Binge Eating Help!

Hey all!!!

So i've been doing great with my foods during the day, but i'm struggling with binging at night. I'll have a fantastic day and just ruin it in an hour. I'm wondering what you all do to keep you from binging and if you have any suggestions or tips. I'm eating dinner around 5-6 but have trouble binging between 7-9. I appreciate any advice!


  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    here is what I do

    get a 3 ring binder notebook

    buy some lined paper and dividers

    divide in 3 sections

    section 1 thankful section

    each time you are tempted to binge write down something you are thankful for

    section 2 mind dumping journal

    each time you are tempted to binge write down anything and everything you can think of feelings wise until you get all off your chest

    section 3 positive affirmations

    each time you are tempted to binge write down something positive about yourself

    this way you will be busy writing and having a different focus.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I have had the same trouble for a long time. Try eating a little later and try making your dinner a high-protein one. I'm a big night time eater anyway, so I tend to leave most of my calories for then so I can have an after-dinner treat. Drinking lots of water also helps.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Eat dinner much later and then save room for calories at night. I like to eat popsicles at night since they are low cal.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Binging is usually caused by not eating enough during the day, or being way too strict in your diet. Are you doing any of those? Also, it's perfectly ok to have a snack after dinner. Your body doesn't treat the food differently.
  • slfordstthomas
    slfordstthomas Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with Sweet Gurl and Lauren's ideas! Journaling does fantastic things, especially since the hunger that comes on from binge eating is usually all in your mind, not true hunger from your stomach. Make your dinner a little later, around 7. And have a wholesome snack with protein and complex carbs before dinner instead... like an apple with a TBSP. of peanut butter. I used to be a big night time eater but not so much anymore. And I've practiced both Lauren and Sweet Gurl's ideas. They really work!
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Hey all!!!

    So i've been doing great with my foods during the day, but i'm struggling with binging at night. I'll have a fantastic day and just ruin it in an hour. I'm wondering what you all do to keep you from binging and if you have any suggestions or tips. I'm eating dinner around 5-6 but have trouble binging between 7-9. I appreciate any advice!

    First make sure you are eating enough overall calories. Under eating can lead to binging.

    I don't eat dinner until about 7 and then I eat again about about 9, sometimes 10. Eat when you are hungry and don't worry about how late it is. Your body can't tell time and doesn't care.
  • christocentrist
    I want to bump this -

    My binging is not an emotional thing, it's a compulsive thing and it's really hard to control. It happens throughout the day and the solution APPEARS to be to not have any treats around but I have not practically applied this yet to see if it really is the solution.

    Edited to add that I definitely eat enough during the day (I love eating), and lately it's been way over (past 2 weeks) with the binging and whatnot.
  • esballet
    esballet Posts: 51 Member
    I second the journaling thing!
    There is also a really helpful binge- eating support group here on MFP-
    Also, get rid of any foods that are triggering or that will do a lot of damage if you binge on them. For me thats bread products and sweet things. If you absolutely must "binge," I suggest grapes or that 94% fat free microwave popcorn, because it takes up a lot of time to eat for very few calories.
  • Binging is usually caused by not eating enough during the day, or being way too strict in your diet. Are you doing any of those? Also, it's perfectly ok to have a snack after dinner. Your body doesn't treat the food differently.

    i'm not doing that...but i cant eat after 7pm because of a medical condition so after dinner snacks arent really an option. and i'm not hungry after dinner, i just cant stop thinking about food
  • here is what I do

    get a 3 ring binder notebook

    buy some lined paper and dividers

    divide in 3 sections

    section 1 thankful section

    each time you are tempted to binge write down something you are thankful for

    section 2 mind dumping journal

    each time you are tempted to binge write down anything and everything you can think of feelings wise until you get all off your chest

    section 3 positive affirmations

    each time you are tempted to binge write down something positive about yourself

    this way you will be busy writing and having a different focus.

    love love love love love this idea! thank you for always being amazing and helpful!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    If I get hungry in the evening, I eat some fruit or a few squares of dark chocolate and it usually satisfies me.
    Also, you may want to consider you need to eat dinner later or eat more throughout the day to avoid this.
  • ej_glen
    ej_glen Posts: 34 Member
    The biggest help for me has been reading up on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and using the tools and techniques discussed in the books to manage my binge eating behaviours.

