any of you lost your weight and gained it back??



  • jendarlin
    jendarlin Posts: 184 Member
    I am guilty as well. I lost over 70 lbs originally, then I got news we were being relocated out state for my husbands job. The stresses involved with that , house selling, and everything that goes along with it got the best of me and I just completely gave up. I gained over 30lbs so here I am trying to get that back off now. I don't really have any advice for you, but I am just taking it one day at a time and am telling myself that next time there is stress I cannot lose control! :smile:
  • luvinna
    luvinna Posts: 50 Member
    I lost 39 pounds back in 2009-10 by doing what I'm doing now: exercising more and paying attention to what and how much I eat (but without the logging on a website).

    I gained most of the weight back because I stopped exercising as much and stopped paying attention to what and how much I eat.

    So now I'm starting over and since I have an easy way to keep track of this stuff now, I plan to continue logging even after I reach my goal.
  • ToLOVEmyself26
    ToLOVEmyself26 Posts: 19 Member
    Started this back after I graduated in 2010 was 254 and that was my highest at the time(262 is my highest now).Lost about 30lbs had a lot of stuff happen all at once near the end of 2011 gained it all back then decided to get back to it again. Lost 14 lbs 15 inches more stuff happened gained it all back again. I've been up and down with my weight loss for a long time now really and what I'm learning this time around is that I have to take it one day at a time and not keep looking at the big picture cause it over whelms me then I fail that much quicker. OH can't deprive myself or I fail again so everything in moderation.And when I feel like stress/binge eating I go on a walk/do some sort of exercise or journal how I am feeling. Journaling everything has helped me so much that its part of my routine for the end of the day now and I feel so much better after I do so.:)
  • Cinnamonhuskies
    Cinnamonhuskies Posts: 78 Member
    I lost 42 lbs and kept it off for 3 yrs until i went on Zoloft...gah! I gained 50 lbs in a year's' time struggling to diet and exercise as well. I finally went off it completely in October, and my weight finally started dropping in January. Hopefully i can get it all off this year and manage stress without meds.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I lost 46 pounds 10 years ago. About 3 years ago my work life became very stressful and I gained 35 of it back. In July 2012 I hated the way I looked and felt and wanted to do something about it. i made some good changes and lost 35 pounds but lost momentum during the holidays and gained 4 back. It would have been really easy to gain the rest of the weight back.

    In February I decided I AM going to change. What I'm doing differently is that I've made up my mind that there is absolutely no going back and I pack my gym bag every night before I go to bed and give myself no room for excuses the next morning. Since Valentine's day I've lost 9 for a total loss of 40. I also decided that my gym time would be more focused and driven. I started C25K, which I love. I do it on the elliptical instead of the treadmill so I don't have the impact. I also do strength training every day, alternating upper and lower body. As a result of that I'm down from the upper side of size 14 to a 12!

    When it comes right down to it, it's all about mindset. You have to get your thoughts on the right track and not let anything derail you. I have days when I'd rather crawl back in bed but I've learned that once I start moving, I feel better. Good Luck!
  • Xannthippe
    Xannthippe Posts: 126 Member
    Well, this is my third time back down the totem pole. In college I ballooned to 250 pounds. Lost it down to 180 I think. A couple years later, I met the love of my life and ballooned back up to 280 (max weight). Lost down to 170. Had a medical issue and stopped exercising for a year...stopped myself when I hit 225. On my way back down right now, currenly 201. All I can say is don't give up, keep getting back on that horse. And forgive yourself. It happens. Good luck!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    don't make your exercise program based on a perfect model of what SHOULD be done. what is the minimum to be done?
    what fits in your schedule? where and when, with anyone? you need a basic simple plan to stick to when you're really busy.
    workouts that are quick and effective, so fun and quick there's no excuse of I don't have time or I don't want to. and then more workouts for when you have more time. and keep changing it up so you always look forward to your meals, workouts, the future.

    This, along with what others have said - find an exercise routine that you LIKE! And keep it effective. I hate the dreadmill, so why slave away at it?? I also found a sport I love - rugby. It's my motivation to keep pushing myself to get in better shape - faster, stronger. I was 50lb heavier when I started playing less than 3 years ago. For a while I was worried, what would happen once I stopped playing - what would be my motivation then?? Will I just gain it all back? I've realized now, it's not all about that. It's about me and my health. When I don't play anymore, I'll have time to do all the other things I don't have time for now - canoeing, kayaking, hiking, racquetball, etc. And who knows what else I'll find then!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Yup -- once. And it better only be once. I lost 25 lbs here last year (healthfully, too -- no crash diets or unsustainable exercise plans), and gained it all back due to stress/sugar binges. That's my demon to fight, and I don't have an easy answer on that one. But I've got some good external motivation right now...I want to get pregnant again, and I have a back injury. I gained 25 lbs during my first pregnancy, so I figure to make a pregnancy as easy as possible on my back, I need to lose 25 lbs NOW. Then because I developed gestational diabetes during the last pregnancy, I'll need to watch my diet closely...maybe living healthfully and avoiding the sugar binges for someone else (the child I hope for) for that long will make it easier to continue afterwards. I hope so...4 lbs down, 21(ish) to go.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I signed up in April 2011. I started at 180 lbs. Somehow, through reduced calorie eating, I dropped to 162-64 and basically stayed there. And stayed there. And stayed there. Got bored & frustrated, fell off the wagon.

