I have a 4 Month Goal - 50 lbs.

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening ALL!

I have tried MFP before and failed over and over again. The incredibly frustrating part about all of this is that once I set in to lose weight and I buy all the right foods and plan to exercise and sometimes actually go do it, I end up failing and GAINING more weight immediately after shedding maybe 2-5 lbs. This has been a repetitive cycle of lose 5 gain 10 and now I'm at 230 lbs with a medium frame at 5'4" and 22 years old.

I moved to Hawaii in July of 2012 weighing about 215 with the intentions of getting into shape and changing my whole life around. What better place to do that than beautiful Hawaii? No distractions, partying friends, temptations and the biggest nature jungle gym I've ever encountered. Yet, I have no self control. And I have ended up gaining 15 lbs over 8 almost 9 months.

So here's me, rejoining MFP with new hopes and goals and challenges, hoping to meet someone who's gone through the same thing and is willing to hold my hand through this.

I have a wedding, my best friends wedding, in which I am a bridesmaid and guaranteed the heaviest of the group on July 28, 2013. This will be an entire year that I have not visited California, my home, and I would really like to shed some of this weight and be on track to fulfill all my health goals this year.

HELP! Is 50 lbs, with the amount of extra weight I have on my body a reasonable and attainable goal with diet and exercise? And if so, please tips on how to get there. :) THANK YOU ALL!


  • syntaxxor
    syntaxxor Posts: 86
    Hi, welcome back! Stay strong!

    Now, it sounds like you want to drop 50lbs between now and July 28. Most people right off the bat will tell you that the goal itself is unrealistic; you're looking at losing 25lbs a month for the next two months. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it's impossible, but just don't hurt yourself. [Must have read it wrong, 4 months? 50 pounds? That's actually decently reasonable, good dieting can net you at least 10 pounds a month]

    Your main focus with this will be diet; you need to structure your diet in a way that allows you to lose the weight with a caloric deficit. But most of all you need to form your diet in a way that allows you to get all the required nutrients and vitamin your body needs to survive. There's no point in fitting in that bride's maid dress if you look and act like a zombie.

    Trying to crash diet to it is a big reason a lot of people fail; you need to pace yourself and be in it for the long run. Take your time, do your research and stay healthy.
  • AllisonPlease
    AllisonPlease Posts: 48 Member
    50 in 4 months is a lot of weight and in my humble opinion (humble cuz really what the hell do I know) may be a little out of reach, unless you plan on doing a drastic diet and exercise change. I would say 30-35 pounds is definitely attainable with a decent workout regiment and a healthy diet. Good luck! Stay dedicated and motivated. Feel free to add me for encouragement!
  • StellaGoHard
    Thanks for your advice. Yes you are correct. 50 lbs in 4 months. That's like 12.5 pounds a month. I'm glad you mentioned the 10 lbs on diet alone thought because that really puts things into perspective. A couple weeks ago I actually meal prepped a weeks worth of healthy food in one night. It worked out great, except when I ran out of food I just went back to McDonalds. "/

    Gotta stick to it. THANKS
  • needsalife3
    needsalife3 Posts: 56 Member
    First of all you've got to stop thinking in terms of far off goals and big round numbers. You need to concentrate on today. Just today. If you can go to bed eating less calories than you spent, great. When you wake up tomorrow give it another try. Before you put anything in your mouth ask yourself if you really want it, if you do eat it. Don't let yourself get hungry - keep healthy, low cal snacks with you at all times. Figure out what's throwing you off and think of a way to succeed despite it. Be completely faithful and honest in logging your calories, even if you eat way over your goal.

    Can you lose 50 lbs in 4 months? Yes. But it will take a lot of exercise, vigilance in eating low cal and dedication. When you reach your goal, it will be VERY easy to regain it because you will have messed up your metabolism and will have to slowly reset it. I would suggest that you make a much shorter term goal, say 1 month, with much lower expectation, say 6 lbs. Realistically you can only expect to lose 1-2 lbs a week. If you kill yourself working out you can lose more. The weight really will fall off if you stick to your plan but I would never set myself up to fail with too high expectations.

    I'm not the person to friend on this one. There's someone with similar goals and expectations who would be much better support.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have to agree that at your starting weight, that's a goal that will be hard enough to reach that it might leave you frustrated. I'd shoot for a more realistic 6-8 pounds a months. It's way more realistic and sustainable.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    A 1-2 lb loss per week is considered attainable and healthy. You are looking a 3+ lbs/week. That is probably very overly optimistic. And remember, weight loss is not linear, meaning you will NOT lose the same amount week after week. I was stalled at 219 for three weeks, then dropped to 216 in 3 days.