    It has taken a while and I still take a glance at my books at least once a week to stay on top of things, but CBT has been the most practical and helpful tool in helping me to recover from binge eating.

    Good luck with this - and please feel free to drop me a DM if you'd like recommendations. :)
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    there are many varying factors to binge eating. some emotional, some boredom etc. my binges were as the one lady mentioned my not eating enough during the day I had been eating 1,000-1,100 calories. but since upping my calories I am not binging near as much as I used to.

    I am also taking a christian based course that address my specfic problem and I blog about each lesson I am learning this not only helps show me my trigger points and underlying issues but it helps me know what is going on with me why the binging.
    N0EXCUSE Posts: 23 Member
    If I'm REALLY craving something, I gotta have it. And I gotta have it ALL! I find that if you buy "snack packs" of your favorite treats you can have a late night treat and once the bag is empty you're done. :)
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    @ no excuse for those cravings what I did was I take a few bites of what I crave and what is left over I throw away in the trash can but put in way in the bottom so if I am tempted to eat it I would have to go through the whole trash can to get it.
  • kk1084
    kk1084 Posts: 51 Member
    I am curious about this issue as well... I struggled with anorexia and overexercising for almost two years and at the tail-end of this, I started binge eating in the wee hours of the night. Namely, between 11pm and 4/5 am. I think it happened because, after two years of restricting and overworking, my body finally said, "ENOUGH!! F*** IT! I NEED FOOD!" and it took advantage of the time when I was most vulnerable (night) and "forced" me to eat what I wasn't eating during the day. Although I am currently an acceptable weight for my height and I have been doing much better (though I would be lying if I said I was 100% recovered at this point), the night binging continues. As someone else said, I do not think my binging is emotional... I think it is compulsive. And I KNOW it's not OK and I tell myself to stop, but... I don't. It's as if I don't have control over my actions at the time and it is the WORST guilt and regret afterwards. "I should have stopped. Why didn't I stop? I KNEW I should stop..."

    I generally end up consuming between 1800-2200 calories between these hours and then I'm stuck feeling like I can't eat during the day because my max right now is 1550, OR I feel the need to go to the gym and burn at least half of what I binged... It's been going on for four years now and I've tried so many strategies... nothing works... I'm open to suggestions because this is making me a guilt-ridden, ashamed person and I'm ready to STOP.
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    Hi kk1084:

    First let me say I have no experience with anorexia, but I do have problems with emotional eating. I looked at your profile and I connect with you on several levels -- the art, living abroad/travelling. What jumps out at me is that you are almost exactly at your goal weight aside from what you call binge eating, so your eating and exercise seem to be in balance no matter what time of the day you're doing them.

    I don't know if your eating and exercising are extreme but what if you were to give yourself permission to not feel guilty about them? You are obviously doing your best. Perhaps the guilt and shame are fueling your eating/exercising.

    I do think, since you describe compulsion, you might check out treatment for OC disorder, if that's available to you.

    Finally, I empathize with your struggle and wish you health and happiness.
  • Tenzuya
    Tenzuya Posts: 64
    Drink more water.
  • celt7gjd
    celt7gjd Posts: 2
    Thanks for the tip Sweet_gurl, about the 3 ring binder notebook, divived into three section. Great idea! I'll give it a try.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    you are most welcome . if you have any questions let me know.

    to the lady who posted about wanting to stop and all. you are taking the first step by being aware of the problem kudos to you. many people deny the problem the fact that you want help to fix it you can do this. take it one step at a time one day at a time. try my binder idea also. I am taking a class and I blog about what I am learning from it and any triggers I find along the way. this helps me identify the root of the problem. and address it. once I find the roots i ask myself what can be a healthy substitute for me its blogging .