weight loss surgery!



  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    I too considered surgery, Started the process of following the diet and exercise plan. After the first month I lost 15 lbs. It was then I realized I could do it on my own. I have lost 55 lbs. With about 150 to go. It can be done with time and patience. :)
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    One of my friends brothers is dying, he is on stomach tube feeding and has lost over 100 pounds in 3 weeks. He is one story you will never hear. I also have 5 friends who have had bypass and are losing weight well. My take on it is this is for a life time and if you learn to lose weight on your own then you will have a lasting effect. You don't have to get surgery to eat the way they do. Take chia seeds or a natural appetite suppressants and eat low calories. IF you have the will power to eat the way they do on weightloss surgery then you will lose weight without it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have stated on here numerous times that I take away nothing from those that choose to have WLS to use it as a tool to save there lives but that being said I also like to throw my hat into the ring and tell you it CAN be done on your own. I was 560 lbs. just 4 years ago and unable to walk could barely stand for 30 seconds at a stretch. I had been home bound for over 2 years when I had the AHA moment I had enough common sense to know that if I could not fix what was broken in my head then nothing not even WLS was going to make a bit of difference. So I got into therapy to first address my addictions and then hit the Pool to use water displacement to allow me to stand long enough to begin to exercise... I spent 17 months in the water and lost close to 180 lbs, before I could get out of the pool and be fitted for knee OA braces to allow me to exercise out of the water... Fast forward to today and you can see my ticker, I have taken control of my destiny and now my future is again unwritten... You have to do what is best for you first and foremost but just wanted to say you can dig yourself out of any hole as long as your willing to put forth the effect.... Best of Luck......
  • NeverSometimesTV
    NeverSometimesTV Posts: 42 Member
    I had the Lap-band and it ruined my life, seriously. Had to have it removed after numerous complications. Now I get to look forward to paying off the placement and removal for the next 10 years. I would NEVER do it again and would never recommend it to anyone.
  • I had the Lap-band and it ruined my life, seriously. Had to have it removed after numerous complications. Now I get to look forward to paying off the placement and removal for the next 10 years. I would NEVER do it again and would never recommend it to anyone.
    Amen girl! Like me, you are a lucky one!
  • I have stated on here numerous times that I take away nothing from those that choose to have WLS to use it as a tool to save there lives but that being said I also like to throw my hat into the ring and tell you it CAN be done on your own. I was 560 lbs. just 4 years ago and unable to walk could barely stand for 30 seconds at a stretch. I had been home bound for over 2 years when I had the AHA moment I had enough common sense to know that if I could not fix what was broken in my head then nothing not even WLS was going to make a bit of difference. So I got into therapy to first address my addictions and then hit the Pool to use water displacement to allow me to stand long enough to begin to exercise... I spent 17 months in the water and lost close to 180 lbs, before I could get out of the pool and be fitted for knee OA braces to allow me to exercise out of the water... Fast forward to today and you can see my ticker, I have taken control of my destiny and now my future is again unwritten... You have to do what is best for you first and foremost but just wanted to say you can dig yourself out of any hole as long as your willing to put forth the effect.... Best of Luck......
    What an inspiration you are to all of us! Hats off to you!!
  • bdeezy3396
    bdeezy3396 Posts: 89 Member
    I had the gastric sleeve done on 11-26-2012 and I'm down 85 lbs. I followed the Docs orders and listened very closely to my nutritionist, and have not had any problems. The hardest part was the day after surgery at the hospital, but once I got home I felt a lot better. I was out of the house 3 days after surgery, and back to work within 3 weeks. My last blood work showed all of my vitamins and minerals are good, my blood sugar is normal, and my cholesterol levels and blood pressure have never been better. So for me this has been a great tool, great experience, and has saved my life.
