Hypothyroidism - Can't lose weight!!!



  • jesseviexo
    jesseviexo Posts: 21 Member
    I am in the same boat. It took my doctors almost 3 years to finally diagnose me after I was gaining weight nonstop. They finally diagnosed me when I was 18. It has been so hard to lose weight with this problem. But I am not giving up! I am also going to mention my new lifestyle when I go to my endocrinologist check up next week!
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I have to second the low-carb recommendation. In addition to Hashi's, I also am diabetic and have celiac sprue, so going low-carb was an easy choice for me. My husbnad had thyroid cancer, so he is also hypothyroid now. He does have some gluten now and again and doesn't eat as low-carb as I do, but he's lost 30 pounds.
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    I am a Dietitian/Nutritionist who also has a Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, just diagnosed in May 2012. I gained 5 lb and was unable to lose until I was put on meds (Armour Thyroid 30 mg) and joined MFP! MFP has enabled me to take my fitness to a whole new level! I am now the slimmest I have ever been in my entire life and ended up losing 8 lb. and have gained some lean muscle as well. I eat a very healthy, low fat, vegetarian diet so that helps too.

    I definitely suggest seeing an Endocrinologist, having your labs monitored closely and even consider switching to Armour Thyorid instead, it is natural instead of synthetic like all the others. Both Dr. Mercola and Dr. Mark Hyman, MD rec. the Armour Thyroid. Also be sure to limit intake of Soy and avoid Kale. My Dr. said these both interfere with thyroid function. I actually started losing the weight once I increased my calories to 1400-1500 per day and even did some zig-zagging of my calories as well. This is where you eat higher on some days lower on others, but a 7 day avr. would be 1400 calories. Also, add strength training at least 3x per week if you haven't already done so. If you add lean muscle mass it helps increase your metabolic rate so you burn more calories even while at rest. I suggest moderate carbs. I eat 55% CHO/20% PRO and 25% Fat. But you can go as low as 40% CHO if you so desire and do a 40/30/30 split.
  • danellajade
    Im hypo too and its the worst thing ever. 10+ hours of intense workout a week and very low carb high protein diet and Ive not lost any weight over the last year. Ive built some muscle but my before an after photos look almost exactly the same!!! Its SO depressing. Im also trying to go without medication and cure naturally with herbs. My mum is on the medication and has lost a tonne of weight so i might bend eventually and take the meds. Not that its a guarantee. Just wish there was something I could do - that someone could tell me to help it. I really dont want to spend another winter in track-pants (its coming into winter here) I just wish I could fit my clothes!!!!!!!
  • raeraebeau
    I have hypothyroid I was diagnosed with hashimotos disease last year. My levels Are always ok when I have blood work done but I can't lose weight to save my life. I'm like you 5"3 170 lbs. I got down to 153 in December doing hcg but I gained it all back.I work full to,e and have two kids so it's really hard to find me time to exercise . Right now I'm starting to count every calorie and see if that does anything. I'm know the feeling you describe of feeling like I'll never lose the weight. I've researched stop the thyroid madness but I feel like messing with my medications or taking natural supplements is too risky. I trust my dr and I know ppl say they have a "western" idea of medicine or they don't treat it fully but I just don't want to take my health into my own hands without consulting with them and I asked my dr about some of the things I've read on that website and he said he is weary of all of those items because none of them have been tested or approved by the FDA. I don't take any vitamins because he said ppl overdose on vitamins all the time. I wish there was something I could do. I hate that my thyroid controls my weight my mood and how tired I feel :( good luck!
  • sandicrouch1
    sandicrouch1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm close to age 59, female, 5'4" and 180 lbs. I'm 5 weeks into beachbody programs, been using mfp for same. I have not lost 1 single pound!! I haven't had hypo test for many years, but I was negative last time I had it done. I CANNOT lose weight. I've kept my calories down below 1400, but I am understanding you 100% in your frustrations, as I have been working my butt off (literally) and the scales won't budge! I have lost some inches, not many, but about 1" off my waist, and 1/2 off my thighs, so I am happy for that, still have a long, long way to go, I want to lose 40 lbs. I'm getting ready to join a group doing hip hop abs, hoping to get rid of my pregnant looking stomach! Good luck to y'all, and if you know of anything "natural" to take for thyroid, let me know. Thanks
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    I've been on thyroid meds for almost 14 years. I can loose weight..l.but I ave to be consistent....exercise, healthy/within calories and water. It can be done. It takes time.
  • itstime0214
    itstime0214 Posts: 5 Member
    Happy to find this thread. I'm 33 and was diagnosed wtih Hypo 4 years ago and put on meds. I gained 20 lbs very fast and have not been able to take it off. I am on levothyroxine (I amy ask about Armour), leothyronine, progesterone and testosterone. I have blood work doen ever 3-4 months. My levels are getting better, but I can't see to loose weight. I hope MFP will help. I just don't know if the calorie levels are correct. I weigh 275, so that allows me a lot of calories a day. I am also doing cardio 4x a week for 40 minutes. Since the meds, I am much less "crazy" and that is why I stay on them, but I would love to drop some excess weight!
  • cflaner
    cflaner Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! Thanks for your post, gives me hope! I'm 27, recently engaged and have been dealing with Hypothyroidism for 8 years. I got engaged in January, and since that day have been making healthy choices and busting my butt to loose weight.

