Couch to 5k training



  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    Bumping this so I can read and take advantage of the advice given at a later date! Looking at running my first 5k this summer!

    I am new to my fitness pal and was wondering what u mean by bumping and how is it done?
  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    Never did the official c25k app but remember those early days of running. don't worry about what others think....they can't tell how fast you are going if they are in the house or in a car. don't even worry about others passing you, everyone is on there own page. I have a group of girls I run with....we always say "run your own race" ...meaning that even if we start a training run together we don't always finish at the same time.
    I also agree that good shoes that are right for your feet are a must....for a while I was wearing shoes that were too narrow and too small (but the size I always wore). Now I have great shoes that are one size bigger. I haven't lost a toenail in a year :)
    Keep going you can do it..I am training for my 5th half marathon now.
    Add me if you want.
  • Erin959
    Erin959 Posts: 83 Member
    When I first started running (or attempted to start running) outside I was so self-conscious. If I saw someone walking towards me I would stop running because I thought I would look ridiculous. it doesn't help that my face turns tomato red when I do strenuous exercise. But then I figured that I was doing this for me and if people didn't like it them they could go jump.
    I managed to get up to week 6 of C25K but then I hurt my knee and haven't started again, although I might give it another go.
    Keep us updated on how you're going and feel free to add me as a friend if you like :smile:
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    I start week 3 on Tuesday. I've noticed that focusing on my breathing and pace has been the most important thing for me. I listen to slower songs/ songs with a steady beat and try to run to the beat. Yoga has really helped with my breathing during c25k. Good luck to you! :smile:
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey all,

    Thanks a million for all your great advice and encouragement. It means alot and I have already learned so mch.

    Starting my first run dis evening after wrk.

    Will keep ye updated on how I get on.
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    You can do it.

    i started C25K last summer - and 60 pounds ago. My "running" pace in the beginning is slower than my walk now as well - and that is OK! Don't worry about pace at all right now - that will come with time. Just run/jog/shuffle through the prescribed times, and the improved pacing will come. It is also ok to repeat days/weeks until you succeed as necessary.

    There is a C25K group on here, that is VERY supportive and full of good information. Check them out.

    And remember - every day that you give it a go, you are lapping everyone on the couch.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I will look into da forum dat u suggested. I need all da advice and support at the moment.

    How r u getting on at da runner since u started. Have u ventured to any 10k?

    I did a couple of 5k's late last season, then spent the winter mainly running intervals (look up fartlek) to work on improving pacing. Just did my first 7K a few weeks ago, and was thrilled to hold a 10min mile the whole way. I'm a former competitive swimmer, so added that into the mix in January and also just did my first indoor triathlon a month or so ago. Looking for a 10k now. Getting comfortable running (regardless of initial speed) has made a huge difference for me. I never believed I could be a runner.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    Hey all,

    I am new to my fitness pal and to running. I have downloaded the app for a while now but find it very hard to complete. I just cant seem to run long enough or fast enough. My walking pace is way faster than my running pace. Its just so hard to explain to anyone how i feel when running. I just feel so awkward and think that everybody is looking at me so i just stop. I guess we all have to learn to run like we did for walking but i just dont think i have the technique needed.

    So here i go again with the aim of starting my first run tomorrow and my new weight loss regime. I guess one of the main reasons for me to learn to run is also to lose the excess weight that i have put on over the last two years. In total i have 53 pounds to lose so i hope i can achieve both goals once and for all.

    I guess the main reason why i am starting this page is to get support and encouragement from others who are in the same position as myself and who would love to learn to run and lose weight with me. I plan to use this forum to update ye on my successful runs with the couch to 5k app and my weekly weigh ins. I hope ye will join me on this adventure and post yere weight losses and running success too.

    Hope to chat to ye soon.

    The main cause of failing to complete is that people try to go too fast so here's a general rule to stick to:

    Start running, slow down and then slow down some more and then you will have your startout pace until you get run-fit.

    Forget that you can walk faster, irrelevant, running is a totally different movement, hence why you are finding it difficult.

    So remember, Start running, slow down. Now slow down even more.

    Seriously doing that was the only way I could start training outdoors (used to always train on the treadmill).
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Hey all,

    Thanks a million for all your great advice and encouragement. It means alot and I have already learned so mch.

    Starting my first run dis evening after wrk.

    Will keep ye updated on how I get on.

    You've received loads of great encouragement already just wanted to add my pennies worth. I started C25K on 1/6/13 and graduated on 3/15. Starting the programme was the best decision I could ever have made. To give you a bit more help understanding how slow is slow, imagine your running parallel to a large hedge where somebody standing on the other side could see your head bobbing up and down as you run along, to them it should look like you're walking, that's how I managed to keep my pace slow with each run. I still don't run fast, I don't think I've even managed to run 5k yet (work in progress on speed) but I can now run for 38 mins without stopping. Definitely focus on getting your breathing steady, this is a must for the longer runs ahead.

    Good luck with the run later, I'm sure you'll be a winner, we're all winners. :flowerforyou:
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    You can do it.

    i started C25K last summer - and 60 pounds ago. My "running" pace in the beginning is slower than my walk now as well - and that is OK! Don't worry about pace at all right now - that will come with time. Just run/jog/shuffle through the prescribed times, and the improved pacing will come. It is also ok to repeat days/weeks until you succeed as necessary.

    There is a C25K group on here, that is VERY supportive and full of good information. Check them out.

    And remember - every day that you give it a go, you are lapping everyone on the couch.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I will look into da forum dat u suggested. I need all da advice and support at the moment.

    How r u getting on at da runner since u started. Have u ventured to any 10k?

    I did a couple of 5k's late last season, then spent the winter mainly running intervals (look up fartlek) to work on improving pacing. Just did my first 7K a few weeks ago, and was thrilled to hold a 10min mile the whole way. I'm a former competitive swimmer, so added that into the mix in January and also just did my first indoor triathlon a month or so ago. Looking for a 10k now. Getting comfortable running (regardless of initial speed) has made a huge difference for me. I never believed I could be a runner.

    Sounds like you have a great routine developed for yourself and you have lost so much weight in the progress.

    I hope someday i will be able to get comfortable running. I am doing my first run tonight on the treadmill. Have you any suggestions what my beginning running speed should be?
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member

    Sounds like you have a great routine developed for yourself and you have lost so much weight in the progress.

    I hope someday i will be able to get comfortable running. I am doing my first run tonight on the treadmill. Have you any suggestions what my beginning running speed should be?

    It really REALLY just depends on the person. When I started, it was nice outside, so I have no idea what the actual pacing was...and your height, stride and fitness will all play into what works for you. It should be faster than your walk - but a sloooow jog is fine. it's really about getting your heart rate up and then relaxing it a bit so you can sustain exercise for longer periods. I was pretty certain I was going to DIE that first week. And the second. And the third. Just keep at it, and repeat a week if you need to.

    Good luck!