What is the root of your weight issue?



  • NHoughton13
    NHoughton13 Posts: 303
    *I just love food. It tastes good, stimulates the key parts of my brain that makes me happy.

    *McDonald's/Wendy's/Taco Bell is cheap and easy. I'm lazy and rather go through the drive-thru than spend a brief moment in the kitchen making something suitable.

    *When a day is stressful, I rationalize that I DESERVE a cheeseburger and fries. I EARNED it by getting through the day.

    *At the end of a ten-hour work day, I don't want to spend my precious time working out, I want to relax and watch TV.

    Luckily all that is changing......I think I finally see the light at the end of the french fry :laugh:
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Have always had emotional eating issues. In particular, I eat when I am bored or stressed out or angry.
    I have a special needs kid - my emotional eating has gone rampant these past few years. :(

    Good thing I love to exercise, or else I would be a LOT heavier than I am.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    trail mix, nuts and chocolate (especially combined), and ice cream.

    Actually, I think it was a habit I developed fairly early in life. Some stresses could not be acknowledged, much less talked about, so I stuffed myself silly instead.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I've had to watch my weight since I was about 15, and kept it under tight control for 25 years...but I did it mainly so I would look good for men. In my early 40's I gave up on dating and relationships and so had no reason to be thin anymore and just slacked off, - ate too much, didn't exercise...my attitude was "why bother?". I gained about 15 lbs a year for 5 years. Now I want to lose that weight and be healthy for ME.
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    Fast food and pepsi. Bad eating habits that I learned since child hood. Not being able to control my portions and over eating.
  • Samantha9000
    Samantha9000 Posts: 9 Member
    I love food. To the point of planning my day around meals. Some of it is a little issues from my past and having no self confidence. (thanks dad!) lol some part is just laziness. I have never really tried to lose weight so i hope this works the first time!

    some thing that i do is i reward myself with food for good deeds. "Oh, you took the stairs today? You should get a mc double for that!" - Logicall? NO!
  • My parents served us too. Six kids who all struggle with weight. UP and Down all of us. We all can relate to the same root issues. Wishing you the best! I could use support ... please add me as a friend if you could use support with a competitive edge.
  • I can relate to many of you. I do think my biggest issue is portion control . . . always has been. I eat VERY healthy but just too much.
  • I could use some support from people who like me have similar root issues. I am doing it out of complete revenge to control something my parents and siblings could never do.. Hopefull I can motivate someone else along the way. I am very competive and offer weekly challenges.
  • I could use some support from people who like me have similar root issues. I am doing it out of complete revenge to control something my parents and siblings could never do.. Hopefull I can motivate someone else along the way. I am very competitive and offer weekly challenges.
  • I could use some support from people who like me have similar root issues. I am doing it out of complete revenge to control something my parents and siblings could never do.. Hopefull I can motivate someone else along the way. I am very competive and offer weekly challenges.
  • Charlixoxo
    Charlixoxo Posts: 94 Member
    I used to be painfully shy, and I would get the odd remark that I was fat.

    I used to come home from school feeling really low, and I used to love sitting infront of the tv and eating. It made me feel safe and comforted.

    I think this has led to comfort eating now when stressful situations arise :(
  • alowry25
    alowry25 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been struggling to lose weight for the past few years after I had my gallbladder removed :o( Use to I could go on a diet and lose weight with NO problems but now the scale does not budge. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, work out for an hour and I am the same. Some people said they notice a difference, maybe I am toning but still not satisfied with what I see (what normal woman is??) and my clothes fit the same. My eating habits are good. I eat fruits, lean meat, veggies and still...the...same.. blah.. Good luck to all!!
  • kimmynw1
    kimmynw1 Posts: 97 Member
    I learned at a young age if I sat by myself and kept eating I wouldn't have to think about "bad" things. Started when I was about 11 or 12 and continued on through my adult years. I still want to sit and mindlessly eat when I am stressed out but trying to turn to walking instead. I too have control issues. Tell me I can't or shouldn't do something I am gonna do it :angry: :grumble: Which has not helped me over the years!
    I am working on being a new me!
  • Feeding my emotions..
  • OperationBikiniFine
    OperationBikiniFine Posts: 10 Member
    It was the day Momma told me she had cancer. That was 25 years ago. I buried all my feelings and ate-all the while taking ballet, tap, jazz, modern, and African dance. I lost that weight.

    After Then:

    I stopped dancing in college, kept eating, started working desk jobs, and didn't pick up any physical activity.

    After After Then:
    Daddy got sick, and I kept eating.

    Lack of Self-discipline and follow through aka LAZINESS. I KNOW what to do and I do it....then at the 3 week mark, I lose motivation. I KNOW it's not always easy....I KNOW that I should just get up and do it REGARDLESS of whether I feel like it or not. Hmmm....perhaps I'm scared of successfully completing this goal...after all, I'd have to move onto another one. *scratches chin*
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I didn't start putting on weight until my mid to late 30's early 40's--before then, I was always skinny/underweight (which I HATED as much as I hate being fat--I HATED being skinny)--before having children, I couldn't gain weight to save my life, no matter how much junk I ate ) When I started having children late in life--I started gaining weight and it was fabulous (I LOVED being a size 7/8 instead of a size 2...NOTE: a size 7/8 then is probably a size 0 now (vanity sizing being what it is) :laugh: ) and I was thrilled to no longer be as skinny as a stick--then it/I got outta control, that's when I started being FAT & Flabby. My personal reasons are:

    feeling sorry for myself
    false sense of entitlement ( these kids are driving me crazy, I'm going to go out and stuff my face with unhealthy yummy stuff because..."you *deserve* a break today, so get out and get away at (fill in a fast food joint) type of mentally.

    The bottom-line is I got fat because I let myself go...that's the bad news, the good news is I've got a new attitude about my eating, drinking and thinking, so slim and trim is where I'm headed and will stay for these rest of my life. My children no longer being babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers and helping out more with the cooking and cleaning is a HUGE help too!
  • shellylb52
    shellylb52 Posts: 157 Member
    Snacking out of boredom and a sedentary job :frown:
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I was skinny but toned in HS because I had tons of physical activities. In college I ate up to bulk up, but wasn't very successful because I still got really fast metabolism. Fast forward to today: I have a desk job and did nothing in the way of exercise, so I gained enough weight to put me in the 'overweight' BMI range. Basically my problem is lack of exercise, so now I'm attacking it with a vengeance by going 3-5 times a week to the gym.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can relate to many of you. I do think my biggest issue is portion control . . . always has been. I eat VERY healthy but just too much.

    This was an issue for me at one time too. Now I just eat very light throughout the day but have one really big meal. A meal that may include wine or beer, seconds, and/or dessert. It's usually 1/2 my daily calories or more.

    I suppose I could work to control my love of big meals, and spread my calories more evenly throughout the day. But I'm happier eating this way.