Couch to 5K????



  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    Did it. Loved/hated it! I hated parts of it while I was doing it, because it required me to really push myself, which I now LOVE about it. It helped me discover my love for running. Started not even being able to run for a full minute. I recently completed my first half marathon! It's a GREAT way to get started. My word of advice for it is to take it at your pace. I had to redo a few weeks when the next one was just too challenging, and that was OK!

    I hope you love it as much as I did!!!
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    Karenhray - Unfortuneately, I don't think the elliptical is equivalent to running. This is just based on my personal experience. I used to be able to do 45 min hard core on the elliptical but couldn't run for more than 10 straight. I think the muscles are used differently.
    As for shin splints - I was a runner 2.5 yrs ago (ran a half marathon!) and I had HORRIBLE shin splints. (even got an MRI to make sure I didn't have any stress fractures). If you do some googling there are some stretches you can do but that never helped me. Some things to do are make sure you have the right shoes, make sure you are not striking with your heel out in front of you (best to land with your foot under you), don't go too fast as building up miles and speed at the same time can cause overuse injuries. Finally, I went to a physical therapist and he said this can happen to beginners becuase our leg muscles aren't strong enough and thus running puts too much force on things like knees and shins. He said my hip muscles were weak and that was a cause for me. So consider doing some leg strenghtening exercises after your run/walk routine like squats and lunges and if you have a gym membership - the abductor and adductor machines. One other thing I did that isn't actually recommended (but I was determined to complete my training and my half) is take ibuprofen before running - that kept most of the pain away. I also found that it hurt the most in the beginning of my run but after 15 min or so, it didn't hurt as much - must have been something about all of my muscles warming up or loosening up (I have stiff hammies) so make sure you do at least 5 min warming up, maybe even 10.

    hope that helps - I feel your pain!
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    I started it like a month ago and I'm only on week 2.
    I have a previous injury with my hip from basic, and it's relatively easy.
    I have the app for my iphone, and i can listen to my music while doing it.
    I've missed running and this is helping me get back into it.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Considering using C25K as supplemental cardio to my 3x a week weight training. They say it's not necessary to lose weight, but I feel like it will help AND I'm concerned about strengthening my heart as heart disease runs in my family. I hear lots of good things about this program. I'm a little scared as I ran intervals a couple days ago and found it rather difficult to jog for just 1 minute. How pathetic am I?
  • churchim808
    churchim808 Posts: 14 Member
    The Runner's World program sounds more like the Galloway program that I used when I first started running. Compared to C25k, the walking breaks are shorter but so are the running intervals. The emphasis is more on increasing distance than on increasing minutes without taking a walk break. It is easier for me to follow because the intervals don't have to change throughout your workout or your training program, only the distance does. Starting out, you might do a 1 minute walk to two minutes running for the whole workout. Each week you go farther and, if you want, increase your running time between breaks. Galloway has running groups in major cities where you split up into differnt speed groups and do your weekly long run together.

    I think the C25K is fine if it works for you (I tried it once after I had my last baby) but I prefer the Galloway because it was easier for me to follow. I have completed 3 half marathons so far and more 5ks than I can count.
  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member

    Thank you!! I've been strength training for a couple of years and have very strong legs, but not so much on the hip flexors. And thanks for the tip about heel strike.