    Came back early summer last year at around 179-180 lbs. Couldn't make it on 1200 calories, said to myself, "Self? Screw it!" and resumed normal, unhealthy lifestyle.

    Slipped on the ice in early January and smacked my head pretty good. Went to the doctor and jumped on the scale and when it shrieked, "ONE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO POUNDS" that was my wake up call.

    Started out the usual way - 1200 calories a day, walking/learning to get my jog on, was hungry, cranky and tired. Thought, " we go again, this is not going to be sustainable for me."

    What's different this time? I started seeing acronyms like "TDEE" and "BMR" and didn't know what they meant. This time around I was more bored at work than I was the first two times and actually perused the forums a lot more. Found "In Place of a Road Map" and read. And read some more.

    On top of that? I found an exercise that I love even more than swimming - lifting weights. THIS will keep me motivated, because in just the six weeks I have been picking up heavy things and putting them down again? I have seen a marked improvement in my body composition. It is very liberating to lift that big ol' bar with the plates on it and know that it's going to not only be fun, but make me look and feel GREAT. Ok...that and it gives me a license to eat, too, LOL..I'm only what? 75 days in this go'round, but hey...I'm running my first 5K mud run (hopefully - I injured my back and am temporarily benched) on 4/13, and this is something I would NEVER have considered doing, even though I am not a huge fan of running, LOL...
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I lost 18lbs before and for whatever reason, just stopped caring and gained it back. I am working harder than ever and up to almost 17lbs. I think this time I will realize who easy it is to gain the weight back and how hard it is to get it back off. I feel disappointed that I could be up to at least double where I am now but I know that doesn't solve anything. I just keep working hard and doing what I need to in order to be happier and healthier. And I have a long way to go so I worry about this all the time.
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    yes I have.
    In 2011 I lost 62 lbs and everywhere I went people noticed. I have a very public job so I heard how good I was looking at least twice a day.
    Then my world fell apart. I hung on for a long time and tried to stay on plan but finally gave up. 9 people.. family members, a dog & friends died and I was caretaker to 2 of them at the same time - my mom and my best friend. They both died a month apart. Im lucky I didnt lose my mind.
    Anyway I comfort ate my way back up. Im now around 20lbs under my highest weight and its a biggie.
    I cant seem to do it now and Im so ashamed. My work uniforms will barely zip.
    Im trying to get my head where it needs to be.
    I know thats the first step.
    Good luck to you my friend, its tough till' it clicks.
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    I have about 4 pounds that I fight with. When I start to eat more calories the 4 pounds comes back quick. But, when I eat really lean I can get it off pretty quickly but, getting below that has not happened yet. Not sure what to do
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I am pretty passionate about this so excuse me for my usual long winded response. Yes, I have gained my weight back...more than once. Last time I went on a weight loss journey, I lost 100 pounds. I did it using Nutrisystem. Unlike most people, I don't blame Nutrisystem's lack of "real life food" for my gain. The fault was all mine. Back then, I was at a point in my life where I didn't cook, didn't know how, and wasn't really interested in learning. I also never allowed myself to deviate from my plan even one millimeter. I was absolutely perfect for almost a year. Like others have mentioned, I started to let what others had to say get the better of me. People would tell me that I had lost too much weight or that I needed to eat more and before I got down to my goal weight (which was set unreasonably low) I started to let myself have some little indulgences. I was tired, worn out by my super strict diet and unreasonable expectations, and sick of never just getting to eat the way everyone else did. I also was never happy with my weight because I still hadn't reached my goal, so even though I had lost 100 pounds, I couldn't bring myself to even celebrate my accomplishments because to me, I just still wasn't there. Because I hadn't had anything off my plan for so long, once I opened that door, it was almost impossible to close it. That food tasted good. Sitting around at home was easy and I started to do more and more of that and before long, I had gained back ALL of my weight, even plus a few pounds. Though I not only felt terrible about myself and that I had erased all of that hard work that I had done, but I was MORTIFIED that everyone that saw me lose the weight had a front row seat as it all came back on. I sat in this miserable place for around three years. It was really hard because now, I knew what I was capable of and what it would take to get there. It was so hard knowing how much work I would have to put in to lose that weight again. It was hard remembering how much physically easier it was to just do normal everyday tasks. But probably the hardest thing was the reaction I got from others. You would think when someone weighs over 250 pounds that the last thing they would feel like is invisible, but that's exactly how I felt. Just like before I lost the weight, I shrunk back into the shadows and it was like some people couldn't even see me at all. People, especially men, wouldn't even look me in the eye and because I was so embarrased about my weight, I wasn't exactly meeting anyone's glance myself. I felt horrible. I wanted to change. I wanted to be healthy and fit and happy. But I didn't want to give up my lifestyle to do it. In the spring of 2012 I was in my last year of school towards my bachelor's degree. I was going to be graduating in the fall and had decided to go to Florida for the ceremony (it was an online program). When I thought about how uncomfortable I was going to be down there, not just meeting new people, but just on the plane and getting around in general, it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I didn't want to have to squeeeeze into my plane seat and make whoever was unfortunate enough to have to sit next to me uncomfortable. I didn't want to be embarrased to put on a swim suit or go to a theme park. But most importantly, I didn't want to be remembered as that big fat girl from Wisconsin when I finally met all my teachers and classmates. I made a plan and decided that I was going to try and do this with some moderation this time. I actually started on the exact same day that I did the last time (March 1st)! As I went along, my plan got stricter and stricter as I learned more and more about diet and exercise. This time I did everything on my own and made it my job to learn as much as I could about health and fitness. As I started to lose weight and feel better, I became more and more passionate. I made sure to be happy and celebrate every milestone and pound because I was on my way to a healthier and happier me. I vowed to NEVER forget how it felt to be that sad, heavy, defeated person and also to promise myself that I would NEVER become her again! Right before I was to go down to my graduation, I weighed in at 100 pounds lost again! THIS time, I was proud of myself and could not be happier with how far I had come. One of the biggest things that was different is that I tried really hard to stop myself from thinking in an "all or nothing" kind of attitude. I could have a treat here or there and it would be ok. I could have a rest day or two and know that it didn't mean that I was going to gain all my weight back. The most important thing was that if I slipped up or made a mistake, I didn't tell myself, "well, I messed up, so I might as well just let everything go all to hell!" like I used to. This time no matter what happened, I NEVER let myself give up. I still haven't. The last time I lost the weight, at this point in the journey, I was tired and not knowing how much longer I could hold on. Now, I could not be more passionate, motivated, and enthused about my health and my fitness. THIS time, I feel like I could go on like this forever...and I plan to.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Holy Cow! I guess I didn't even realize how much I had typed there untill I hit send... Sorry guys!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Holy Cow! I guess I didn't even realize how much I had typed there untill I hit send... Sorry guys!
    But it's a wonderful story; thank you for sharing. :-)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Re: OP's question. Yes.

