


  • What a juvenile, jerky and hurtful thing to do. All my life, I've longed for a sister. Seriously, from the time my brother was born when I was 4, I knew I wanted a sister, but I'm an only daughter. (Really my parents' only child. I only have half siblings.) So when I hear of sisters not being supportive, I'm just amazed.

    Ready for some irony? She's my twin.

    Are you smaller than her now?
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    I would tear my sister a new one! I'm sorry you're related to such a biotch. :-(
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Buy your niece a puppy. That'll teach her.

    Haha!! That or something very noisy or messy....bonus points if you can find something that is both!
    Puppy AND drum set.

    And teach the puppy to poop every time she plays the drums!
  • MsFree09
    MsFree09 Posts: 44 Member

    What a juvenile, jerky and hurtful thing to do. All my life, I've longed for a sister. Seriously, from the time my brother was born when I was 4, I knew I wanted a sister, but I'm an only daughter. (Really my parents' only child. I only have half siblings.) So when I hear of sisters not being supportive, I'm just amazed.

    Ready for some irony? She's my twin.

    lol That explains everything! Sisters can be catty sometimes..trust me I have a younger one. But the fact that she's your twin, maybe she's always thought of herself as the better/prettier/funnier/whatever one. However, now that you're losing weight and maybe have some other positive things going on in your life, she's jealous.

    Just tell her how you feel. When my sister says something negative, I just ask her....and why do you feel like that? What possessed you to do/say something of that nature? Usually she won't have a concrete answer. After a few times of me doing that she just shuts up lol She's beginning to realize that she needs to think before she speaks. lol It works for me!
  • Buy your niece a puppy. That'll teach her.

    Haha!! That or something very noisy or messy....bonus points if you can find something that is both!
    Puppy AND drum set.

    And teach the puppy to poop every time she plays the drums!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Jealous. Jealous. jealous. If she's overweight, she's jealous that your losing weight and she's not. If she's not overweight, she's jealous about the attention your getting and threatened that she won't be seen as the 'skinny one' for much longer.

    Lap it up, don't let her get you down, and carry on making her jealous!!!
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member

    Are you smaller than her now?

    Yep. She outweighs me by about 50 pounds, maybe more.

  • Are you smaller than her now?

    Yep. She outweighs me by about 50 pounds, maybe more.

    Well...there you go. I think you have your answer. Feel good about yourself and just think about how she is acting out because she does not feel good about herself.
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    you are doing great
    try hard not to trip on her meanness too much - but it is so hard I know at our house my sister is referred to as "she who shall not be named"
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Buy your niece a puppy. That'll teach her.

    Haha!! That or something very noisy or messy....bonus points if you can find something that is both!
    Puppy AND drum set.

    The Playskool Ball Popper toy. Loudest toy ever!! LOL!

    Big hugs, OP. I have had people not acknowledge things and be passive-aggressive and I have KNOWN they were referring to me and it stings. My sister, though, would never do something like that. HUGS to you!
  • gold566
    gold566 Posts: 17 Member
    Don't worry about it. All she proved by posting it on Facebook was to prove to everyone how small and petty she is. She showed her true colors to everyone.
  • SkyFerret
    SkyFerret Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone. On the plus side, I was so angry this morning I ran an extra long interval at the gym this morning.

    Sounds like her unpleasantness is having positive results! Seriously, she's jealous and lashing out, you should let her get to you. Keep up what works and enjoy yourself.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    I kind of know how you feel. I don't have a good relationship with my sister either. She never asks me how I'm doing, she never reaches out unless she needs something and she has never congratulated me for anything. The straw that broke the camels back was when I got accepted to an amazing and highly competitive business school program and she didn't even acknowledge the news (I saw her a week after acceptance), much less say "congrats." She's too busy being a victim to care about anyone else.

    I used to be really disappointed, but I've decided that there is no sense in hoping for a change. I'm not sure if this is where you are at with your sister, but sometimes you need to just move on for your own health and happiness. I know that if anything dire ever happened to mine, I would be there. But I won't deal with the unnecessary drama and meanness anymore.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Wow! Just....wow.

    If I were you...I would print out the cartoon...blow it up BIG time...and put it on your wall to keep you going!!!!! And send her a thank you note...saying, "Thanks for the inspiration, sis! Love ya!" But that's just me. smh...

    HAHA i love this idea!!

  • Megatoine
    Megatoine Posts: 137 Member
    The sweetest revenge?? SHowing up to the next family function in a sexy dress and heels. Her stunned silence will be music to your ears. KEEP GOING GIRL!
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    Wow! Just....wow.

    If I were you...I would print out the cartoon...blow it up BIG time...and put it on your wall to keep you going!!!!! And send her a thank you note...saying, "Thanks for the inspiration, sis! Love ya!" But that's just me. smh...

    ** This is funny ** I would do the same thing and my next goal would be to look even better and hotter the next time I saw her. :laugh:
  • demarcosalazar
    demarcosalazar Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds, like jealousy. Maybe you should ask her to come workout with you. Maybe she needs your help to get where you are.
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Turn the other cheek...move on...and post something nice and sisterly...you know the nice quotes that we view all day on FB!! She'll get the message!
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone. On the plus side, I was so angry this morning I ran an extra long interval at the gym this morning.

    There you go!! Use her actions to push yourself in the right direction.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I suspect that cartoon says a lot more about her than it does about you. So take the attitude "that does not apply to me" (because it doesn't) and carry on.

    I love the idea of subtly getting her back by "innocently" giving your niece something really noisy or messy. haha