    I have stayed under 1,200 calories and been doing crazy workouts for the last 3 months. I am maintaining my weight, but not loosing an ounce! I'm starting to think it could be the meds. I'm currently on 175mcg's of Levothyroxine (a lot i know :() But have head a lot of positive comments about Armor. Can you let me know how it was transitioning? Was it hard for your body to get used to?

    Thanks for the advise!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I've tried EVERYTHING and can't seem to lose weight. I've done weight watchers, the biggest loser 30 day jump start, Food Lover's diet, low carb diet, eaten between 1200-1300 calories, cut out soda and work out 3-4 days a week for 45 minutes on the treadmill. I've lost nothing. And trust me, I don't eat anything that I shouldn't, well maybe here and there. I've been told I eat the 90%/10% diet, but I was also told by a nutritionist that I wasn't doing anything wrong either. The only thing that I lost weight on was a shake diet, two shakes a day and meal between 600-800 calories...well of course I'd lose weight and unfortunately, it made me ill so I stopped. But I lost 10 lbs and have managed to maintain that. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 6 months ago and have been taking a low dosage of levothyroxide (sp?). My next step is to go see an endocrinologist and talk with a friend of mine who just became a nutritionist. I'll keep trying, till I find my answer and I FEEL completely healthy now but any thoughts on this matter would just lift my spirits about it all, i'm really starting to get depressed about it all. I like the way I look but I'm 5'3 180 lbs. I don't look it, i have an hour glass figure, but when I see myself in pictures, I HATE it!!!! :frown:

    I noticed you did not open your diary; it would be interested to see your diary and what you actually eat. I have thyroid problems and have lost 22 pounds since February. I think a lot of it relates to diet, our meds of course and exercise.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    OMG This is so me 2 years ago. I did weight watchers spent a tone of money and didn't lose and once. I finally did some research of my own. Got my doctor to put me or Armour ( here in canada it's call desiccated thyroid horme) samething though. Within a few months I tried to lose weight again did but it was really slow. Since then I did more research on the site Stop the Thyroid Madness and they talked about a low carb diet. Well I am doing South Beach and I am down 14 pounds so far in 9 weeks. So this is what has worked for me. Tried other routs they didn't work. Get your meds straightened out first then go from their. Most who are hypothyroid (Hamsho) do well on low carb.

    Thanks for the Canadian inclusion.... I am just starting to find a solution to my problems and will keep this info in mind..
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I would avoid endocrinologists. Trust me. Not worth it. Find a decent GP. Pay attention to not just your TSH, but your free T3 and free T4 as well. You want them both higher than the low end of the range. Ask to be put on dessicated thyroid. The stuff from Canada is great. Read stopthethyroidmadness.com. If your doctor won't consider your treatment requests, fire him/her.

    Instead of just stabbing at a calorie count, have your RMR tested if you can afford it. It takes 10 minutes. Mine cost about $70.

    Weights are your friends. Lift them. Heavy ones. You may have to do cardio as well. I do. *sigh*

    Hypothyroid folks don't do well with a lot of carbs, but you don't have to actually low carb either. I do very well on South Beach.

