Yummy, quick, FILLING, healthy breakfast?

Hey everyone! Every morning I struggle with breakfast! I usually have a tasty, healthy one, but the problem is it doesn't keep me full! I went to the store today and got Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Flax (yum!) It has 200 calories per serving, 4g of fat, 9g of protein, and 8g of fiber! WOO HOO! (except 12g of sugar -_-) Anyway, I'd probably have 1 or 2 serving of that (without milk) a cup of yoplait light (fat free, strawberries n' bananas) and a fruit for breakfast. Do you think this would keep me full until 11:30-ish if I ate it around 6 a.m. with a small snack (like a fruit or a fiber one bar) in between? If not, what would? Thanks :)


  • LaurenLouG
    LaurenLouG Posts: 65 Member
    I eat twice cooked oats, if you add the same volume of water as milk and cook for double the time then it's twice the volume without adding any calories. I add a whole apple chopped up which ends up tasting all delicious and baked.

    I generally have a snack around 10-11 of a piece of fruit.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Eggs, three of em and a slice of wholemeal toast with butter on.

    If you aren't a feller, you could have maybe....two eggs.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    2 x eggs with a couple of slices of ham
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Skip the diet yogurt and have full fat to fill you up. Stir the cereal in to the yogurt and layer with the fruit for a good parfait. I'd find a way to get some more protein in though. Or bring a serving of nuts or seeds for your snack instead of the fiber bar.
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    I like the FIBER ONE 80 calorie honey squares. I eat 2 1/2 cups of it, (one full cereal bowl) and it helps to keep me full for about 3 to 3 1/2 hours.
  • nategr
    nategr Posts: 12
    My general breakfast (which is a massive plate of food and keeps me full until post work-out meal at 2) consists of egg whites and a veggie mix scrambled. Every week I get 4 various bell peppers, a large onion, about 10-12 white or crimini mushrooms, and 1 package of Aidell's andouille sausage and chop it all up. 1/4 of this (2 cups) reins in at less than 250 calories without egg whites and around 300 with. I generally only use about a cup packed tightly maybe a cup and a half tho which is a lot of veggies! I get ~6-7 servings out of it. It's a lot of food so it generally keeps my stomach feeling full and if I have a busy day I'll add in a yolk or two for extra calories. As Lauren said, a little fruit or granola to snack on will keep you feeling good til lunch. Cheers
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I usually have a protein shake made with milk, one scoop of protein powder, a dollop of yogurt, and enough frozen fruit to fill the blender cup to the top. This usually keeps me full from 6:30 until around 10:00, at which point I have a piece of fruit and a yogurt to tide me over until lunch.
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    I have 2 breakfasts that are my go to's that are pretty filling and don't take too long.

    I like to fry 3 egg whites with 1 whole over easy egg. (The yolk from the 1 egg makes the whites more interesting!) Usually with that I will have half a grapefruit, an orange or some berries.

    The other is oatmeal with frozen blueberries and some ground flaxseed mixed in.

    Both of those end up coming in around 200-250 calories for the meal, don't take long and keep me full.

    I'm really trying to watch hidden sugars in my diet, so for me the breakfast you described would be too high in sugar for my current goals. One of the reasons I'm cutting back on sugars is because I have found personally that limiting sugars helps me avoid cravings and regulate my appetite. I would probably need a more substantial mid-morning snack if I had the breakfast you described. But, that is what I have learned about myself personally, and I have read many comments on here from people who have lost a great deal of weight without being strict about sugar intake, especially sugar from fruit. (Though the sugar in the fruit flavored yogurt does not count as "fruit" sugar in my mind.)
    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    Protein is what keeps you fuller for longer. Fiber helps. Switch your yogurt to Greek yogurt since it has twice the protein. Then throw in some egg whites. 17 calories ea for a large egg white. Virtually fat free. Virtually carb free. 3.6 g protein and over 55 mg potassium.

    Each morning I have 1 whole egg with 3 egg whites. I use butter but you could use spray instead. Then I add a cup of raspberries for the whopping 10 grams of fiber along with celery and carrots (to snack on at work) and Ryvita crisps. I get 20 g of protein for breakfast and 14 g of fiber. It's HOURS before I'm hungry.
  • kusterer
    kusterer Posts: 90 Member
    The theme through all these is protein, and more protein, to feel full longer. I make oatmeal with soymilk for protein, and/or eat eggs, and/or eat nonfat greek yogurt with nuked-from-the-freezer berries. You can even drive through McD's and get the oatmeal (w/o brown sugar) and berry-yogurt "parfait" for about 350 calories. But home food is usually faster than "fast" food.
  • quarkenstein
    quarkenstein Posts: 60 Member
    Half an avocado on toast and a soft boiled egg is my go-to :) eat the avocado on toast and get ready while the egg is boiling still!
  • alexis49er
    alexis49er Posts: 16 Member
    I make a smoothie with greek yogurt, frozen berries, orange juice and some honey. Under 200 calories with about 12g of protein. It's quick and easy and I can drink it on my way to work.
  • aevans0034

    I always have a piece of toast with hummus and a hard boiled egg. I really find that the toast and hummus fills me up and the hard boiled egg keeps me from feel hungry until lunch. Sometimes I have an apple before lunch.

    hope that helps!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I have a protein shake and a cheesestick :)
  • aikasm
    aikasm Posts: 63
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Plain greek yogurt, with 1/4 cup of Natures Path pumkin flax granola, 6 strawberries and 1/4 cup mango pieces. (I use frozen fruit and put it all together the night before so the fruit will be thawed by the time I eat it in the morning)
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    A great smoothie that will keep you full:

    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    3 cups greens (spinach, kale, mixed greens) - I used 2 cups spinach & 1 cup of kale this morning
    1 cup of blueberries (or other fruit) - I used frozen blueberries this morning but fresh is also good
    3/4 cup of carrots - I used baby carrots and didn't even cut them b/f throwin in the blender
    1 small banana
    1 TBSP protein powder (I use raw hemp powder)
    1 TBSP Ground flax seed
    1/4 tsp ground raw ginger
    1/4 tsp cinnamon

    blend and slurp :smile:
  • JaneInKansas
    JaneInKansas Posts: 82 Member
    bump for later :flowerforyou:
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Personally I would steer clear of the store bought cereals and bars altogether.

    Make your own muesli or granola on the weekend so you have enough for during the week. Have it with natural greek yoghurt, and or fruit, or milk if you prefer.

    On days when you have time, have eggs. Omelettes, poached eggs, scrambled eggs, baked eggs.

    Make your own snack bars or protein balls. It's so easy, so much yummier and better for you!

    Here are some good recipes:

    You can add oats if you aren't gluten free. You can use honey instead of rice malt syrup.


    You can do this in normal food processor.




  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    everymorning i have 1 whole egg 2 egg whites, Left over veg from the night before eg pepper mushrooms peas corn sweet potato and scramble it all up with some ham and 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, keep me full till about 11am, then i have an apple