how often do you weigh yourself?



  • zeprose
    zeprose Posts: 74 Member
    I workout everyday and try to control my eating.To see the results I weigh once a week
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Once a week works for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Religiously EVERY single day. I find it easier to maintain or if necessary, get back on track if I catch weight-gain as soon as it happens. It's much easier to lose an extra pound that appeared from the day before rather than wait until the end of a week to weigh in and find you've gained 3lbs!! It's also really helped me identify those days where I end up saying "Aw I KNEW I shouldn't have had that cake last night", so the next time I'm tempted I think twice.:smile:

    If you think you gain a pound of fat in a day or 3 Lbs of fat in a week...or by having an extra piece of cake then you really don't understand anything about how your body works or how calories work. Those fluctuations are simply water retention/release and waste.
  • I weigh in every week, same day, same time. There are weeks I know that I don't want to see the number on the scale, but it is an accountability system. If you are not honest with yourself you won't lose weight.
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I weigh myself once a week on a Friday morning, straight away when I get out of bed before I eat anything. Gives me chance to get back on track after a weekend :).

  • jessicakatherine13
    jessicakatherine13 Posts: 5 Member
    thanks for all your replies! For those of you who who weigh daily, do you only record your weight once a week on myfitness pal and weigh yourself all the other days just for your own sake? or do you record your weight every day here? Just trying to see what works best!
  • caoceanlover
    caoceanlover Posts: 46 Member
    I weigh in every day, but I only count my weekly weigh-ins toward my success/failure. If I have a bad day, I want to know what it did to me.
  • jody04111987
    jody04111987 Posts: 59 Member
    Generally everyday. But only count my weight on a Saturday morning. I try and empty my bladder and bowls and before I've had anything to eat.
  • Harmoman
    Harmoman Posts: 42 Member
    Hey everyone! I was wondering how often you weigh yourselves? I usually weigh myself every day because I feel more accountable and conscious of my diet and exercise efforts. However, I surely have my days where i'll eat poorly and forgo the exercise maybe even a few days in a row. In that case, i'm reluctant to weigh myself because I KNOW i'm not going to be happy with the number. Sometimes I do it anyways so I can see the reality and get myself back on track, and other times it just plain discourages me.

    I have done the measurements once before and am planning on starting that up again. But I don't know if I should weigh myself daily or maybe just once a week? I'm nervous that if I change to once a week I won't stick to my healthy routine as much, and may drive myself crazy wondering every morning what I might weigh!

    What do you guys do? What works best for you?

    Personally, I weigh every day.. in the am, after potty. I lke that I'm "in touch" with what's happening.. and it keeps me focused... I also know and am prepared for fluctuations.. so I don't get discouraged.... I just get determined..
    Do what's right for you...
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Every Morning....It is just what works for me. I do not stress over an overnight gain, cause I only record the losses and that is a couple of times a month.:smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    thanks for all your replies! For those of you who who weigh daily, do you only record your weight once a week on myfitness pal and weigh yourself all the other days just for your own sake? or do you record your weight every day here? Just trying to see what works best!

    I have a separate app to track my weight...I enter my daily data points in order to track trends. I'm an accountant and financial budget analyst, so I like trends and numerous data points to tell me what's really going on. I log my "official" weigh in on Friday....if I remember to do it. It really doesn't matter to me though, I have my graphs.
  • kelatki
    kelatki Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh in once a month. Last day of the month, first thing in the morning. If I weighed in every day, I would only get discouraged.
  • I'm a happy daily weigher, but I can accept the fluctuations. The way I stay motivated is when my scale reads a new lowest weight, I know I've made progress and I try to beat that number. It also helps me when I take my free pass (I give myself a couple "cheat" meals per week) and I go up a pound or two for the next day since I know I'm going to be weighing myself the next day, I stay the course instead of doing my old habit of saying "I screwed up; what's the use? May as well eat and I can restart later". For ME, weighing weekly or monthly is suicide if I get a bad reading. Try different weigh-in intervals and see which one helps you the most.

    Good luck!
  • Record every to view graph of weight.
  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    thanks for all your replies! For those of you who who weigh daily, do you only record your weight once a week on myfitness pal and weigh yourself all the other days just for your own sake? or do you record your weight every day here? Just trying to see what works best!

    I chart every day in a notebook and record the losses as they happen on mfp. It sometimes feels like cheating, but it's so encouraging to see the number on my ticker grow and so discouraging to see it shrink. I need the motivation of the big number!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I weigh twice a week- enough to stay accountable and just often enough to see the number changing. But I only log it into MFP every week or so.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I do the pee, strip, weigh thing every morning after I get up for the day. It's what works for me.
  • marykpfist
    marykpfist Posts: 141 Member
    Everyday. First thing.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Twice, daily. I weight first thing in the morning after I pee; then before I go to bed and log it in an app I found. I do that to see what foods affect me more so to try to avoid or eat less of it.

    But I will do "official" weigh-ins on here once a week once the 31st hits. That will be my first one. Then every Sunday from here on out. Will probably do measurements every other week.

    It drove me NUTS at first; BUT, now that my body is adjusting to change, I am starting to see the scale go down. :)
  • Harmoman
    Harmoman Posts: 42 Member
    thanks for all your replies! For those of you who who weigh daily, do you only record your weight once a week on myfitness pal and weigh yourself all the other days just for your own sake? or do you record your weight every day here? Just trying to see what works best!

    If my weight swings heavily from day to day (+ or -) I don't record it.. but if I continue on the trend the following day, then I will record it.. I like to look at my graph and see the overall progress....