    You may want to examine whether or not your (unrealistic) goals - 50lbs in 4 months - are contributing to your lack of success in the weight loss department. IMHO, more realistic and attainable goals tend to motivate as one reaches these goals consistently. Setting unrealistic goals only tend to lead to frustration and then failure.

    Re-think your goals (both long and short term) and good luck.
  • syntaxxor
    syntaxxor Posts: 86
    Meal prepping is a great way to go. It cuts out the guess work of what you're going to eat and how much. Which leads many people to cheat and what not. If you already have meals ahead of time, you're simply looking forward to that awesome meal and not thinking about what you can sneak in before it's time to eat!

    For a scary point of reference from what other people are saying, I myself lost 120lbs since last october. But, I went extreme and have stayed extreme, it's nothing I really want to recommend anyone. (I'm one of those infamous 1200calories and below people) I'm quite healthy and have boosted my cardiovascular health to amazing heights I was nowhere near before.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Let's be real here.
  • RobynDCrossman
    I'd venture to say if you start gaining weight after losing 5-10 lbs each instance, you ought to start out with a lower and more attainable goal.
  • needsalife3
    needsalife3 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, welcome back! Stay strong!

    Now, it sounds like you want to drop 50lbs between now and July 28. Most people right off the bat will tell you that the goal itself is unrealistic; you're looking at losing 25lbs a month for the next two months. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it's impossible, but just don't hurt yourself. [Must have read it wrong, 4 months? 50 pounds? That's actually decently reasonable, good dieting can net you at least 10 pounds a month]

    Your main focus with this will be diet; you need to structure your diet in a way that allows you to lose the weight with a caloric deficit. But most of all you need to form your diet in a way that allows you to get all the required nutrients and vitamin your body needs to survive. There's no point in fitting in that bride's maid dress if you look and act like a zombie.

    Trying to crash diet to it is a big reason a lot of people fail; you need to pace yourself and be in it for the long run. Take your time, do your research and stay healthy.

    There's no way a woman can lose 12.5 calories a month with diet alone. She can't come near that. It's a math problem. If you eat 800 calories less than you're expelling each day you will lose 6.86 pounds in a 30 day month. And eating at an 800 calorie deficit puts her eating 800-1000 calories a day depending on her TDEE - an unsustainable number.
  • CharlesLadd
    50 pounds in 4 months? Doubtful, at least healthfully. I just lost 40 pounds in 20 weeks. That' s 4 2/3 months. I am a male. Females have a harder time losing weight (something to do with hormones, higher body fat percentages, being smaller in the first place so the calorie deficit can't be as large, etc.). Anything more than 2 pounds a week for a female is likely a) not healthy or b) not possible. Set a more reasonable goal, like 30 pounds in 4 months (which will be difficult anyway).

    You can probably lose 50 pounds, but more like in 6-8 months -- with considerable effort.

    Are you doing this to look good? Bad reason. Do it to be in better health. In the mean time, let your friends accept you for whoever and whatever you are -- someone who is trying to improve her health, and is well on the way to that goal (but not there yet)..
  • Bane81
    Bane81 Posts: 40 Member
    It's definitely a hefty goal. Need to make a great meal plan and have a good exercise regime. With hard work and strong dedication, you'll have a stronger chance of achieving it.

    I'm on track to lose 25 lbs in 2 months, so that's half. I do empty stomach cardio 40 mins every morning, eat clean and frequently and hit the weights 3-5 times a week.
  • Mommy_J
    Mommy_J Posts: 20 Member
    When I first started (at a similar starting weight to yours) I had the goal of losing 45 lbs. by the middle of July, which was a 5 1/2 month period. But I soon realized that was not a realistic goal and decided to lower it to 35. Remember, it's not a race and it can't be a short-term thing. You've got to take it slow and steady in order for it to become a permanent change. I would suggest setting a goal to lose 31 lbs. Just imagine how amazing it would feel to go to that wedding weighing under 200! :) Good luck!
  • syntaxxor
    syntaxxor Posts: 86
    Hi, welcome back! Stay strong!

    Now, it sounds like you want to drop 50lbs between now and July 28. Most people right off the bat will tell you that the goal itself is unrealistic; you're looking at losing 25lbs a month for the next two months. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it's impossible, but just don't hurt yourself. [Must have read it wrong, 4 months? 50 pounds? That's actually decently reasonable, good dieting can net you at least 10 pounds a month]

    Your main focus with this will be diet; you need to structure your diet in a way that allows you to lose the weight with a caloric deficit. But most of all you need to form your diet in a way that allows you to get all the required nutrients and vitamin your body needs to survive. There's no point in fitting in that bride's maid dress if you look and act like a zombie.

