Gained 2 pounds overnight???????????



  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    All that extra punctuation is heavy. ;)

    But seriously as said above: Water weight!
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    go have a poop.

    Ha, this... and while you're in the bathroom pooping, avoid the scale! don't weigh in every 12 hours...
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43
    I weigh myself every morning at the same time, right before I wake up before I drink my coffee. I never touch the scale after that.

    Only that one time in 24 hours. It helps me. When I see progress it keeps me going, if I see a fall back, I try to do extra better the next day.

    The 2 pounds overnight just threw me for a loop because I hadnt been 172 in a week. I was shocked to see that number ((yikes)) But I think it was all the salt from dinner. I bet that salted caramel cake is what did it. But it was sooooo yummy LOL
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    Sounds delicious!!
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    Yep. I find the scale amusing, but even so, I get on it too often... EXCEPT that it has allowed me to see directly that my weight fluctuates a LOT every day. Yesterday I weighed first thing in the morning, and was finally under 230! 229! Yay! Then, later in the day, I got back on the scale and it read 236.

    Seven freaking pounds! Each time, I did multiple measurements, to make sure it wasn't some quirk of my stance, etc...

    This morning? Back to 229. Yay! **laughter**

    It's just important to know that what you need to look at is the LONG TERM TREND of your weight. On any given day, you could have had too much salt, PMS, or whatever. Even if it's your weekly weigh-in day. One good "wiggle" on your timing of eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, etc..., and you are suddenly freaking out, man!

    Keep track of your trends. If it goes 3 or 4 days and stays screwy (up), think about what you're eating. If it goes 2 weeks, start worrying about making a change in what you're doing. Otherwise, take those wiggles on the scale with a grain of salt.
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    OMG I had no idea salt caused weight gain. I never watch my salt intake. That salted caramel cake alone was probably like licking a salt lick :noway:

    I do weigh myself at the same time every single morning and only the one time a day. Never more than that. I dont know if I can stop. How do you all go a week without looking at the scale? I think I would go crazy LOL :)

    Thanks everyone for making me feel better. yall are awesome!

    i added my sodium intake to my food charting so i could keep a better eye on it. Its helps alot.
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    another suggestion I have for u is to track everything, everyday. Im not sure when you started tracking but there is only a couple days completely full for all the times. I know that if I dont track everything I will think to myself, well i know its not that much calories and believe me they add up. Also make sure you are drinking the water, .. water water water. and dont be afraid to eat those exercise calories either. If you feel hungry then you probably are, and feeling hungry on a regular basis will put your body into starvation mode and you will find it nearly impossible to lose. Good Luck... we are with you on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • PoetikLuvr
    PoetikLuvr Posts: 12
    Keep your head up. My friend once gave me a vaulable tip, and I've noticed it's true.

    Stay off the scale for two to three days after your splurge day. Your body needs time to digest all the extra food. You'll find a few days later you might have gained but only a partial of a pound (maybe even a pound).

    If you get on the scale before you've had a chance to digest your intake, you will look as though you have gained a ton (and by that I mean 2-3 pounds).

    Stay off the scale until Wednesday morning, then see where you are. :wink:
    MRSCOTTRELL Posts: 5 Member
    Bump for reminder!
  • hellohope
    hellohope Posts: 1 Member
    This post was so helpful to me too. I had the same issue had a very intense workout yesterday quite sure that burned around 600. Ate light the whole day then at night ate two slices of cheese pizza and today woke up with two extra pounds. Thanks to your post and replies feel better. I should not have weight my self today and should had weight for my usual weigh in Saturday. Now I know tons of water and little salt :).
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Daily weighing *yawn
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member

    just the standard fluctuations due to water weight


    giphy.gif thread
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Weight fluctuates daily. Don't weigh every day. Once a week is plenty often.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member


  • p_s1984
    p_s1984 Posts: 30 Member
    I make the mistake of weighing myself daily too. Last week my friend made me some Albondiga soup ( Mexican meatball soup) I ate about 4 cups, roughtly 1000-1200 calories and I gained 3 pounds for 3 days!! I was so upset and disappointed at myself :( But I persevered. I ate clean again and continued working out and I lost the weight again :) Some foods just settle really heavy in your stomach or have ALOT of sodium! Once you digest what you ate you should be fine :) If you want to get rid of the water weight do some cardio or have a detox smoothie for a meal :) Good luck!!!
  • enadolny1
    Put your scale away and only take it out one day a week it is hard at first, but you can see results better when you don't weigh in every day. As I learned the hard way, if you eat out, take two days of lots of water to catch up before weighing in again.
  • Endiecna
    Endiecna Posts: 1 Member
    This post helped me feel better about my 2lb gain. I ate kinda crappy the last two days (I'm on my period) and told myself I wouldn't weigh myself until MAYBE next week but curiousity got to me and I stepped on the scale and it was 2 lbs heavier than Friday. I was a bit upset and logically I knew it was probably sodium or PMS induces but it was still upsetting. Read through this and I feel a lot better. ^_^ Definitely think I'll be waiting a week to step back on it. XD
  • MagdalenDreams
    DONT WORRY! It isn't fat! It's probably just water or something dumb! The only way you gained fat is if you ate 7,000 calories OVER your calories needed to maintain your current weight.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Getting on the scale every day leads to anxiety, depression, and feelings of a loss of self control. I wouldn't touch the scale no more than once per week. Additionally, if you are going to continue to get on the scale every day, you really need to do research on water retention, glycogen, cortisol, and how your body deals with these things. It will give you all of the answers so that you aren't jumping on that scale blind. The scale is an accessory, but not an indicator of where you are fitness or even weight wise. It is a snapshot for that moment in time as you are standing on it. An hour later it could be completely different. Remember that.
    For SOME People. I weigh every day, which is how I know about fluctuations due to salt, PMS, etc... depends on the person. For me, weighing daily is not stressful, nor do I feel out of control.

    I'm a nerd- I like my numbers and excel charts. I weigh myself AM and PM. it's okay if it isn't running your life.