I am finally getting some well-needed Answers............



  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I didn't post for you to debate with me on my eating habits when I know what works for me and I will continue to do what the Doctors have advised me to do.
    Exactly what I was thinking - whether he agrees with you or not doesn't matter.

    Great positive attitude towards everything - glad you finally got some answers. Keep on fighting for your health - you'll win. :flowerforyou:
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Hey Lioness - just ignore Lefty. :ohwell: On the bathtub cleaning - I've found that white vinegar and baking soda do wonders cutting through soap scum. My kids hate the smell of the vinegar when I use it to clean, but it goes away rather quickly. Good luck with all your new issues. I certainly hope you are successful in shrinking that tumor!

    I know right. Why should any of us ever count calories. Calories don't matter. Lol

    I do have to agree with Lefty to a point. I have been low carbing for about five years now and when I first read Dr. Atkins book about how we didn't need to count calories I was THRILLED I though heck I could eat what I want , only count carbs and lose weight. WRONG!!! At least for me it was WRONG!!!

    So I joined WW and started counting points but also keeping my carb intake very low and low and behold I lost 65 lbs. almost instantly and within three months time at that. So for me I found that NOT counting calories was a big NO NO because all it did was frustrate the crud out of me.

    All I can say is counting my calories , keeping my carbs low and below 100 grams a day has helped me TREMENDOUSLY and I have lost 14 more pounds here on MFP by doing just that. We are all different therefore what a book says could be true for some but not others. Just my two cents about that.

    Maybe for some people calorie counting comes into play, but it has never been a factor for me in the past. The Doctor even told me today, going over my notebook that my calories are not that high.............Between 1300 and 1500 at most for most days. As a matter of fact, he told me to up my fat percentages a bit.

    Lefty's posts have gotten way away from the reason I even posted. It was meant to be a post of if you think something is wrong, make your doctor work to find out what is going on, especially when you haven't changed what has been working for you in the past..............

    I don't even have the energy to exercise most days. That is why my exercise is very sporadically posted. It is because of what is going on in my Endocrine system, not because of not enough or too many calories................

    Lioness - I totally understand where your coming from and my post was not meant to say that your doing things wrong ....my post was merely me saying that for me calorie counting does come into play along with carb counting :happy: Everyone is different and everyone has to find their way to take off the weight.

    Any ways just wanted to clear that up :flowerforyou: I am glad that your doctor found out what was going on with you so you can now correct the problems at hand. I have thyroid issues as well and I am also on synthroid which sucks to be on a medication for the rest of my life but it has helped me to be balanced for me to lose the weight pretty steadily. I have been losing an average of 3 lbs. per week so it's working for me and it will work for you too :bigsmile:
  • amagostinelli
    I think some of the posts here are getting off track as to what is really at stake here - the serious health issues. I don't think the magic of calorie counting is going to treat the tumor or other diagnosed illnesses. It may aid in your weight loss journey, but seems to be the 'kicking the dead horse' theory now in relation to all of the truly severe medical conditions going on in your life. I hope that your treatment goes well as anyone would clearly be stressed out in your situation. If you haven't heard about this great book yet, check out "The Eat-Clean Diet Book" by Tosca Reno. It has a recently revised version (called "Revamped" instead of revised).
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think some of the posts here are getting off track as to what is really at stake here - the serious health issues. I don't think the magic of calorie counting is going to treat the tumor or other diagnosed illnesses. It may aid in your weight loss journey, but seems to be the 'kicking the dead horse' theory now in relation to all of the truly severe medical conditions going on in your life. I hope that your treatment goes well as anyone would clearly be stressed out in your situation. If you haven't heard about this great book yet, check out "The Eat-Clean Diet Book" by Tosca Reno. It has a recently revised version (called "Revamped" instead of revised).


    The doctor told me that with my Endocrine system being broken, means that my metabolism is broken. So as of right now counting calories, carbs, etc basically will not work.................I have been beating the dead horse so to speak for quite a while.

    Until I get what is broken fixed, it doesn't matter if I consume 0 calories or 5000 calories, I am not going to lose weight..........

    That is what the post was supposed to be about. I know there are others on this site that are doing all the right things for the plan that they are adhering to and their doctors are telling them that everything is Ok when in fact, it just may not be ok.

    I have the Eat Clean Book along with a myriad of other books focusing on organic and natural foods.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    It is like me telling you I have a hole in my heart and until it is closed, I will not lose weight. THEN someone telling me to eat fewer calories. NO, sx to fix the hole is what will help me.

    If you are ill the last thing you want to do is cut your calories. Your body needs its nutrition and calories to fight the good fight.

    Cora, I pray you all fix the problem and you are able to lose some weight in the process.