    Trying to crash diet to it is a big reason a lot of people fail; you need to pace yourself and be in it for the long run. Take your time, do your research and stay healthy.

    There's no way a woman can lose 12.5 calories a month with diet alone. She can't come near that. It's a math problem. If you eat 800 calories less than you're expelling each day you will lose 6.86 pounds in a 30 day month. And eating at an 800 calorie deficit puts her eating 800-1000 calories a day depending on her TDEE - an unsustainable number.

    I'm a 5'11" male. (CW 186)

    I sustain a daily caloric intake of just barely over 1000 calories. I take vitamins, and fish oil and even an AF inhibitor.

    This is without mentioning that I work out too and don't "eat back" calories. (So my net can fluctuate from 600-800 calories depending on which day it is)

    Gaining muscle, losing fat, no energy drags, no hazziness, no moodiness.

    Unsustainable? No ma'am.

    Recommended? No ma'am.

    Plausible? Certainly.

    Willpower is a huge must for this diet to work. I wasn't suggesting that she does NOT work out; I'm simply saying that diet will be more important.
  • Nano1360
    Nano1360 Posts: 105 Member
    Sorry to disappoint you!!!! it is not going to happen that easily! you can lose 50 lbs in 4 month but it also could take 2 years! there is no guaranty!!!! A real example for you I last May started with MFP, almost a year!!!! I lost about 30 lbs in 6 month; which is great and puts me in normal range!!! I had lost some pound, gain them and then lost again!
    I still keep a tight hold on my foods and exercise! I know in some point I will reach my goal weight!!!!
    Hope you get my point! Weight lose has the exact process as gaining weight and lets be honest we had not gain these fats during 4 month!!!! It had taken years to get here! it needs years to get back to where we should be!
    But I hope you can achieve the most in the shortest time!!!!!
    I love to be supportive in a good way;NO FALSE HOPE!
    So add me and we will try hard on both nutrition and work out together! I am also putting new goals to lose some more!!!
  • RebeccaBurmeister
    RebeccaBurmeister Posts: 35 Member
    feel free to add me if you like! :) you can do this!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Hi, welcome back! Stay strong!

    Now, it sounds like you want to drop 50lbs between now and July 28. Most people right off the bat will tell you that the goal itself is unrealistic; you're looking at losing 25lbs a month for the next two months. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it's impossible, but just don't hurt yourself. [Must have read it wrong, 4 months? 50 pounds? That's actually decently reasonable, good dieting can net you at least 10 pounds a month]

    Your main focus with this will be diet; you need to structure your diet in a way that allows you to lose the weight with a caloric deficit. But most of all you need to form your diet in a way that allows you to get all the required nutrients and vitamin your body needs to survive. There's no point in fitting in that bride's maid dress if you look and act like a zombie.

    Trying to crash diet to it is a big reason a lot of people fail; you need to pace yourself and be in it for the long run. Take your time, do your research and stay healthy.

    There's no way a woman can lose 12.5 calories a month with diet alone. She can't come near that. It's a math problem. If you eat 800 calories less than you're expelling each day you will lose 6.86 pounds in a 30 day month. And eating at an 800 calorie deficit puts her eating 800-1000 calories a day depending on her TDEE - an unsustainable number.

    Well that's not entirel true. I lost 18 lbs my first month with only short walks a couple times a week for exercise. But I started at 300, And first few weeks are usually faster than normal... It was a one time thing of course, only my first month, but it can happen.
  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    omg!!!! i am so in and wanna help you....use me, ask questions , support will be given 24/7!!!!
    we will go through it together!!!
    msg me when u feel u want to binge or when u think you are failing..
    lets start tomorrow morning!!!
    please measure yourself when you will wake

    you will be the prettiest girl at your friends wedding!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jgbkab
    jgbkab Posts: 24
    It's doable. If you are really serious about your diet and exercise and can take a few pitfalls, 50 lbs can be lost in four months. The real question is if you're going to try now (I'm assuming that the dresses will be made beforehand) and not be able to fit the dress come showtime.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Good luck! You have youth in your favor, and your starting weight will allow you to still eat a good number of calories, even though you need a deficit to lose.

    I would focus on changing one meal at a time. I started with breakfast.

    And, if you can, avoid all or nothing thinking...you know, that it has to be 50 lbs or it's not worth it. Or it has to be 3 lbs a week, every week etc.