sweets...oh a donut! I also tend to get hungry more often.