    God Bless. :flowerforyou:

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    It is like me telling you I have a hole in my heart and until it is closed, I will not lose weight. THEN someone telling me to eat fewer calories. NO, sx to fix the hole is what will help me.

    If you are ill the last thing you want to do is cut your calories. Your body needs its nutrition and calories to fight the good fight.

    Cora, I pray you all fix the problem and you are able to lose some weight in the process.

    God Bless. :flowerforyou:


    Exactly...............Well Jeannie I know you get it. :flowerforyou:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    That is what the post was supposed to be about. I know there are others on this site that are doing all the right things for the plan that they are adhering to and their doctors are telling them that everything is Ok when in fact, it just may not be ok.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Sometimes trying to find a Dr that will LISTEN to you is 75% percent of the battle unfortunately. Sounds like you found a good one, stick with him/her and stick to your guns.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    July24lioness: Did you mention in another post you are a vet? Can any of this be service related?
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    While I am not doubting your issues I find it peculiar your diary is incomplete. I think your problem is you don't track your intake.

    I see alot of posts from people who aren't losing weight or at a standstill and they always have incomplete diaries. Than you look at those who have lost and kept it off and their diaries are detailed and done every single day.

    Won't work if you don't use the tools given to us.

    I track it in a regular notebook as I don't count calories.............I only pay attention to my carb counts. Some days I put it in and most days I don't because I simply don't have the energy to track it in both places and my notebook goes with me to the Doctor.

    I have had no problems until I started having issues with my health and then I lose some and gain those same pounds back, eating the same way I have already been eating for years.

    That is why I went to the doctor to find out what is going on with me...............I have been eating a low carb plan (and as natural as I can possibly make it) with the exception of when my husband was laid off and we had to improvise to make sure we had food on the table.

    You can count carbs till the cows come home. When talking bout weight loss calories matter. You can stay with in a carb limit but eat over in calories.

    Not saying you don't have medical issues as well just stating you don't track your calories and have stalled in your weight loss. You should be counting calories as well as sticking to a certain diet.

    I have never had to count calories since I started low carbing in 2003. I had previously lost over 100 pounds without counting a single calorie and kept it off until the other health issues (thyroid, pituitary and adrenal issues) started rearing its head.

    The doctor already told me until I get the Tumor under control that weight loss will be difficult. He actually told me that with my eating I should have lost many, many pounds..............he told me to focus on getting any other chemicals out of my eating (which means finding organics on the items I don't buy organic).

    The doctor told me I am doing all the right things with my eating, I have pretty much gotten the Diabetes under control, which is a magnificent feat in itself.

    i just can't lose any more weight...............We will see in the coming weeks after the meds that he prescribed get into my system good.

    You can't lose any more weight cause your calories intake now matches what you burn. I don;t know how you starved yourself or didn't before to lose weight. All I know is if you already track your carbs there is no reason not to track your calories.

    Especially since it is a scientific fact that to burn fat and lose weight you must create a caloric deficit. The first thing I would be doing is tracking my intake. Since the goal is to get smaller and healthier.

    Maybe some of us just want a magic pill. I dunno
    she's simply sharing some scary news she found out today, not seeking advice on how many cals to eat daily. Over 5 posts to her on nothing that pertains to her situation and original thread topic, it might be time to step back and allow her to take her own docs advice?
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Hey Lioness - just ignore Lefty. :ohwell:
    I absolutely agree:noway:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    July24lioness: Did you mention in another post you are a vet? Can any of this be service related?

    Yes, I am an Army Vet and I would not attribute any of my ailments to being service related. They are more hereditary than anything and environmental in other ways.
  • mfp1daves
    mfp1daves Posts: 4
    Always stay optimistic...
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    She also has no idea how many she burns. Because of her extensive and VERY SERIOUS health problems including a tumor on her pituitary and hypothyroidism her body is not functioning as a normal body. Typically just the hypothyroidism in and of itself could throw her hormones so out of whack that her metabolism is barely functioning. Throw in the tumor and you've got a recipe for hanging on to, or even gaining, weight.

    Regardless of her overall opinion on weight loss, low-carb dieting and counting calories, you must at least understand that right now there is very little point to counting, even if she wanted to. Even the lowest recommended 1200 could be well above where her metabolism is functioning.

    Incidentally, it's not always necessary to count your calories. Even if you adhere strictly to calories in-calories out, once you've gotten the swing of your diet down and you've practiced it pretty consistently, you start to know what you've eaten in a day. I'm not entering in calories to MFP for the rest of my life. Eventually you learn to eat right and know how to maintain a healthy weight.

    Congrats Lioness, on finding out what is wrong and hopefully you can get some solutions to get back on track and healthy soon. Good luck!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Oops. It would seem lefty's most recent response I was replying to is now gone... Hmmm.
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