  • Hi - I'm a little late to the party, but thought I'd throw in my 2 cents...I have been a wee bit leery to talk about weight loss surgery on the message boards because some of the comments I've gotten have been pretty inappropriate - and in all honesty, a little mean. I had the Duodenal Switch (DS) done a year ago, and have lost 120 pounds (still have about 100 go to). We all need to do what is right for us - for some, that is weight loss surgery, for others, it is counting calories, doing Atkins, South Beach, MFP, whatever.
    I didn't go into the decision blindly, I talked to a lot of doctors, sought out a lot of advice from those who had weight loss surgery, and listened to my gut/heart. Diabetes and heart disease are major health concerns in my family - my mother and father both had Type II diabetes - they suffered terribly and died at young ages. They both lost both legs, use of their kidneys, suffered strokes, etc. It was a sad thing to see what diabetes did to them. Both sets of grandparents had diabetes; aunts, uncles, and cousins on all sides have/had diabetes. My endocrinologist sat me down one day and said, "Becky, you can lose all the weight you want, you are ALWAYS going to be a diabetic. You can exercise every single day and eat the right things, but you are ALWAYS going to be a diabetic." I didn't believe him, so I went to another doctor, and another doctor, and another doctor. All telling me the same thing. Yes, losing weight will help control diabetes, but it will always be there. Going back to my original endocrinologist, he suggested I talk to someone about a procedure called the Duodenal Switch - he had read there was great success for diabetic patients. So, I called the U of M, and made an appointment with one of the oldest surgeons I'd ever met - Dr. Buchwald. He spoke in plain language and didn't pull any punches. Yes, being fat was my fault - genetics plays a roll, but I'm my own worst enemy. Yes, losing weight will help with health problems and help get the diabetes under better control. No, losing weight will NOT cure diabetes. Dr. Buchwald went on to say that over 90% of his patients were "cured" of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. After doing my research, doing a lot of praying, and talking things over with my love, I decided this was what I needed to do.
    A year later, my doctor is petitioning to have diabetes removed from my medical record. I've lost 120 pounds, am doing my first 5k on Sunday, and have a wonderful outlook on my future. Was there a chance I could have died from surgery? You bet there was. Were there complications from surgery? Sure...but nothing too serious, and nothing I'm still dealing with now. Do I have to watch my vitamin levels and closely watch my protein intake? Every single day for the rest of my life. Am I glad I did it? Yes. Glad and proud. Weight loss surgery is not the easy way out, as some would have you believe. I struggle with food, and always will, but I have the tools, the knowledge, and the support that I need to continue to be successful.
    I'm happy to talk if you'd like...and I apologize for the length of this post...just wanted to help you understand where one person who underwent weight loss surgery was coming from. Best of luck to you!!
  • wowser5
    wowser5 Posts: 51 Member
    WOW! Congratulations.... you are an inspiration to many!
  • Hi! I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery in March of this year, March 11 to be exact. Since then i have lost 50 lbs. I am feeling much better and have so much more energy. I have really began to accept my new way of life. In the past I was never really for it for myself but always had friends that I knew that had the surgery. But in the past 7 years, since I had my twins it became more and more difficult to lose the weight and to be able to maintain a steady workout plan. I kept having issues with my back and my knees. I made the decision in June of last year and had a lot of things to get done prior to the surgery. One thing that solidified my decision was my last doctor's appointment prior to surgery with my PCP. Everything was up, my blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, and i even had an abnormal EKG. This made me certain it was the right decision, because had I not been going for surgery those would have all required new meds to maintain. But I am told that the surgery will more than likely begin to correct these with my new lifestyle.

