How to say 'No' to 'Food Pushers"



  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    "I've developed an allergy." That seems to deter the most insistent ones. Problem with that is then being consistent. Otherwise, "No."
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    If people seem either insistent or wounded that I say no, I'll say "I'm stuffed, can I take it for later?" Then toss it out on the way home.

    I hate throwing out food but sometimes it's self defence.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I say NO to developing a new way to say NO when NO works just fine.

  • junglejd13
    junglejd13 Posts: 55 Member
    Take whatever they give you. Immediately throw it in the trash (preferably where they will see).

  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Take it and throw it on the ground, Lonely Island style.
  • junglejd13
    junglejd13 Posts: 55 Member
    Just say you're allergic. I'm gluten free and everyone at work knows it so when they offer something, they quickly remember that I'm gluten free. If not I say "I can't eat gluten".

    Even if you really aren't gluten free, just pretend. You can still eat whatever you want and if someone asks "Hey, I thought you couldn't eat that,"just say "this pasta is gluten free....this bread is gluten free." No one will be the wiser. This method is great because usually what is offered is glutenous filled cake, cookies, etc.

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This is what I do:

    Grab my gut and go look how fat this blob of lard is if I eat one more cookie I'll explode fat greasy oil all over the place.

    usually people laugh uncomfortably and drop it.
  • junglejd13
    junglejd13 Posts: 55 Member
    Claim allergy or religious reasons? Half my office thinks I'm Muslim and gluten intolerant

    ^^^See it works!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Say NO!!!! If they persist, kick them in the BALLZ!!
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I suffer from "no-osis" as well. It seems as if we have the condition of the no. Practice with me, "No."

    It can be uncomfortable at first but saying "no." and leaving it at "no." is satisfying. Crankstr does it well. Simple, to the point and if repitition doesn't do the trick a nice flat out "OH HELL NO" works nicely.
  • Yes! It happens all the time! "You're not eating enough! We're worried about you! A few more pieces of this or that won't kill you!" God! I am so tired of having to tell them that I'm on a diet constantly!
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    People at work do this to me. Tell me that I don't need to eat "so healthy" and I never "eat anything". I just say I like what I eat and I don't need a frikkin donut (or whatever)
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    just give them the finger and keep it moving
    What a crazy thing to say!!!

    My suggestion would be to say thank you however thank you for the offer. Be honest and you will do fine.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Simple. Say no.

    It's your body & unless they are force feeding you...then say no.

    If you allow them to hand it to you and you eat it.... then you have no chance.

    Also stop telling everyone you are on a diet. You are supposed to be on a lifestyle change FOREVER. Diet is short term & always fail
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    No is a common answer here but if someone is going to give me a cookie, I am going take the cookie, eat it and say thank you very much.

    however, NO.

    Yes!! Exactly my thoughts, I'd love for someone to offer me a cookie right about now :)
  • Smile.

    Or ask them if they want some brussel sprouts.

    I've NEVER thought of this. I'm going to start offerring veggies back. Good idea!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    When they say "just one won't kill you" you could turn, stare at them, let your lip tremble, and then start bawling some horrible story about how your mom/aunt/dog ate a cookie and then had a stroke, and then scream "IT WAS WAFER THIN" and run away.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    just give them the finger and keep it moving

    Would not work with my 4'9" 85lb Puerto Rican Grandma. I'd get hit with a slipper and force fed some rice and beans while being told I need to lose weight to find a man to marry and impregnate me. Wait, what was this about?
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    i say, "no thanks." if that doesn't work, i take the cookie or pastry, walk away, and put it down. or crumble it into my saucer if i'm at tea. i often plead blood sugar issues. people seem to accept that. If that doesn't work, i just leave...
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    Claim allergy or religious reasons? Half my office thinks I'm Muslim and gluten intolerant

    lol this is good.

    Just ask them if it's Halal, and when they give you a quizzical look just handwaive them away and say you can't eat it if it's not.