When I am running my milnd tells me to stop

I get started running and am doing fine, but then all of a sudden I have start thinking Im tired and have to stop. Why cause I really want to be able to do this. What can I do to stop this. I have tried telling myself that I can do this...


  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    I used to have the biggest mental block when running. Things that helped me:

    Running with a partner so we can chat.
    Focusing on breathing technique - in for 3 out for 2.

    I don't like music but some people like it because it gets their minds off things.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    You just have to push through it and tell yourself that you CAN do this and then do it! If running was easy everyone would do it! It's all about pushing yourself past your comfort zone!!!
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    You just gotta say no and keep going. I know that sounds pretty cut and dry, but it's pretty much all you can do. Try listening to music or running with a partner. Or set up goals that you wanna make. Like when I run outside I set up goals or "checkpoints" to get to.. like "Oh I'll sprint to that stop sign then walk to that tree, then jog this block etc etc".
  • Kelly_fat2fit30
    It gets better!! I promise :) I did this same thing too! What REALLY helps me is setting the alarm on my ipod touch and running for 20 or 25 minutes away from my house. Then I have NO CHOICE but to run the same distance back to my house. Also I like beating my time by a minute or so running back. Disclaimer: I despise my treadmill and if I were to even attempt this there would be I would be back to mental blocks!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Im doing the C210K. when I started I thought I had the C25K but last night I realized I had the wrong one. I have signed up for a 5K in May. So
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    One of the wisest pieces of advice about running I ever heard goes something like:

    You don't have to worry about beating the other runners. The only thing you have to beat is the little voice in your head telling you that you can't do it.

    Where do you run? If it's outside can you plan your route in advance? I can see that on a treadmill it's more tempting jsut to stop when you feel like it.

    Do you watch TV or read or listen to anything while you run? Find a programme that lasts 30 minutes (say) and get engrossed in that rather than always thinking about teh running itself.
  • Jen21878
    Jen21878 Posts: 40 Member
    I just started running myself. Always told myself I couldn't run. If I'm running on a treadmill, I just throw a towel over the time so I can't see it, throw my music on and start running. I just keep telling myself I can do it even though my legs wanna give out.

    Hoping the weather here gets warm soon b/c I want to run outside. I think being outside will be much better than looking at a TV screen or a wall.

    You can do this!!! :)

    Good Luck!!!!
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    You just gotta say no and keep going. I know that sounds pretty cut and dry, but it's pretty much all you can do. Try listening to music or running with a partner. Or set up goals that you wanna make. Like when I run outside I set up goals or "checkpoints" to get to.. like "Oh I'll sprint to that stop sign then walk to that tree, then jog this block etc etc".

    This is exactly. Set small goals about distance or time
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    stop listening, and keep running
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Its starting to warm up here and the snow is melting. I run on treadmill and then next time I run on thr track up in side, just for something different. The only thing about running up stairs is that its really hot.

    Its like as soon as my legs start to hurt then is when I start thinking I need to stop.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    What really helped me is after C25k I was hovering around 3-4 miles per run.
    One time I just went out down the road as far as I could. Then I think another person pointed out. I had no choice but to run back.

    I did 7 miles that day and it was a tipping point.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I have certain power songs on my running playlists. I strategically add them every 10 minutes or so, which is right around the time I get bored or want to start walking. When I hear a song I really like on the radio or on a Pandora station, I jot it down in a note so I can buy it later.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    after my 5K in May Im already looking for another one to do.
  • syntaxxor
    syntaxxor Posts: 86
    "My mind's telling me no, But my body, my body's telling me yes "


    Your mind will always make a million excuses, everyday, every workout, every meal. Your mind will make up some crap. This is because of the stories we tell ourselves. We tell ourselves something isn't going to be good, we tell ourselves something is going to be tiring, or hard. So our mind starts looking for escapes.

    You must realize that your body is FAR more powerful than your mind will ever allow you to realize, and your mind will quit long long before your body will.

    You just have to flip a mental switch and get after it.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    I tell myself not to stop.

    I said "Self, your mind will quit before your legs do, keep going."

    Self replied "Ok, i'll keep going." I ran 6 miles that day. Something I never thought I could do.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I get started running and am doing fine, but then all of a sudden I have start thinking Im tired and have to stop. Why cause I really want to be able to do this. What can I do to stop this. I have tried telling myself that I can do this...

    ....I'm gonna go in the opposite direction here and I'm sure to raise a few eyebrows. Not everyone was born to run. It's not the end all be all of exercise. There's no shame if you'd rather be doing another form of exercise. I'd love to be able to announce to the world that I can run a 10k ......but I've done some time on the treadmill and trails and quite frankly it sucks. BUT I have great success in other areas of workouts!! And I have found passion in other forms of exercise. So honestly it's up to you....you either REALLY want to do it or it's just not a sustainable form of exercise for you.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Music or when I feel like I want to stop I make a goal to run until "x". Many times once I get to that goal, I'm passed wanting to quit and can keep going. Another thing that works that I do on days where I just am exhausted, I'll time a one/two minute walking break than get right back to where I was. I'm also the crazy person that runs outside singing with my music. I don't think anyone can hear me and it keeps my mind off of it. Finally evaulate that you are not trying to do too much too soon with speed and length of time.
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    I am in the process of trying to run for 5km, I am getting there but find I hit "the wall" probably about 3 times a run, I find by listening to music if I concerntrate on the song or my breathing I ignore these feelings and can continue to run.
    It is hard but it can be done.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Go slower. Much, much slower. Once you're confident with completing the distance easily, then you can work on your speed.

    I do a body inventory. "Are my legs too sore to take another step? Is my breathing so hard I can't catch my breath? Is my heart going so fast I need a break? If not just keep going."
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    Its starting to warm up here and the snow is melting. I run on treadmill and then next time I run on thr track up in side, just for something different. The only thing about running up stairs is that its really hot.

    For me, running on the treadmill is *awful*, but running outside is delightful - even if it's more difficult. With the weather warming up, try and get outside. (I had my first outdoor weekday run of the year yesterday and it was wonderful - the snow melt is finally coming here in Minnesota!)

    I listen to podcasts while exercising and it really takes me to a whole different headspace - I focus on the conversation I'm listening to rather than grimly focusing on running. Maybe this can help.