Some folks take the family thing too far



  • winterswish
    winterswish Posts: 162
    I'm with you. The only people in my family I "show up for" are my parents. Because of this, I've been blamed for ruining family holidays, causing "huge rifts" and hurt feelings. This from people who c all me up on Christmas to scream at me. :noway:

    I don't get the blood-responsibility claim. This was a huge issue in my marriage. My partner is someone who believes family trumps everything. So when their mother was sick they dropped out of school, moved out of state, left me home to take care of things and went bankrupt taking care of her. Did I mention that this is the same mother who would drop him off as a kid with her friends and then take off for weeks at a time to go on vino induced benders?

    This marriage ended for sooo many reason.

    Blood-shmud. I say build your own family!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    As long as youre not being actively hostile to your, youre not obligated. Send a nice congratulations card or a gift if you want to...but you're not obligated to show up or make nice if you don't want to. I doubt if this cousin will pay much attention either way. No stress.
  • kdoty0305
    kdoty0305 Posts: 15
    For me, family isn't about blood. Family are the folks that are there for you, want the best for you, are at your side when you need it. I am a strong believer in treating people the way they treat you.

    100% agree with you. Without going into too much detail, I have an extremely tumultuous relationship with my Mother. At 33 years old, I finally decided the stress and conflict that she adds to my life is just not worth it to me. I have very little interaction with her at this point. She lives less than a mile away, and even though she and I don't get along, she makes no attempts to see her grandson's who are 3 and 8 y/o. It's sad really.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I hate the family card, and I REALLY hate the parent card.

    My father was an abusive alcoholic in my childhood. He did things to me that no daughter should endure.

    As an adult, if I am around my father and he is drinking, he STILL acts inappropriately. On top of that, he is constantly critical and disapproving of anything I do. He is aggressive about telling me how much he hates my husband (of 8 years) and how I don't need college, and why isn't minimum wage good enough for me?

    He pedestals my sister. She's 19, married to an abusive man, and has a baby she doesn't take care of. She doesn't have college, or a job, and the army kicked her out. But she didn't talk to my dad for 4 years and I did, so he is enthralled with her attention, and mine is unnecessary.

    I spent many months at a time not talking to my father. I think I have good reason. I have tried to repair my relationship with him, and my husband always encouraged that, even though he is treated badly. But a lot of my friends have had parent losses, especially father losses. They always criticize me for not giving him another chance. "You only get one father", "you're gonna regret this one day", "you have to be the better person because it will kill you inside when he dies". I hate this crap. YOU may miss YOUR father, but I can't imagine anyone missing my father, a man who still drinks himself to sleep every night and emotionally abuses me whenever I let him near me.
  • Mara_
    Mara_ Posts: 104 Member
    If theys want to be your family, they have to behave as family.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    My mother's brother, no one has seen him since our grandmother passed away. He basically stole my other uncle's inheritance money, tried to hold one of the 2 limos at her funeral for his family only. mind you it was his second wife and her kids from another marriage along with their spouces and tried to shove twice that amount of people who are direct family out into the other limo. Plus the money meant for the customary meal after the funeral, well he stole that too. We are all glad we have nothing to do with the selfish b@$!@rd.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I've cut out vast swaths of my family. No phone calls, no cards, no letters. Nothing.

    Family isn't always family.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I only associate with people who better my life and vice versa. I don't deal with stress or drama. I pick and choose carefully the people I want a relationship with and that includes my family. However, my children, my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews and grandparents I will always have a relationship with regardless. Cousins, not so much. Most of my cousins are drug addicts and incarcerated.

    Unfortunately I have lost my parents, one and only sibling and a grandchild, so that makes my family super small, but we are big with love and being the matriarch of my family, I let no one interfere or disturb the peace within.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I've cut out vast swaths of my family. No phone calls, no cards, no letters. Nothing.

    Family isn't always family.

    Same here. Maybe not vast swaths, but definitely members. Just not worth it, at all.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I hate that too! I don't speak to my two wench sisters. My Aunt recently told me I needed to buck up and let it go because we are family. Um no. Nobody will be in my life or MY family that I have created lives who doesn't treat us with respect. You can take your blood and shove it. I hope that made sense. lol
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    There have been like a zillion family weddings I wasn't even invited to. Who cares. Don't go if you don't want to. Our grandparents generation would dare miss it, but then again, most of them never left the town they grew up in, so they don't get why you would miss a family event.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Nope don't agree with the family is family a d you stick by them no matter what.
    I have an aunt who calls me an 'amazon' her way of saying I'm fat, I dress like a slut, and I only visited my grandpa in the hospital for his money. OH and she told me straight out that my mom killed my dad (he was overweight and ate himself to death). Pfft I don't talk to her. Do your own thing and be happy!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I have friends that are way more like family to me than some of my family members. I've had the family card thrown at me too, but i say if someone treats me badly over and over and over again, and nothing changes after years of me trying to make things better, then I give up! I've moved on. I will be civil if I see them at family events, but other than that, I no longer care.

    Your cousin sounds pretty awful, I wouldn't feel bad at all, ESPECIALLY if you didn't even get an invite!
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    No doubt no one can hurt you like family can.

    I see nothing wrong with OP ditching this cousins wedding. You can bet this cousin knows damn well why. You can't be a total *kitten* to people in the way described and not know you're being an *kitten*.

    Life is awful short to cater to the feelings of people who crap on you.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    yes i have and i cut them off.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I think I treat my sister like crap, but I'm always there for her! lol It's love/hate.

    I hear ya though, there's family members who you go to all their functions and they never show up to yours... well, I learned long ago to forget about them. Or the family that borrows, never pays you back and will never loan you a penny if you ever need it!

    Yes, treat people how you want to be treated. I find myself being overly nice to people because of this and then getting taken advantage of from time to time. Oh, well; karma.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Life is awful short to cater to the feelings of people who crap on you.

    LOVE. THIS. Going to use that as mantra!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    I have a lot of family I chase after to keep in touch with. That's just me though. I try to keep things going, even if they are flakes.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    Just to clarify, if there have been invites sent out....nobody in my house got one. And my grandma is quick to pull the family card but she has a grandchild that she treats badly, so I kinda take her "family" speeches with a grain of salt.

    If your aunt asks tell her sorry no one in your house recieved an invitation and other plans had been made.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Relations by blood do not have to be family necessarily, tell her/him to shove it.

    And then go fly a kite.