    Congratulations Schnooky Girl, never be ashamed of it, it is merely another tool for our toolbox.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    I have stated on here numerous times that I take away nothing from those that choose to have WLS to use it as a tool to save there lives but that being said I also like to throw my hat into the ring and tell you it CAN be done on your own. I was 560 lbs. just 4 years ago and unable to walk could barely stand for 30 seconds at a stretch. I had been home bound for over 2 years when I had the AHA moment I had enough common sense to know that if I could not fix what was broken in my head then nothing not even WLS was going to make a bit of difference. So I got into therapy to first address my addictions and then hit the Pool to use water displacement to allow me to stand long enough to begin to exercise... I spent 17 months in the water and lost close to 180 lbs, before I could get out of the pool and be fitted for knee OA braces to allow me to exercise out of the water... Fast forward to today and you can see my ticker, I have taken control of my destiny and now my future is again unwritten... You have to do what is best for you first and foremost but just wanted to say you can dig yourself out of any hole as long as your willing to put forth the effect.... Best of Luck......

    Man, you are my hero! Congratulations!!!!
  • burtbeth
    burtbeth Posts: 1 Member
    This was very moving for me. I think you are amazing! You are almost there. Best wishes and way to power through.
  • I am 5 weeks post op on the gastric sleeve and you inspire me!
  • I had the sleeve surgery in March of this year, and I have not regretted one thing in that decision. I have struggled with weight all of my adult life, and I wish I had done this years ago. It is a lifestyle change, but it is also much easier to have this as a tool to the weight loss. I have been adjusting to my new way of life and have found that I have to choose to eat right in order to get the right amount of protein each day. I really don't miss my old ways, in fact I love my new ones.
  • I had Gastric Bypass Surgery in July 2012. I'm 9 1/2 months out from surgery and for me it was the best decision of my life. It literally saved my life.

    I'm not advocating WLS for everyone, because it's not for everyone. I've had my moments of regret and the occassional thought of "What the hell did I do?" However, looking back over the past 9 1/2 months I've been much happier, have more energy and can do things that I haven't been able to do in years.

    I started out at nearly 400 lbs and I'm now down to 244 lbs. I wouldn't change my decision to have the surgery, but it would have been nice to have been warned about some of the things I would experience early on after surgery.
  • I am right there with you, I too had done all the weight loss plans and researched the surgery as well as watching the you tube videos of botht he surgery itself and the people who had it. I had reached 453 pounds which was heavier than I was when I was 8 months pregnant with my twins. I made a decision that I needed help with this and that is when I went to a seminar for the surgery. My insurance required me to do a 6 month doctor controlled diet plan which was up and down but I made it through and had my surgery in March. So far I have lost 57 lbs and feel great.
  • Buggett55
    Buggett55 Posts: 7 Member
    I had gastric bypass on 11/30/12. I don't regret it at all. Have lost almost 90 pounds since surgery. As Jennifer 1726 says this is just a tool to help you learn new eating habits. I also don't miss my old eating patterns. My recent lab work is almost within normal range. Good luck in your decision.
  • jadashute08
    jadashute08 Posts: 56 Member
    I have stated on here numerous times that I take away nothing from those that choose to have WLS to use it as a tool to save there lives but that being said I also like to throw my hat into the ring and tell you it CAN be done on your own. I was 560 lbs. just 4 years ago and unable to walk could barely stand for 30 seconds at a stretch. I had been home bound for over 2 years when I had the AHA moment I had enough common sense to know that if I could not fix what was broken in my head then nothing not even WLS was going to make a bit of difference. So I got into therapy to first address my addictions and then hit the Pool to use water displacement to allow me to stand long enough to begin to exercise... I spent 17 months in the water and lost close to 180 lbs, before I could get out of the pool and be fitted for knee OA braces to allow me to exercise out of the water... Fast forward to today and you can see my ticker, I have taken control of my destiny and now my future is again unwritten... You have to do what is best for you first and foremost but just wanted to say you can dig yourself out of any hole as long as your willing to put forth the effect.... Best of Luck......

    Everytime I read your story I get inspired!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    It's really sad to see people cone here considering major surgery because they aren't willing to put in dedication. There isn't a surgery that is going to change your dedication unfortunately. It does not address the pathological reasons you aren't losing weight.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I had the Lap-band and it ruined my life, seriously. Had to have it removed after numerous complications. Now I get to look forward to paying off the placement and removal for the next 10 years. I would NEVER do it again and would never recommend it to anyone.
    Amen girl! Like me, you are a lucky one!

    This happened to my friend but sue hasnt got it removed yet. She still is heavy. When the band came undone she went back to her own eating.
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