What is the root of your weight issue?

My parents were obese my entire life. It made me angry. I was embarrased and saw them fail constantly at controlling their own weight. I was never allowed to skip a meal or not clean my plate. I was humiliated by my father called Miss Piggy and worse. I think this led to adult weight issues that I still fight today. I have been very thin and very big. I want to be middle of my best BMI 140lbs.


  • momtraders
    momtraders Posts: 64 Member
    Im so sorry to hear all of that. My weight issues stem from poor eating choices, and skipping meals. Especially when I drink a soda as a meal replacement. I have never been a big eater, I personally don't care for food very much. I have always been tiny my entire life. 120lbs. But I was recently diagnosed with a health issue requiring daily meds. The meds have slowed my metabolism considerbly and the weight is piling on fast. I am 20lbs above my lifetime weight, and this may seem small to most but to me it if alarming and worriesom. I think idenifying your problem is the first step to making changes to fixing it.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Eating my feelings.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For me it's laziness, pure and simple.

    A desk job plus life's daily chores leave precious little free time and I'd rather not spend it exercising. Even though I enjoy exercise, it's hard for me to keep commited to doing it regularly with so many other demands on my time.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    For me its the ALL of the emotional connections to food. Food is for reward and celebration, for comfort and consolation, and for making connections with other people.

    And yeah, maybe my parents had something to do with that, but I can't blame it all on them. They both maintained healthy weights. . . but me and the bro are both fat.
  • fatgirljessica
    When I was a child, I'd say my dad. Food is love to him and he would always buy junk treats for me. He also would make me clean my plate that he dipped.. enough for a grown man, way too much for a child.

    When I got older, it was my choice what I ate. I actually starved myself and still gained weight. I was 14 and 270lbs. Found out, I have PCOS and that is what was causing the unexplained gain. Got put on some medicine and dropped to 220lbs in 2 months.

    I got down to 195lbs before I got pregnant at 19. Then I gained up to 280lbs. Lost down to 255lbs and went off my medicine trying to conceive and went up to 305lbs. Probably not going to try for another baby after seeing how my body does off the medicine.. If I do, I want to be at my goal of 170lbs...
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    OCD... At least I have it redirected into something that is positive. :wink:
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Food tastes good. It makes me feel good to eat. For me there are two modes of eating that I have. First is rigid controlled eating. My brain makes every food decision, analyzes it for nutrition and quality. Eventually that goes down for a while, because it is wearing to maintain. Then there is mode #2 - free for all mode. That's when I get majorly fat until mode #1 comes back online.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I would have to say the root of my weight problem is that way too much of it is body fat which gives am appearance that I do not approve of. The scale could say what ever it likes if I am muscular and attractive.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I just really, really like food.
  • gotobedmaryse
    gotobedmaryse Posts: 9 Member
    Mine stems from being a VERY active kid/teenager that ate whatever she wanted. When I moved away to school I stopped moving and kept eating what I wanted. By the time I realized what was going on a had gained 50lbs (in 18 months from 150 to 200) and I was discouraged that I could keep up with anything so I gave up. :( Worst decision ever! I then went up another 24pounds. It has taken me years to get back into shape and learn to eat properly.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Eating more, moving less.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I was an athlete growing up...very active in a few different sports...joined the Marine Corps out of high school, so pretty active there as well. Then I got lazy but continued to eat like I was burning 3,500 calories per day...then I got fat.
  • BPL021
    BPL021 Posts: 3
    I guess mine would be laziness and commitment issues. I have tried soooo many diets and weight loss things you would think I have made Some progress... I have actually gained weight. So now I am hoping to find a true lifestyle change.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I like food.
    I made a bunch of bad decisions.
    I love food.
    I love making my own things like beer, prosciutto, etc.
    I spent a lot of time enjoying and not moderating.

    I've gotten comments from folks before, but comments from clowns hold as much water as a sieve. It's on me, just like fixing it is on me.
  • amindfullife
    What a great question! I think it's really important, for some, to realize what is preventing them from losing weight before it starts to shed. Mine was just realizing that I have very self-sabotaging thought patterns. Once I lose about 5-10 lbs, I stop. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of not having my "weight issues" to fall back upon when I need something to blame for the troubles in my life.

    There are a bunch of small minor issues too but I think that's the main thing. Working on it, and slowly losing as well =)
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    I eat when I'm bored. So my main focus is to keep myself busy. I also have never eaten healthy which would be the reason my food diary consists of like 8 foods.
  • Nexir
    Nexir Posts: 17 Member
    I never was always this huge girl, even when I was kid, but I used to do lots of sports like athletics and swimming, so I had a good conditions and lots of muscles. But then i badly broke my leg and I was in hospital almost half of year! I was on two operations. Well, I ended good, bcs before the first one they told me I'll probably never will be able do a sports again, maybe not even walk! But I am okay now - every single step hurts me, but when I lose more weight, it will be hurt less. I can't live like this anymore! I want my sports talent back!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    my mother was both abusive and a terrible cook. mealtimes were so traumatic that i stopped eating. at school i would hide out to avoid the stress of eating with others. the only meal i ate was breakfast, because we could eat it on he fly.

    in my 20's, at 5'6'', i weighed about 98 pounds.

    it wasn't anorexia as people see it, i didn't consciously starve myself or think i was fat, i just avoided meals and didn't feel hungry.

    my ex introduced me to new foods. i learnt how to cook. now i'm a healthy weight and only skip food if i'm super stressed.
  • Berkgal33
    Berkgal33 Posts: 71 Member
    Food tastes good. It makes me feel good to eat. For me there are two modes of eating that I have. First is rigid controlled eating. My brain makes every food decision, analyzes it for nutrition and quality. Eventually that goes down for a while, because it is wearing to maintain. Then there is mode #2 - free for all mode. That's when I get majorly fat until mode #1 comes back online.

    This is me exactly. Have lost almost 100 pounds TWICE and gained it back in free for all mode. I am trying to be more moderate now so it will stick!
  • fabry12
    fabry12 Posts: 32 Member
    sedentary lifestyle, wrong eating habit, lack healthy food choice at work.