    Finally, log as accurately as you can.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    I also have hypothroidism. I take levothyroxin daily. My weight loss has been slow, but it is coming off. I stick to my calories religiously and exercise daily. Some days hard exercise. If I go over my calories, I make myself exercise to I am either at or under. Like I said, it has been a very slow progress, but I am making headway. Maybe there is something else contributing to you troubles.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I've been on levothyroxine for years (about 15 I think). I'll admit to getting lax with taking it and I actually never could tell a difference if I took it or if I didn't (I went for months without once). I got back on when I was pregnant, as I read it was important for the health of the baby. I've been good taking it ever since. For me ... I get checked once a year and take a pill everyday and don't notice any side effects.

    I lost 50 pounds eight years ago (that time it was quick and easy), but the weight kept sneaking back on, about 5 pounds every year. I really wanted to blame something. I'm very active, and I really didn't think I could be eating THAT much that the weight kept going up. I joined MFP a few weeks ago and as soon as I started tracking I realized that I can and did eat a LOT of calories. Even though I was hitting a total burn of over 3000 calories many days, I could eat that too! Since I've been tracking and trying to keep things in control, I've been seeing the weight come off just like the numbers say they should ... I'm really hoping to keep it up and get back to my goal weight and then stay there this time.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I'm hypothyroid, but I take T4 AND T3 (both synthetic versions) replacement; on just T4 (levothyroxin) I was in the same boat as you. Some people don't convert T4 medication to the active T3 hormone, so in essence they are still hypo while being medicated. Go to stopthethyroidmadness.com , they have a bunch of information. I just took my profile pic 06-17-13 (Monday) ... I'm 5'2 and weigh between 101 and 103 lbs (petite frame, I only have a 5.5 inch wrist and a 10.5 inch neck); when I tall people I'm hypothyroid they don't believe me. It's totally possible to lose weight/fat with a thyroid issue.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Also, it's very important to take your meds on a totally empty stomach, with plain water, and not eat for an hour after; and don't take a vitamin or any other supplement within 4 hours before and after taking thyroid meds (minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium can interfere with absorbtion.) Avoid soy products like the Plague, soy interferes with thyroid hormone in both its functioning and absorption.
  • trudieobrien
    trudieobrien Posts: 10 Member
    they may have to adjust your meds, I 've had hypothyroidism for 30 years and doing the calorie (1200) and exercise thing I am losing weight, so don't dispare and get your blood checked , good luck hon
  • tonicandgin
    tonicandgin Posts: 175
    do not give up!!! i'm hypo as well and it has taken me a year and 7 months to lose 52 lbs, i work out almost every day,even my rest days i take long walks, it is very frustrating eating well almost always and working out -alot-doing everything you are supposed to, as your doctor said, and not losing or losing very slowly, its harder for us but not trying is not an option, i find that adding lifting heavy is making me feel better about how my body is looking tho the weight is still not moving or moving very very slowly, maybe you could maybe incorporate that into your plan, you will see results tho they may still not be on the scal...good luck xo
  • becky123081
    becky123081 Posts: 2 Member
    I have hyperthyroidism and graves disease. So I know how it goes to lose weight. I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago when I was pregnant with my 4 yr old. And 1 1/2 yrs ago my thyroid started to normalize and I gained 100 pounds. It is hard but possible , my total weight loss so far is 30 pounds and I have 70 more to go, but it took 1 year to lose the 30 pounds.
    You can add me as a friend if you like and we can lose it together. And I can get some tips from my brother-in-law who also has hypothyroidism as to how he lost all the weight he did.
  • samanthatate7927
    samanthatate7927 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have been dealing with Hypothyroidism for nearly 30 yrs. Now don't get depressed when I tell you that this problem with weight does not go away. Even when you reach your goal weight, you have to be on top of it. I have stopped thinking about weight loss as a primary reason to eat right and exercise. My primary reason is to get my health and fitness as a normal thing that I do and hoping the weight loss will follow. Doing nothing will not improve anything and will make things worse. Remember you might see and improvement in your measurements rather than on the scale. I once read that this lady did a walking program lost no weight but her waist measurement was reduced by 100 cm.