    What did I do wrong? I stopped caring about intake, and decided to opt for gourmet fun.

    What am I doing different right now? Not going overboard.
  • Bmoviemama
    yup, lost 90 and gained 70 of it back :( working on this again. Expert level !!
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I've gone my whole life seemingly on a diet. My first big loss was 7 years ago doing Atkins. Lost 70 lbs but gained it all back once I started eating carbs. This is how I hope MFP will work for me this time around. I can eat pretty much what I want, just by eating at a deficit.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Every time.

    What did I do wrong? Lost the weight the wrong way first of all, by starving myself half to death. Then when I hit goal I started eating 'normal' again, only I was famished so I didn't stop eating until I was stuffed and sick.

    What am I doing different this time? Well I got the weight off without half killing myself (still going to probably drop another ten pounds but not fussed about doing it quickly or anything). Low carb was helping with cravings, to be honest I thought I had that monster beat. However with Spring allergy season has come some really fierce cravings that low carb doesn't touch.

    Fortunately I have MFP to help keep me out of denial about what and how much I'm eating. I didn't really count calories before, not on any regular basis, much less know how many I should get to lose or maintain. So at least if I go nuts one day now I can cut back another day to make up for it. I've even started a weight loss/maintenance program designed around this. Although I'm sure the creators didn't have my love for cake and ice cream in mind when they came up with it.

    Which brings me to something that I've learned while losing with MFP and that hopefully I will apply often to the rest of my life: If something works, do it. If it stops working, find something else that does work. And if you find something that works even better, do that. But don't give up.

    I'm going to stay on MFP and keep logging my food long after I hit the lowest weight I'm willing to hit. Hopefully this will be the last time I ever need to make the long climb back down the scale.
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    3 years ago I did Jenny Craig. I lost 35 lbs and have since gained it back and some. Its been so gradual but it seems like I woke up one day and I was fat again.